Your Testosterone Estrogen Ratio

Remember those chem lab days.  Well, if you do, you may remember that sometimes the concentration of a solvent or chemical is more important than the absolute amount of the same.  What I remember even more is getting kicked solidly in the right buttock by my 8th grade chem teacher for goofing around with chemicals in the laboratory, but that's another story.

Again, though, the concentration is often critical and this hold true in the hormonal world as well.  For example, researchers recently found that it is the ratio of testosterone to estrogen that determines prostate cancer health more than total testosterone.

So what is a good T/E ratio?  A solid number for a 20 year old male is 30-40 with some guys shooting near 50.  Of course, some would argue that a T/E ratio that high makes it to where most guys can't think straight.  Regardless, youthful testosterone-to-estrogen ratios are quite high and are certainly ideal in terms of maintaining male health. A healthy, youthful testosterone/estrogen ratio is about 50:1

Of course, the problem is that guys, as they age, find this all-important testosterone to estrogen ratio steadily decreasing to sometimes even the single digits. The situation seems hopeless because all males find their testosterone simultaneously decreasing and their estrogen increasing.  This is assaulting our T/E fraction in both numerator and denominator:  you've got the numerator decreasing while the denominator is increasing.  Quite the "double whammy", eh?

What causes these rapid changes on both top and bottom in the negative direction.  Well, some of it is aging.  Males just naturally lose a little testosterone as they age due to mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA and oxidative damage and so on.  However, one of the greatest culprits is the extra pounds around our middle. Extra fat pumps out more aromatase which in turn pumps out more estrogen into our system. 


Does Drinking Milk Cause Acne?

Is There a Link Between Dairy and Acne?

We've heard it over and over again: your diet does not cause acne. However, there are a handful of doctors who believe that what we eat may indeed affect our skin. And they're not pointing fingers at chocolate and potato chips, but instead at milk. That's right -- the wholesome drink that we've always considered healthy is at the center of an acne controversy.

Researchers claim to have found a correlation between milk intake and the incidence of acne. It seems milk drinkers develop more severe acne than non-milk drinkers. One study, published in the May 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, looked at the diets of teenaged boys. The young men who drank the most milk also tended to have the worst acne.

This supports the results of previous studies, during which teenage girls were asked to keep food diaries and monitor breakout activity. Again, girls whose diets were rich in dairy products had more severe acne than the rest.

Of all dairy products, milk was the worst offender. Chocolate milk, cottage cheese, and sherbet also had a negative effect on the skin. But other dairy products didn't seem to cause breakouts.

 DMSO (Dimethyl sulfoxide)



Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was first synthesized in 1866 by the Russian scientist Dr. Alexander Saytzeff, who reported his findings in a German chemistry journal in 1867. From there DMSO languished unnoticed in obscurity for 81 years! After World War II, chemists began to take note of the remarkable versatility of DMSO. DMSO is basically a solvent made from the sap of trees (woodpulp). They noticed it could dissolve almost anything and carry it in solution.

In the 1960s, medical research with DMSO showed it could not only dissolve substances, but it could also penetrate human skin and carry the dissolved substances along with it! This is remarkable, because human skin is impenetrable to most substances.

Pure DMSO freezes at room temperature (picture)

Carb Cycling.

This approach allows the athlete to either gain maximum muscle mass without gaining too much fat (sometimes a slight fat loss is even possible) or to get into contest shape while maintaining (or even gaining) muscle mass. The strategy is actually not complicated and it's the most effective way to diet

The Logic Behind the System

There are two inevitable truths when it comes to building muscle or losing fat:

1) To increase body mass you need to consume more calories than you use.

2) To lose body fat you need to consume fewer calories than you use.

Obviously, the type of food you ingest will have an important impact on the end result. If the bulk of your calories come from junk food, chances are you'll end up gaining more fat than muscle. Similarly, if the quality of your food intake is low while dieting, chances are you'll end up losing more muscle tissue.


Methandriol Dipropionate

Substance: methylandrostenediol dipropionate

This compound was first manufactured in the early 80’s as an oral tablet, it also comes as an injectable, dragees which are intended for subglossal intake ( Novandrol from Galenika) and as a water dissolved compound (Methyldiol Aqueous).It was widely used by strongman, powerlifters, bodybuilders and lets not forget other bulk users such as wrestlers and foot ballplayers. Even here, users found out that it was beneficial to combine the oral MD with other steroids. After  a short period other compounds became more popular and MD seemed to be forgotten. But not in Australia and New Zealand where a lot of veterinary steroids like: Androbol® Denkadiol® Drive® Filybol® Filydoc® Geldabol® Libriol® Metabolin® Methandriol® Metasus® Nandrobolin® Protabol® Spectriol® Superbolin® Tribolin “75” ®, used for animal vetting, contained this magical component. Its purpose here was weight and mass gain. It was very popular in Australia and New Zealand because it was much more easily procured than anabolic/androgenic compounds for human use. Some users claim that MD actually increases cell receptor stimulation, and sensitising  the androgenic receptors of the muscle cell  and cause other steroids to work better at the site of cell binding. Others claim that it “cleans” the steroid receptors, wich of course is impossible, no such mechanism is known, what it does do is bind very tightly to the steroid binding globules in the blood stream, displacing other, more effective, in the stack added steroids, and possible amplifying them. That is probably why it's included. in some form, in a lot of combination drugs. That is not to say that it is a weak steroid on its own. It certainly is not. Methandriol on itself is a high anabolic, high androgenic steroid. It is used for strength and weight gains. On its own it is highly estrogenic, wich means that it doesn’t need the enzyme aromatase to convert to oestrogen, but it is estrogenic by nature. In a stack or combined steroid cocktail it is only moderate estrogenic. But it is still not very popular on its own. Most products contain methandriol dipropionate in a combined cocktail, only Denkall Mexicana, a vendor of Troy Laboratories from Australia, sells  a product that contains only methandriol dipropionate 75mg/ml. This gave US athletes the opportunity to create their own magic. Athletes predisposed to gyno could consider to add Proviron® or Clomid® to their stack as a estrogen blocker. Some lifters feel it works well stacked with injectable testosterones. Actual visible side effects are mild in this drug. The injectable form is only slightly toxic. The most common side effects come from the androgenic portion of the drug and can produce mild acne, oily skin, body and facial hair growth as well as hair loss and high blood pressure. Some report gastrointestinal stress. Overall it's a pretty clean drug in the side effect department.

Priming: Preparing for an AAS Growth Spurt

Frequently, athletes research how to better layout an anabolic-androgenic steroid cycle, as well as proper post cycle therapy for making the transition back to a natural training state. Unfortunately, many neglect another component for a successful AAS cycle : maximizing the time spent on using pre-cycle therapy, better know as “priming”

What is priming?

Priming is a preparatory method used to create a favorable growth environment so an AAS cycle can maximize muscle gains. The goal of priming is to make an athletes system very sensitive to increased calories, greater training intensity and elevated anabolic hormones. Psychologically, a trainee should feel pent up and ready to move heavy loads.

Priming should be done before every cycle – no matter the athlete’s previous AAS cycle experience. If completed correctly, priming will lead to very quick and dramatic results. Because of the faster results, cycle duration can also be cut back to make coming off and restoring proper hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis functioning easier, for a faster recovery of the body’s endogenous androgen production.

 Hcg For The Treatment Of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or hCG, is perhaps best known as either a fertility drug used to facilitate ovulation, or as an agent used by bodybuilders during or after a cycle of anabolic steroids (AAS) to help maintain or restore testicular function. It is well known that anabolic steroids suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis, preventing testicular Leydig cells from producing the body’s normal complement of testosterone, and leading to what is generally a temporary, reversible testicular shrinkage. The goal of the AAS using athlete or bodybuilder is to bring natural testosterone production back up to normal as quickly as possible after a steroid cycle, so as to maintain strength and size gains made during the cycle, and to avoid sexual dysfunction associated with low testosterone levels.

HCG is not produced in males; rather it is a hormone of human pregnancy secreted by cells of the fetal placenta shortly after the implantation of a fertilized ovum in the female womb. The hCG thus produced causes the female body to produce copious amounts of progesterone and estrogen. The high levels of progesterone maintain the function and growth of the endometrium, preventing menstruation. Clearly if menstruation were to occur, the pregnancy would be terminated. Thus hCG is critical for maintaining pregnancy.

HCG is capable of carrying out these functions because it is structurally similar to the naturally produced hormone LH, or luteinizing hormone. Similar enough in fact that it binds strongly to the body’s LH receptor, mimicking the actions of LH. During the normal menstrual cycle LH secreted by the pituitary ultimately leads to the maintenance of the endometrium. However if pregnancy fails to occur, LH levels decline during the cycle and the endometrium degenerates, leading to menstruation.

Anabolic Oral Steroids and the Liver

Liver damage is probably the most sensationalized of all possible side effects from oral steroid use. The media often focuses on this particular problem as if it occurs with every steroid, and in every person who takes them. Nothing could be further than the truth. Most anabolic steroids which are ingested orally pass through the liver, which functions as the body´s filtration system. When something goes through the liver, it is broken down by various enzymes, and passed along into the bloodstream. Most research on orally administered anabolic steroids focus on the fact that liver enzymes are elevated following ingestion. But does this necessarily mean that the liver is being damaged, does it? Of course not. All Oral Steroids put stress on the liver. So does alcohol, prescription drugs, asprin and physical conditions lile overweight/obesity.

Understanding Esters, Steroid Active-Life and Half-Life


First all these numbers and calculations are debatable. Scientific research showed that all numbers are influenced by the injection spot (shoulder or butt Organon) the depot volume (same research). Ciba showed that your metabolism rate is also very important how much active ingredients is used or excreted, if you use T3 your excretion increases, probably the same is true for ephedrine, coffein, clenbuterol etc. Swedish research showed that the carrier, solvent, co-solvent etc is from major importance. The Nebido research confirmed this. Read more here:


Anyone new to steroids may be wondering what this means, even some experienced steroid users may also be wondering what this means. So here in simple terms you can read and hopefully understand all about steroid half life's and what this term means.

Basically every drug has a half life, steroids included. If for example, you were to inject 1000mg of testosterone cypionate once weekly, for 10 weeks, how would you know when you were "off"? Would you be "off" when you had finished your last dose? You would be able to calculate this from the half life of testosterone cypionate . The half life of testosterone cypionate is around 12 days. This means that 12 days from your last shot of 1000mg of testosterone cypionate (Time to start PCT ? You decide.), your blood levels of testosterone cypionate will contain 500mg of the steroid . Another 12 days from then, i.e. 24 days from last dose, your blood levels will contain 250mg of the steroid . This amount then keeps halving every 12 days. At 48 days (almost 2 months) from your last dose, your blood levels will still contain 67.5mg of testosterone cypionate .

Oral – liquid and injectable d-bol ( Dianabol, methandrostenolone, methandiënone).

Everyone has a favorite, a favorite moviestar, a favorite song etc, we bodybuilders also have favorite exercises, musclegroups. But we also have favorite steroids. Me, I like Dianabol (methandrostenolone/methandiënenone). Its an old saying:  “if you can’t grow on d-bol and test, you can’t grow on anaything”. Even if Arnold swore on the combo Deca/D-bol, I prefer the combo Test/Dbol. Everyone reacts different on the diverse cycles and means, its induvidual, just like taste.

I posted the cited article on Methandrostenolone here:  // .

There I also posted this exerpt from the first patent application for 1-dehydrotestosterones which resulted in studies with these new compounds. The scientists from CIBA described a way to manufacture 1 ml ampoules of oil based methandrostenolone for injections. It is pretty obvious that the CIBA scientists studied the results of this new injectable.

Lets take a side step to clarify what I wanna tell you.

Boldenone was  created while chemists where attempting to create a long acting injectable Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). A simple way to think of Boldenone, chemically at least, is that it is  Dianabol without the 17-alpha-methyl group (that´s what makes Dianabol able to be ingested orally without being destroyed by the first pass trough the liver).  Its shows how even the smallest modification of the chemical structure can completely change a steroids properties.  Boldenone is a 1-dehydro derivative of testosterone. Boldenone with an undecyclenate ester has been sold as a veterinary preparation under the brand name Equipoise. Everybody that knows about these compounds knows that Bodenone undecylenate is completely different from Dianabol, which on its turn is completely different from injectable Dianabol.