Again an old set of analyses, because I strongly believe that history keep repeating itself througout the years, That why I'll post sets of analyses to enable you to compare.

There is no question about it. Underground steroid products make up the dominant share of the global steroid business now. What was once a market largely fed by real prescription drugs, is now one where small-scale underground manufacturing and home brewing operations thrive. The underground market does accomplish one very substantial thing – it allows the very large demand for these drugs to be met. It will be the first to admit, that were it not for the underground aspect of this trade, there would be far fewer drugs in commerce, and far fewer people with access to them. But this article is not about the availability of underground steroids. It is about their safety.

The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk

 A glass of milk can contain a cocktail of up to 20 painkillers, antibiotics and growth hormones, scientists have shown.

Using a highly sensitive test, they found a host of chemicals used to treat illnesses in animals and people in samples of cow, goat and human breast milk.

The doses of drugs were far too small to have an effect on anyone drinking them.

But the results highlight how man-made chemicals are now found throughout the food chain, the highest quantities of medicines were found in cow’s milk.

Researchers believe some of the drugs and growth promoters were given to the cattle, or got into milk through cattle feed or contamination on the farm.

Giant legs

If you have been around the Iron Game for a while, there is one name that comes instantly to mind when people discuss leg training. That name is Tom Platz. “The Golden Eagle” is widely regarded as having the most massively muscular legs in the history of bodybuilding. His thighs measured a whopping 35 inches and were shredded to the bone. Tom’s muscle building program that created those unforgettable wheels revolved around one exercise and one exercise only; the barbell squat. If you want to add some serious mass to your legs you had better familiarize yourself with this exercise in a hurry.

Since the quads typically have a very wide variance of muscle fiber types you can use a great range of reps in your quest to build pillar sized legs. Often times, Tom and other lifters with notoriously huge legs, would go as high as fifty reps per set on squats. When I was young and painfully skinny, high rep squats were one of the most effective discoveries I ever made and helped me and my brother pack on size faster than anything we had ever tried to date. The old 20 rep squat programs from the golden era of the Iron Game made a massive man of many a skinny boy.

Although high rep squatting leads to massive and rapid gains, I usually recommend starting with a few heavy sets in the 4-8 range first. Sometimes I even add in a set of 10-15 after the heavy sets, and finally finish with one all out set of 20 (and sometimes 30-50). When you use this rep scheme you ensure that you hit all fiber types and stimulate the greatest amount of muscle growth possible.

 HELIOS injectable liposuction.

Helios was originally developed by an idea from the legendary body-building guru Dan Duchaine.   Hard Core Labs (HCL) is selling this extremely potent solution on the bodybuilding market. The ingredients (Clenbuterol and Yohimbine HCL) are forbidden in almost every country, as well as administration via injection. This is only allowed by a doctor or medical trained nurse. But this form of administration is also the best way for spot reduction.

The art of spot reduction.

When you begin a diet, you may notice that you lose fat very unevenly on your body. The areas you don't wish to concentrate your fat loss seem to be most responsive to the restriction of calories. On the other hand, the areas you desire to shed fat seem to be unaffected by the diet. In women, the breasts may be shrinking, while the lower body remains as fat as it was. In men, even if the waist is getting smaller, the abs are not getting any more visible. Why put your body through a tough and often unhealthy diet if unwanted inches of fat remain? What we want is a specifically targeted fat loss, but we are told that spot reduction is impossible! Is this true?

To bulk-up – or not to bulk-up – that’s the question

Whether one should cut down first and then bulk up, or whether one should bulk up first and then cut down is the topic of much debate in bodybuilding. Other bodybuilders like to keep their weight and body fat percentage stabile year round.

 Most articles you read in the magazines or on the net are written for the general individual guy, but the culprit is that everyone is different. We all have a different body-composition, body-shape, fat distribution and somatype. That also includes that everyone has a different ability to gain muscle or worse to gain fat.

A lot of it's down to genetics as well. Your genetics determine how many fat cells you start off with, everyone starts with a different amount, ectomorphs won't have as many fat cells as natural endomorphs.

 There's also the matter of distribution. If you're genetically disposed to have lots of fat in the stomach area, you'll have a harder time getting abs than somebody with their fat distributed evenly all over their body. The most obvious genetic difference is between the two sexes. Men are prone to bellies and love handles (apple shape), were as women are more prone to getting big thighs and butts (pear shape).

You can follow the general guidelines but once you notice they don’t work for you adapt your steroid cycle, your training scheme or calorie intake. We all need to experiment to find out what really works for US.


We all know guys that can eat and drink what ever they like but don’t gain any fat, they make me jealous. On the other hand these guys are mostly hardgainers and have also much trouble building muscle. Also read our articles about somatypes: //

More then 70% of what we eat is burned by our muscles, even in rest. So even when you are not develop any activity our muscles burn calories (Energy Expenditure at Rest). Only a small part of our caloric intake is used as energy to move or exercise. The more muscles you have the more calories you burn while resting.

We also covered part of it here: //

Ther are more ways of loosing weight with help of thermogenic supplements drugs like T3, clenbuterol or medication like phentermine etc. Also injectable compounds to loose stubbern fat on specific places like "Helios" will covered in other articles in the fatloss catagory thus keep an eye open for future articles.

Unfortunaly there are no shortcuts to fat reduction or to achieving a toned and sculpted body. Long term results can only be achieved by following an integrated bodybuilding and nutrition plan; in doing so you will reduce your body fat percentage and increase lean muscle mass.

 You should not be so concerned with weight loss as it is more about body shape and it is the increase in lean muscle (which is heavier than fat) that plays a key part in any fat loss program.

 10 Nutritional Mistakes Bodybuilders Make


This article is to show bodybuilders the various nutritional mistakes we make, and how to repair these problems to get better performance. Avoiding these blunders will help you get stronger, have fewer injuries, and ensure you stick around on this planet a little longer. Below are the top 10 nutritional mistakes that will keep you from reaching your ultimate potential in bodybuilding:

On our forum we have a catagory that is called  "eyecandy" . It is our expirience that members after posting and reading about the diverse aspects of their favorite lifestyle. Like to raise their testosterone level by looking at the  diverse threads on "eyecandy", like butts - muscular - fitness etc etc. Some threads have more hits then very time consuming and expensive articles about analytical reserach. Thus we will update this article with news and yes... movies about sexy girls..

Combo Weight Loss Pill Fights Cravings and Appetite

An experimental obesity drug that combines the antidepressant bupropion and the addiction drug naltrexone reduces body weight by 5% or more after one year when combined with healthy diet and regular exercise, according to a new report published online in The Lancet.

If approved, the new drug may be the right choice for dieters who get waylaid by their food cravings because it taps into the brain’s craving and reward system in addition to curbing appetite. An FDA advisory panel is slated to review the drug, called Contrave, on Dec. 7. Manufacturer Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc. funded the new study.

In the 56-week study, participants received a high dose of the combination pill, a low dose, or a placebo twice a day. They were also advised to eat a low-calorie diet and engage in regular exercise. Those who took the higher dose of the new pill lost 6.1% of their body weight, while those who received the lower dose shed 5% of their body weight. By contrast, those people in the placebo group lost 1.3% of their body weight.

Fully 34% of people who took the high dose of the drug lost at least 10% of their body weight, compared with 11% who received the place


When it comes to packing on muscle quickly, the fastest way to do that involves being in a slight calorie surplus. But many people take this to mean, “Just eat” and eat lots and don’t worry about it.

If You’ve Been Told:

  • eat everything you can to gain weight
  • eat, eat and eat some more
  • eating anything is faster than eating clean
  • just eat damn it!
  • don’t worry about getting fat on a bulk, it’s normal

Then you NEED to read the rest of this article. You’ve been told some bad advice by people who probably don’t realize that gaining all that extra fat just won’t go away. What’s that? You can’t just burn it off later? Or take these common examples…

Sadly, the skinny guy or gal, is still skinny but has a nice layer of stomach fat. Not exactly the bulking they were hoping for when they were told to eat everything under the sun. Or the average guy, starts lifting heavy and couldn’t be bothered with nutrition. He/She just knows to EAT and eat lots and notices their strength going up but they are a bit fatter. But don’t care. That’s what it’s about. They think “I’ll cut later and burn all this fat off later.”