
If you’ve been trying to grow your legs to no avail, even after following the basic advice you hear regarding muscle growth, then this is worth a read. 
There is more that goes into muscle growth besides just “lift heavy low reps”, which is the case as well, but if you’ve hit a wall with your growth, it may be time to incorporate some tweaks to your leg workouts. 

So You Want to Shred Some Fat – But Can’t

So, you’re trying to shred some fat but are having a hard time. Maybe you’re just starting out and haven’t tried to lose weight before, or maybe you’ve hit a plateau with your weight loss. Losing weight is hard. So many things can set you back without even realizing it. What is important is to acknowledge these factors which are prohibiting you from getting lean.

When you think about it, your knees are put under a lot of stress daily. With bending the knee hundreds of times per day, carrying your weight around, and exercising, the tissue in and around your kneecap can easily become irritated. The knee as a joint is quite intricate, using bones, menisci, muscles, ligaments, and tendons which all support the knee.
Want to get stronger while adding minimal bulk? Turinabol might be right for you. Turinabol lags in popularity behind some other oral anabolic steroids since it produces dry, lean muscle gains rather than insane muscle mass. While your mass gets filled out, it will not have a watery or balloon appearance to it.
“No pain, no gain” can be a dangerous phrase for the average gym-goer. When someone hears this, they likely become more willing to engage in risky gym behavior or push themselves into dangerous territory of getting an injury. You hear it all the time, someone goes to the gym for the first time, jumps right into an advanced class or difficult workout, then they are down and out with an injury for sometimes weeks.

If you are thinking of competing in the physique world, you need to do research on what it takes to get there. When most people think of the body type of someone who is on gear, they typically think of freakishly (in a good way) massive dudes hitting the gym multiple times a day or a body type like someone such as Phil Heath. When in reality, just because someone is not as big as these dudes, does not necessarily mean that they are natural. You can be 150 lbs., and still be taking anabolic steroids. The fact is that the stacks, dosages, and length of cycle will depend on your personal goals, category you are training for, and your genetics. 

When you are about to hit the gym, you generally have a plan of what you’re going to do: “What muscle group am I working? Will I try to hit a new max? How many sets will I do?” But the question of “how long should I rest for?” often is overlooked. Resting between sets is important because the chemical processes in your body that happen while putting in effort could cause fatigue. 
What is Anger? 
Anger is a natural feeling, but it can be unwanted or irrational at times. Anger can be a secondary emotion to sadness, fear, perceived threats, or loneliness. While anger can alter your state of mind, it can also trigger physical changes like increased heart rate, blood pressure, levels of adrenaline or other ‘fight or flight’ hormones. 
In resistance training or weight training, there are two different ways of building your workouts, and each delivers different results in terms of muscle growth or personal fitness. 
The term volume describes how much work you do, in terms of weight training. This can be the number of repetitions, or “reps” that you perform of an exercise or muscle group. Intensity describes the effort or difficulty of an exercise, usually based on the amount of weight that is lifted. 
In some areas, access to regular gyms can still be extremely limited. Perhaps you’ve started working out at home or in a smaller environment to keep up with your goals. But are your workouts as effective as they can be? Have you been only maintaining or even losing some lean muscle mass? Here are a few techniques you can incorporate to maximize and maintain your gains- even when you don’t have access to the gym. You can incorporate these methods using only bodyweight (yes, it is possible to maintain muscle with bodyweight exercises if you do it correctly and with intention), bands, or any weights you do have access to.