
A case of toxicity from DMAA party pills in New Zealand

This is  an incident but since we post a lot about DMAA I thought to let you know

‘Party pills’ are synthetic stimulants that emerged in New Zealand in the early 2000s. Most were 1-benzylpiperazine (BZP)-based and were widely consumed. Evidence accumulated of risk and toxicity and BZP was subsequently scheduled.1,3

Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) is one of the next generation of ‘BZP-free’ party pills.

This report describes a case of a serious complication associated with the recreational use of DMAA.

Case report

A 21-year-old man was out with friends and purchased a quantity of legal party pills identified as ’99.9%-pure DMAA’. He took the recommended dose of 2 tablets at approximately 11:30 pm along with a capsule identified as 150 mg of caffeine. He had already ingested 1 can of beer.

Within 30 minutes he developed a severe global headache and called for a friend to take him home. He subsequently became confused, incontinent of urine and vomited for 2–3 hours before falling asleep. The next morning he was drowsy and had slurred speech. He did not improve during the day so at 6 pm he was taken to the local hospital emergency department (ED).

Figure 1. DMAA capsules and packaging (brand name obscured)

On arrival in the ED he was confused and had slurred speech. He was disorientated in time but not person or place. He could not give a coherent history. He had a right facial droop and right-sided weakness. There was no sympathomimetic toxicity evident, however 19 hours had elapsed since ingestion. His heart rate was 65 bpm and blood pressure was 126/66 mmHg.


More Different Than You Think!

I tend to shy away from straight “information” articles- in other words, I’ve never written the “How Androgens Work” article, because I’ve read it several times by several authors, and I really have nothing to add. Gene Transcription and Androgen Receptor Action has been written about over, and over, ad nauseum. All of the articles I’ve read on the topic are well written and well- they’re all the same. Don’t get me wrong, all of the articles which discuss the topic are very informative, but when you’re done reading them, you don’t really have anything you can “use” in your next cycle.

And I’m sure you know the difference between orals and injectables, but do yourself a favor and read this article, because I’m going to explain some things in here that you can use in your next cycle. Actually, I’m going to explain how you can use Winstrol (Stanozolol) as either an oral or injectable, and get a very different set of effects from the same drug- depending on which route of administration you choose to utilize.

The many faces of Trenbolone

You can find many articles on the internet about Trenbolone and mostly the writers will tell you that all Trenbolones are equel (they have the same parent compound, right?). The only difference is their half-life due to their estrification and therefore also the active compound will differ due to the molecular weight of the estrification.

Confusing, maybe but during this article I’ll try to explain clearly for all to understand.

Its not only the esterifications that are responsible for the strength effect of these copounds, but also the carriers, the solvents, co-solvents and the concentration. Where one of these Trenbolones like the Trenbolone Enanthate is effective in milligrams per millilitre, an other like Metribolone is allready active in microgrammes. Accourding to VIDA, Oral-Trenbolone (Metribolone or Methyltrienolone) has an androgenic/anabolic ratio of 6,000-7,000 /12,000-30,000 as compared to Trenbolone Acetate/Enanthate 500/ 500.

I plan to update this article on a weekly basis for a long time since I have an enormous amount of data on this subject. If aanyone wants to contribute..I'd appreciate it. You can comment here or in the forumthread on blog section

VIAGRA : The latest research on exercise performance.

Viagra has moved from the bedroom to the locker room. The buzz on the street was that Yankee superstar Roger Clemens had a bottle of Viagra disguised as vitamin pills stashed in his locker. Last May, Italian cyclist Andrea Moletta was removed from the Giro d'Italia after police found a cache of Viagra and syringes in his car. Not surprisingly, the tabloids had a field day following these incidents and charged that legions of athletes in baseball, football, bodybuilding and Olympic sports took Viagra to boost endurance and physical performance. The World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) considered banning Viagra before the Beijing Olympics, but backed off because it had no evidence that the drug provided a competitive advantage.

What do firm erections have to do with sports like bodybuilding? Viagra improves blood flow control. Muscles need plenty of blood to remove wastes and deliver energy, oxygen, and hormones. Increased blood flow could speed the delivery of key amino acids to the muscles, which would promote muscle protein synthesis and growth. It seems reasonable that Viagra could boost performance and that bodybuilders might take it.

Former University of North Dakota Football Players Linked to Anabolic Steroids











Law enforcement officers have recently been busting college athletes who use steroids even when the steroid testing program administered by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has failed to detect the use of such drugs. Police in Grand Forks County recently uncovered anabolic steroids at the home of three players for the 2011 University of North Dakota football team.

Testosterone Suspension is one of the most explored names on the Internet. The reason – this testosterone mixture is the best efficiency improving drug for professional sportsmen preparing themselves for a sport meet. Moreover, the anabolic steriod is an affordable, efficient, and safe efficiency increaser that can be easily purchased online, with or without a healthcare prescription.

Considered to be the first anabolic androgenic steroid developed and used for building solid muscle tissue, Testosterone Suspension has been one of the most successful given for the last many decades. Sportsmen, especially muscle builders and sportsmen trust this testosterone compound for its unrivaled efficiency.



There is a lot of scrutiny regarding proper anabolic-androgenic steroid cycle structure for maximal muscle gains with minimal risks. Front loading is one practice gaining attention in the bodybuilding community. This process immediately elevates blood androgen levels. Front loading omits the customary delay of obtaining peak and stable blood levels by increasing the cycle’s front-end use.

Athletes stumble onto AAS use while scavenging for further ways to promote a progressive strength training routine – especially bodybuilders and powerlifters. Strength athletes often search for ways to develop productive steroid cycling protocols by combining the clinical research that is available with personal experience; as well as gathering insight from others. Formal clinical trials analyzing anabolic steroids in sports and exercise are rare. The medical community perceives little application for large performance-enhancing amounts of AAS to treat disease – even though many athletes would argue poor performance is an adverse health condition. Mostly through trial and error, numerous informal studies and private research examines various steroid cycling methods and how they can present a positive impact on performance and body composition. This information is generally shared through social networks, to include using online messaging software.

We live in a society that hinges on appearances. Even as small children, people are taught that appearance is everything. For many of them, if their appearance doesn't meet the standards of others, their whole world crumbles. They become depressed and tend to go within and hide away. Sound a little extreme? It may very well be in some respects but the majority of society today have a tendency to measure their worth by how they look and what they have. What's even worse is the media's views and the weight these views seem to carry among the younger generation, continuously feeding this thought process. Therefore, it's very hard not to believe that looks are everything.

Bodybuilders deal with these same issues on a much larger scale. In fact, it may be even harder for bodybuilders since they are already critiqued just for their muscularity. But even with all of their mighty muscles, some bodybuilders feel that they are lacking in various areas and quickly develop the need to fix them.

Pro-bodybuilders do anything for the winning edge, they take AAS, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, diuretics, insulin, DNP,  Synthol, uppers –downers, interleukines etc etc, then why not implants and all the surgery. Many competitive bodybuilders go to excess in order to compete citing that ‘extreme sports require extreme measures,’ using a plethora of various forms for different effects

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Steroid Esters in Oil Vehicle:

Effects of Ester, Injection Site, and Injection Volume

Variations in side-chain ester chemistry are important in the pharmacokinetics of androgen esters in oil vehicle. In humans, the very short propionate (three-carbon aliphatic) ester of testosterone has distinctly shorter duration of action than esters with longer (seven- or eight-carbon) side-chains. More subtle changes in side-chain ester structure have proven ineffective in altering human clinical pharmacokinetics, because substitution of a linear aliphatic side-chain of seven carbons (enanthate) with either a saturated, cyclized, seven-carbon aliphatic chain (cyclohexanecarboxylate) or a linear, aliphatic, eight-carbon chain (cypionate) resulted in virtually unchanged kinetics. (2, 4-6, 12, 15)

If, on bodybuilding fora people start to discuss steroids and cops, emotions come up. Like here on our own JM forum: //

What I read on a forum seemed right to me: " Some people are nice, some people are assholes, some assholes become cops!! "

Or as Victor Conte said:"I think overall, it's kind of like alcohol,"  "If you're a jerk when you're sober, you're going to be more of a jerk when you're using."
Conte also said about the psychological effects of steroids -- including mood swings and so-called "'roid rage" -- are often overblown and can depend on how much of the drug is used. The same is true for the other side effects such as liver damage, depression and high blood pressure.