Get Shredded and Build Muscle with Tren

If you are thinking of competing in the physique world, you need to do research on what it takes to get there. When most people think of the body type of someone who is on gear, they typically think of freakishly (in a good way) massive dudes hitting the gym multiple times a day or a body type like someone such as Phil Heath. When in reality, just because someone is not as big as these dudes, does not necessarily mean that they are natural. You can be 150 lbs., and still be taking anabolic steroids. The fact is that the stacks, dosages, and length of cycle will depend on your personal goals, category you are training for, and your genetics. 

Many people competing in the physique category are juiced up, and unless the gods have blessed you with superior genetics, you might need to get on gear to even compete with them. Anabolic steroids are used by many other people in different categories as well. Keep in mind that physique or performance enhancing drugs are often part of an overall stack along with some ancillary drugs (like antiestrogens or HCG) to help mitigate the negative side effects. You must consider the impact and effects of the entire stack on your body. 
Trenbolone: What is it? Trenbolone (or “Tren”) is a popular steroid among physique models and competitors. However, Tren has never been approved for consumption in humans. In fact, it was developed by veterinarians to increase muscle growth and appetite of cattle raised for food.
Tren is an injectable drug that is a modified testosterone molecule which has been altered. It is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids on the market. Tren is 5X more anabolic than Testosterone itself. Tren is one of the nandrolone groups but is very different than the parent nandrolone drug. It’s an 19-nor steroid. It has a binding affinity for the androgen receptor, which is 5X as high as testosterone. The more binding to androgen receptors, the bigger your muscle building response is from exercise. If you think that testosterone is powerful, Tren is much more powerful and takes your gains to a new level. 
Tren increases the level of IGF-2 (Insulin like growth factor) inside the muscle tissue and increase the sensitivity of satellite cells in muscle to IGF-1 (which are the cells that repair the damage to muscle fibers, creating a powerful concoction for massive gains). Tren also has anti-catabolic properties, so that your muscles are growing more and breaking down less. Along with being a powerful muscle builder, it also has fat burning properties, making it one of the few drugs that directly affects fat loss. Tren gives you great strength and remarkable lean muscle gains. 
Since Tren is so powerful, it tends to have pretty strong side effects as well. Some side effects are intolerable for some people, and they may decide to stop Tren altogether. As with any anabolic steroid, the side effects depend largely on the individual and genetics. No two cycles are the same from person to person. 
Side effects of Tren: 
Natural testosterone production gets shut down, even in low doses
Changes in sex drive
Rapid heartbeat
Increase in blood pressure 
Kidney problems
Liver damage
Cardiovascular issues
Night sweats (severe)
Shortness of breath (may cause you to cut cardio altogether due to endurance loss)
Aggressive behavior
Lower thyroid levels
Tren does not aromatize (convert to estrogen), which is a concern when taking steroids. However, this is not necessarily a good thing, because of the negative androgenic side effects like baldness, acne, and oily skin. Since Tren is a progestin and increases the prolactin levels in the body, you may still experience side effects like gynecomastia, puffy nipples, or bloating. As you can see, all of this power comes at a high price, and is only recommended to those who have cycled with less powerful steroids first.
Tren can be run alone or stacked with other compounds. Most com mon cycles are: 
Tren & Testosterone
Tren & Anadrol
Tren, Anadrol, & Testosterone
Tren & Winstrol
Tren & Anavar
A sample Tren Acetate Injection schedule would be Mon/Wed/Fri as a minimum and some suggest it should be injected every day. You can get by injecting Tren Enanthate once every 5-7 days. A typical cycle lasts 6-8 weeks, and the average dose is about 300 mg/week.