
To determine if your cycle is working efficiently or if the doses you are taking are appropriate for you as an individual, it is crucial to run bloodwork and testing. These 15 tests should be run pre-cycle, mid-cycle, and post-recovery. Some of these may need to be retested several times if they have shown problematic results. Running these tests is the only way to evaluate your cycles effect medically and adequately on your body's inner workings. Meaning that there is more to consider than just progress pictures or measuring tape and the scale. There are more tests that can and should be run, but you should consider these 15 tests mandatory.

If you are here, chances are that you have an interest in building or enhancing your physique. Therefore, there is a chance that you have heard of Testosterone, specifically Testosterone Cypionate (Test C, or Test Cyp). So what is Testosterone Cypionate? Test Cypionate is the most common anabolic hormone out there. It is an injectable steroid, and a prescription medication that treats hypogonadism (low testosterone production). Test Cypionate is one of the best mass building anabolic known to man and is highly recommended as the basis of nearly any mass building cycle.
So, you want to be the best? The biggest? The baddest? You want to be a freak? You want people to stare and think how TF is this guy so big? You want women to drop to their knees? 
Let’s be honest with ourselves then. You didn’t get where you are today on genetics alone. Those other dudes at the gym, the bodybuilding champions, or the guys in the magazines didn’t get there on their genetics either. In order to become the best, biggest, baddest freak you need to put everything aside and WORK FOR IT. And when you think you’re working hard, WORK HARDER. The expectations you put on yourself? They’re not big enough to become what you want to be. 

At the start of the year 2014 this news dominated the broadcasting about the Wintergames in Sotsji Russia.

Full Size MGF – New Doping Substance from Russia

I posted about MGF earlier here: //

The most credible German TV station (ARD, 02.02.2014) revealed with an undercover journalist that some well-known Russian biology professor/scientist (they do not mention his name) is selling a new doping substance called "Full Size MGF".

The undercover journalists got 1 milligram of the drug “Full Size MGF”,  to test it.

For 100,000 euro the rogue scientist , working at the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow , could provide an amount (100 mg ) that athletes could  use for the Winter Olympics in Sochi . The ideal time to take the product would be 2 or 3 days before a contest

They gave the "Full Size MGF" to the IOC/WADA Anti-Doping Laboratory in Cologne. According to the IOC/WADA laboratory, "Full Size MGF" acts like IGF-1, but much stronger and they also stated that they have never heard of it before and that they of course don't have any test for it. . David Howman,

 Director General of the World Anti- Doping Agency , WADA , was therefore shocked when he saw the WDR report . "It would be naive to believe that they are all athletes who will participate in Sochi are pure. " The IOC doping testing plant in 2453 in Sochi , the highest ever number of doping tests at the Games .
The most interesting part is, that this Russian biology professor/scientist is apparently selling MGF since 2010! That means the IOC/WADA might be 3-4 years late!

Is this new??

Of course NOT, in  April 2013 this headline appeared on the news and the web:

Doping probe rocks Australian sport !

On this blog I posted some articles about Dianabol en methyl-testosterone and other early oral anabolic androgenic steroids. In those days Arnold dubbed Dianabol the “breakfast of the champions” and that was true. Bodybuilders in those days educated each other and measured their dosing by handful not by milligrams.

They kept their usage a secret to the people outside their friends, even though it was not forbidden to use them in those days.

Let’s take a look at the most famous of the early bodybuilders, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unauthorized publications mention how Arnold took a handful of Dianabol before his work-out, leading to a lot of intensity in the gym. He stacked it with Primobolan at around 600 milligrams a week. We also know that Arnold also liked Winstrol a lot and we know that Winstrol leads to a massive increase in strength, that why it is also favored by power-lifters and strongmen.

Scare mongering

If someone on a forum mentions the fact that he plans to use oral steroids, most members will post warnings and tell him that orals are very bad for the liver. It’s almost as if oral steroids are spiked with a sharp object that will hurt your liver. But is that true or is it just bro-science? Once bodybuilders and athletes found out that many pharmaceutical compounds where beneficial for their purposes, the authorities, medical community and pharmaceutical companies started to discourage usage and even official scientist denied that supra physiological doses of testosterone would cause extra muscle mass. Remember Will Brinks article  “walking the walk or talking the talk”? Still makes me laugh today!! It didn’t help. Bodybuilders and athletes are using anabolic steroids to increase the muscle mass and athletic performance. But why does everybody still believe the myth that you will ruin your liver with oral steroids and that its alkylation will destroy your liver forever?

I wrote a lot about the Chinese Growth Hormone which is very popular among bodybuilders, athletes, anti-aging adepts etc.

Underneath this article you can find the links to the articles where I explain, how the different Chinese companies are to be recognized. Jintropin was extremely popular some time ago and the boxes on the left where being sold in mass. When a product brings such high sales and profits, there are always people that counterfeit this product or try to sell fakes. The box on the left is a counterfeit (marked with an F), the box on the right is a real Jintropin box..  A counterfeit is a product that looks like the real product and also contains the same active ingredient. In this case somatropin or rhGrowth Hormone. A fake is mostly a product that looks like the original product but has no active ingredient or another active ingredient. The counterfeited products are mostly under dosed as you will notice later in this article.

Since many members are interested in analysis of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) we post the analytical data of dehydrochlormethyltestosterone ((17β)-4-chloro-17-hydroxy-17-methylandrosta-1,4-dien-3-one) on the most discussion-boards known as Oral Turinabol – Oral T or abbrivated as OT.

You’ll find in this blog-post also the graphics from the different analytical methods of identification (GC, GC/MS, FTIR, HPLC, 1H- and 13C- NMR).

Photo 1

An analysis of a few bottles, each labelled  “Turanabol,” “Chlordehydromethyltestosterone,” and “Golden Triangle Pharmaceuticals” (see Photo 1). Despite identical appearances (same bottle type, labeling, lot number, and number of tablets (100)), some of the bottles contained nondescript orange capsules while other bottles contained nondescript yellow capsules (see Photo 2). Subsequent analyses confirmed that the orange capsules contained dehydrochlormethyltestosterone as the only active ingredient, while the yellow capsules contained primarily dehydrochlormethyltestosterone with minor amounts of stanozolol and methandrostenolone (see structures, below).

Dehydrochlormethyltestosterone is a Schedule III controlled substance in the United States and is also listed in the 2006 Prohibited List/World Anti-Doping Code. It gained notoriety as a result of the East German Olympic doping scandals that were fully exposed after the fall of the Berlin wall (2 ). Data from East German medical personnel involved in the doping indicated that dehydrochlormethyltestosterone produced dramatic increases in speed and strength, but with detrimental side effects such as deepening of the voice, increased acne, and body hair growth. Other, long term side-effects ranged from liver damage to severe gynaecological disorders (2). This steroid is no longer legitimately produced, and appears to be available only as an illicitly-prepared product on the black market.

Photo 2 (Note that Both Types of Capsules are the Same Size)

Almost every supplement or pro-hormone that really worked was banned, what we see now, more and more, is that FDA finds spiked supplements.

The  war on drugs is about to include supplements and is just going to bring down more FDA control of supplements, Matt Cahill a designer supplements manufacturer sold DMAA – SuperDrol and DNP. Now it seems Craze was spiked also.

Bodybuilders use PWO’s (pre work outs), mostly things like cialis to get a better pump. From the day I started to work with weights, I know that a few cups of strong black coffee would help during my work-out, many even use a lotta sugar in it but I don’t like sugar at all.

 If you google on spiked supplements you realize it is a known problem, not only in bodybuilding supplements and pwo’s but also in dietary supplements  -vitamins- sexual-enhancement supplements and especially in weight loss supplements. Part of the appeal of supplements is their apparent naturalness, so they often have a veneer of being safer than prescription drugs.

Licenses and contracting.

Years ago when the counterfeit and fake steroids started to ruin the industry. We made the buyers aware of that fact and we started to teach the members via  the messageboards to check the available information on the product and the boxes and leaflets.

What is a license, lets take Sustanon from Organon in the Netherlands as an example. Sustanon is a brand name for a combination of four different estrifications of testosterone. It was meant as a medicine for men with low endogenous (made by their own body) testosterone . Thus mostly older men. These men had to come to their doctor for frequent injections. Not really convenient for both. Thats why scientist started to prolong the effect from testosterone by adding an estrification. Because HRT (hormone replacement therapy) aimed on a balanced bloodserum value without to much peaks, they made that mix of different esters. It was a big succes througout the world and many countries wanted to use this drug for its male population. The brandname Sustanon, Sostanon and Sustenon where used in different countries. Contracters made this product cheaper locally. Bodybuilders know the mythical names like Karachi Sustanon (made by Abbot laboratories) and NILE Sustanon from Egypt. They made the exact formulation and quality that the original company(called license holder) used as standard and They where also allowed to use the brandname.

 kfsdjhgdshjhhhaawwweeaaa aaaa Since the times of the first, ancient Olympics, since the dawn of sports people have been cheating. That was then and that is now. Anti-doping organizations and sports associations are constantly chasing dopers who resort to more radical means every time. The lengths to which these “athletes” go to get an advantage is sometimes shocking. They are literally putting their lives in danger by experimenting with non-clinically tested drugs.

This blog post is meant to give an insight in the newest doping products that are out there on the market and to show how hard it is to actually detect these. And how scientific progress is often misused by cheaters. The sources I used are all scientific and can be send upon request.

In 2008, Cell published an article which was looked on with interest by the world of sports. Professor Ron Evans of La Jolla, California was doing research to find a cure for the increasing epidemic of obesity and diabetes. He found a substance that would trick the cells in thinking they exercised a lot while in fact they had been mostly idle. The mice ran faste, had better endurance and burnt fat.

When the mice were actually following a training regime the results almost doubled. The media dubbed it the “coach-potato drug”, the miracle cure to obesity and diabetes for people who were unable to exercise.