
What once happened with the use of anabolic steroids now happens with growth hormone. Let me explain. When steroids where developed many scientists and pharmaceutical companies where convinced that modifications on the parent hormones would lead to favorable medication. In the golden era of steroid synthesis the main goal was to synthesize a compound which retained a high degree of anabolic activity coupled with a vastly diminished androgenic activity. In those days anabolic steroids where meant to be given to patients, to the old, the weak, the recovering, the undernourished etc.   It was thought that through all these modifications one could create steroids that would serve many different purposes. Quite like nowadays many people think about recombinant human Growth Hormone. What followed was a pure demonization of anabolic steroids, the pharmaceutical companies unable to reach their goals exaggerated the side-effects just as other governmental institutions ..and the official media followed blindly. The bodybuilding community mistrusted the official medical research and was light-years ahead of official research. Some studies made such foolish assumptions that it made Will Brink in 1996 to write his classic article  “walking the walk, or talking the talk” An article that said what most of us thought.

 From this article , the researchers state: “Athletes often take androgenic steroids in an attempt to increase their strength. The efficacy of these substances for this purpose is unsubstantiated, (emphasis mine) however.” Unsubstantiated? Are they for real? Here is another statement from the study. “…but whether supra-physiological doses of testosterone or other anabolic-androgenic steroids augment muscle mass and strength in normal men is unknown.” Unknown? Unknown? Unknown to who? The next time you sit in the front row of a bodybuilding show or see some 280 pound androgen freak squatting the equivalent of a small family sedan, feel free to yell “hey fella(s), did you know that all those steroids you are taking have not been proven to build muscle!” LMAO !!!

Increased T/E ratio in men


When testosterone levels are normal, and a man is experiencing signs of andropause, the hormonal culprit is usually estrogen (and chemicals that mimic the actions of estrogen), the female hormone. Both men and women have specific amounts of estrogen in their bodies. Young men may have a ratio of testosterone to estrogen of 50:1. The ratio drops to 20:1 or even as low as 8:1 with normal aging.

When estrogen levels in a man increase, the actions of testosterone are reduced. Even worse. While estrogens in women protect them from heart disease and osteoporosis, the effects are the opposite for men. Too much estrogen will actually increase the risk of heart attacks in men.

Unfortunately, this is exactly the set of problems that we are currently facing. A combina­tion of our lifestyle and dietary choices, stress, use of anabolic androgenic steroids, medications and/or alcohol coupled with the pervasive amounts of estrogenic pollutants found in plastics and our water supply are the reasons why estradiol levels are climbing in men. In fact, we now see men with estrogen levels higher than that of many women.  As estrogen rises in men, testosterone drop and mammary gland tissue begins to grow (creating male breasts). This problem is so common that male breast reduction is now the fastest growing surgery in America!


 Your Testosterone Estrogen Ratio

Remember those chem lab days.  Well, if you do, you may remember that sometimes the concentration of a solvent or chemical is more important than the absolute amount of the same.  What I remember even more is getting kicked solidly in the right buttock by my 8th grade chem teacher for goofing around with chemicals in the laboratory, but that's another story.

Again, though, the concentration is often critical and this hold true in the hormonal world as well.  For example, researchers recently found that it is the ratio of testosterone to estrogen that determines prostate cancer health more than total testosterone.

So what is a good T/E ratio?  A solid number for a 20 year old male is 30-40 with some guys shooting near 50.  Of course, some would argue that a T/E ratio that high makes it to where most guys can't think straight.  Regardless, youthful testosterone-to-estrogen ratios are quite high and are certainly ideal in terms of maintaining male health. A healthy, youthful testosterone/estrogen ratio is about 50:1

Of course, the problem is that guys, as they age, find this all-important testosterone to estrogen ratio steadily decreasing to sometimes even the single digits. The situation seems hopeless because all males find their testosterone simultaneously decreasing and their estrogen increasing.  This is assaulting our T/E fraction in both numerator and denominator:  you've got the numerator decreasing while the denominator is increasing.  Quite the "double whammy", eh?

What causes these rapid changes on both top and bottom in the negative direction.  Well, some of it is aging.  Males just naturally lose a little testosterone as they age due to mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA and oxidative damage and so on.  However, one of the greatest culprits is the extra pounds around our middle. Extra fat pumps out more aromatase which in turn pumps out more estrogen into our system. 

(NaturalNews) The topic of much debate and research throughout the centuries can be found in the seed of an idea: the reacquisition of youthful qualities. The 21st century is increasing past efforts, spending countless dollars on the development of products to help a youth obsessed society turn back the signs of time. One of the most promising developments occurred in the 90's when Dr. Daniel Rudman reported to the New England Journal of Medicine that he had reversed aging through the use of human growth hormone (hGH) injections. Unfortunately, shortly after we learned of its dangerous side effects, most notably insulin resistance, arthritis and heart disease. The most promising research today now focuses on hGH precursors known as secretagogues.

 How Steroids Can Improve Your Sex Life:

         Researchers say that we reach our sexual peak at the age of 25, give or take a couple of years. During these years, men exhibit almost inexhaustible sexual stamina and virility. Women are also very fertile, and shows healthy libido. Furthermore, studies have shown that men and women have the capacity to enjoy healthy sex life past their 60's and into later years.
        However, men in general lose virility and sexual aggressiveness at age 40 and above. Women suffer from menstrual difficulties, vaginal dryness from little lubrication, and diminished sexual urges.  People past the age of 40 report little or no sexual activity at all. How can they possibly enjoy sex life under such constricting conditions?

What is Andropause and does the male form of menopause exist due to low hormone levels?

Andropause or the male menopause occurs gradually over time and is characterized primarily by low levels of Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone in men. The world of modern medicine has made enormous strides in the last 20 years. The diagnostic tools, surgical procedures and advanced research techniques have changed medical care for the better. Open heart surgery finds the patient at home after several days. Many cancers, including prostate and colon cancer, are more treatable and have a higher survival rate. The list of these medical advances could fill several text books. Male hormone therapy has likewise advanced, becoming more effective and more readily available in a variety of hormone medications than ever before.

Turn back the clock on aging muscles


Regular exercise can turn back the clock for aging muscle.

It may not be the fountain of youth, but researchers at York University have discovered that regular exercise can effectively turn back the clock for aging skeletal muscle.

The study, “Molecular basis for an attenuated mitochondrial adaptive plasticity in aged skeletal muscle,” was recently published in the journal Aging. The results indicate that the elderly are able to rebuild muscle mass, and while they will not achieve the abs of a 20-year-old, they can reverse significant damage and loss of muscle function caused by inactivity and old age.



Aging muscles

Have you ever noticed that people have thinner arms and legs as they get older? As we age it becomes harder to keep our muscles healthy. They get smaller, which decreases strength and increases the likelihood of falls and fractures. New research is showing how this happens — and what to do about it.

A team of Nottingham researchers has already shown that when older people eat, they cannot make muscle as fast as the young. Now they’ve found that the suppression of muscle breakdown, which also happens during feeding, is blunted with age.


When we age, the available amount of the male sex hormone testosterone declines.

What are the consequences and is it reversible or avoidable?

On the path to the shopping mall, a small bent fragile man shuffles behind his rollator. His movements appear a little bit slowed down. His clothes fall a little to wide.  With his small somewhat pale and entered face, he sometimes looks on a small note as to remember why and where he is. With the feeling that he can be blown away if the wind will get a bit stronger, I carefully pass the fragile bent guy, fearfully not to disturb or hit him. I start to wonder will this be my future? Will I end looking like this? This man must have been much stronger and taller when he was younger. These by all of us recognizable fragility is a consequence of gradual changes of the body when you grow older. Gradually you loose your power and stamina. Your resilience declines just like the amount of workload you can cope. What causes this fragility? What makes the difference between growing old but staying vital and being able to perform well until high age, and becoming so “fragile”?