More permanent artificial muscles after Synthol.

We live in a society that hinges on appearances. Even as small children, people are taught that appearance is everything. For many of them, if their appearance doesn't meet the standards of others, their whole world crumbles. They become depressed and tend to go within and hide away. Sound a little extreme? It may very well be in some respects but the majority of society today have a tendency to measure their worth by how they look and what they have. What's even worse is the media's views and the weight these views seem to carry among the younger generation, continuously feeding this thought process. Therefore, it's very hard not to believe that looks are everything.

Bodybuilders deal with these same issues on a much larger scale. In fact, it may be even harder for bodybuilders since they are already critiqued just for their muscularity. But even with all of their mighty muscles, some bodybuilders feel that they are lacking in various areas and quickly develop the need to fix them.

Pro-bodybuilders do anything for the winning edge, they take AAS, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, diuretics, insulin, DNP,  Synthol, uppers –downers, interleukines etc etc, then why not implants and all the surgery. Many competitive bodybuilders go to excess in order to compete citing that ‘extreme sports require extreme measures,’ using a plethora of various forms for different effects

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Anabolic steroids are often the cause of gynecomastia in athletes and bodybuilders. The large male breasts consist of mammary gland tissue. Most of the breast tissue is behind the areola nipple complex which causes protruding nipples. The condition may appear worse prior to important competitions because when a bodybuilder is palpated and at his leanest, the condition becomes more obvious.

The type of gynecomastia commonly seen in these athletes is attributable to synthetic anabolic steroid use. The hormone testosterone levels rise rapidly in these men when large quantities of exogenous steroids are ingested, and their bodies respond by converting this excess testosterone into the hormone estrogen by means of aromatase enzymes.  The higher levels of testosterone will produce the muscle mass gains desired, but the increased estrogen often causes permanent changes in the glandular tissue of the breast.  This type of gynecomastia can happen at any time, even after the first injection.

For bodybuilders, this surgery can be done only by excision of the breast tissue, which in the case of bodybuilders is, by itself, sufficient enough to achieve a flat nipple-areola complex. Liposuction is only rarely necessary. To minimize scarring, the breast incision is done in the lower part of the areola, and is typically one inch long.

The rate of gynecomastia recurrence is extremely low when the surgery is done correctly with excision of most of the mammary gland tissue. Bodybuilders are usually very content with their results. And, in the vast majority of cases, the surgery has a positive impact on their professional and personal lives. Before surgery is considered, Dr. Blau recommends to body builders that they stop any and all anabolic steroids,l omega supplements, protein shakes, and any pain medication use due to the risk of increased bleeding.


Calf augmentation surgery makes the region of the gastrocnemius muscle (the muscle in the lower leg above the ankle) appear larger. Thus when the rest of the muscles have attained a certain level of development, the lower legs will not look scrawny by comparison.

The most common method of calf augmentation is the use of a calf implant. The materials used in calf implants are usually either silicone rubber blocks or silicone gel calf implants; however several types of material and shapes have been tried over the years. The issue is that the gastrocnemius muscle is not a simple shape. On the contrary, the calf muscle is irregularly shaped and even tends to change its shape when flexed. Therefore the challenge of a calf implant is to mimic the shape of the natural muscle as much as possible. Are calf implants right for you?

While bodybuilders are at the front of the line for calf implants, there are several reasons that cosmetic surgeons hesitate to perform calf augmentation on these patients. In contrast to other cosmetic augmentations, calf implant surgery is performed relatively infrequently.

Therefore some of the complications of calf augmentation have not been fully worked out. The risk to the patient having calf implant surgery is higher than it would be for a patient having a breast augmentation, for example.

Moreover, bodybuilders will usually continue weight training after surgery, which puts enormous strain on the implant and the surrounding tissue. This could cause the implant to shift or deform. The final, related consideration is the size of the calf implants that bodybuilders request.

Since the rest of the body has been bulked up with weights, they generally ask for very large implants to stay in proportion to the rest of the body. This larger calf implant size increases the risk for later complications like displacement, rupture or even more serious conditions like compartment syndrome. Just a couple years ago, prior to the Mr. Olympia contest, Shawn Ray challenged IFBB head honcho Wayne DeMilia to investigate Flex Wheeler for calf implants, as his calves had dramatically improved over the past two years from mediocre to excellent. An MRI showed that whatever Flex had done to his calves, it wasn't implants. Arnold Schwarzenegger is another famous bodybuilder that has been accused of having them, though almost everyone knows the legend of how Arnold only started truly training his calves correctly after visiting Reg Park in South Africa. Arnold returned to Venice Beach and cut all of his workout sweats into knickers so that he was constantly reminded of his poor calves. If Arnold did have implants put in, they were certainly superior in appearance to nearly all the calf implants we see today.


Most of us are aware of the fact that many females have breasts that differ in form and size. More unknown is the fact that the same is true for men.Chest wall evaluation is an essential component in the initial assessment of a patient with a torso deformity or a patient seeking a body contour procedure of the anterior chest. Chest wall asymmetries should be assessed and the skeletal and muscular development around the chest evaluated. The fatty distribution on the anterior and posterior aspect of the chest wall, especially along the lateral pectoral sweep, should be assessed. A systematic evaluation will ensure the surgeon does not fail to recognize the skeletal and muscular elements contributing to a chest wall deformity.


When it comes to female bodybuilders, everyone knows that the most common enhancement are breast implants. As the muscles of the chest grow and fat is depleted in the chest area, fatty breast tissue is minimized causing the breasts to shrink in size. The female breasts begin to resemble the chest of the males, taking on the form of pecs, the result of extreme muscle and training. Some female bodybuilders embrace this change in body composition; whereas, others feel it reduces their femininity, seeing it as a flaw to be corrected. At this point, these women will seek the help of a plastic surgeon for breast augmentation.

Breast implants can be inserted above or underneath the chest muscles. When inserted above, it is very easy to determine the placement of the implants since the skin is so thin. With bodybuilders, the muscular structure of the body is more visible, especially when the body is in contest shape. The implants literally look as if they are sitting on top of the chest muscles. When the implants are inserted underneath the muscles, it gives a more realistic view of the breasts, however, healing can be more painful and recovery can take much longer. For the female bodybuilder who chooses surgery, breast augmentation becomes a double edge sword because regardless of the placement of the implants, chest development must still be highly visible when competing.


There is more than one way to create mass muscle

Just as female bodybuilders are known for breast implants, pec implants are not a rarity. Although they are rarely thought of or discussed, they are very much an issue for male bodybuilders who desire a bigger, fuller chest and feel that they cannot develop it naturally. For men who do not have any issues of asymmetry or deformities, they are usually fitted with what is known as “stock” implants. Mainly, this is an implant that doesn't have to be customized for any particular body. For those who are requiring a more custom implant, a chest mold would need to be performed and the implant is then manufactured to fit that particular bodybuilder. Because this area of the body is so dense, it is important to have a surgeon who is an expert in this field of surgery, since making a mistake in size, shape and placement could be disasterous should the procedure need to be corrected to satisfy the individual.


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I take it you're talkingabout female's having breast implants which is completely different than enhancing muscle groups through implants. Females technically should be marked down for having muscular implants, which if not done perfectly are pretty obvious. When you get dieting down to such low bodyfat you can actually see the outline of the implant through their paper-thin skin. So, in the same manner as synthol, if the judges spot a clear implant, the athlete is marked down for it.


Fuller, younger looking buttocks can be achieved with implants. Buttock implants are made of an elastomer and are stronger than breast implants. They are inserted through an incision over the tailbone. An alternative method is fat transfer from the abdomen or thighs into the buttocks, which requires the patient to have fatty deposits that can be used.


Torn muscle or genic gap by the sternum?


Some pictures of the wrestler Scott Steiner at stages where you can clearly see the tendons attaching to the sternum have torn off, leaving a gap down the middle between the left and right pecs, its clearly noticed that if you don’t treat the situation it wil  worsen.


There are a few possibilities that can lead to this situation. If you use high doses of steroids your muscles can handle more weight then your tendons. When you start benching with a heavy weight  without a decent  “warming-up”  the tendon can tear of the sternum. Or on the arm side as you shown in the picture. A torn in the musclebelly is also impossible to re-attach.  High dosages of steroids over long periods of time, can calcify tendons and ligaments making it easy to tear them.

In some cases its not a tear but nerve damage. This nerve damage doesnt always stem from the chest, it can originate from an other area of the body.

Some people never had a nerve damage or tear but have genetical determent  little mass near the sternum creating a gap.

Markus Ruhl, Dennis James and Scott Steiner are said to have their injury due to all this possibilities and we don’t know for sure what caused it, the nerve damage, a torn tendon or muscle. What is clearly visible is that Dennis James had his gap fixed and it hasnt gotten any worse since.

Subpectoral Implants or Pec Implants Information

Great pecs are the sine qua non of every bodybuilder. You may have the best abs, the greatest deltoids, and lats that flair like bat's wings, but without a great chest, the centerpiece of bodybuilding, you just haven't made it. Thankfully for most, developing the pectoralis major and minor muscles that form the chest in men is usually the easiest part of a bodybuilders program. Many men will be able to develop adequate pec fullness and thickness, but developing the size and definition of their goals may be frustrated by genetics or lack of time for the gym or other situations that prevent development to their full potential. Subpectoral implants, or simply pec implants, are available to male bodybuilders who are unable to develop the desired thickness of their chest. Of all the body implants for bodybuilders, these are the most successful in terms of naturalness simply because the implants are placed under the pec major muscle and what you see and feel is the person's own pec major muscle. Most bodybuilders maintain a relatively low percentage of body fat in order to show the underlying muscle definition. Pec implants in an already muscular male produce the best results since the action of the implant is to bring forward the pec major muscle creating a thicker, fuller look. Custom designed pec implants can aid in obtaining a certain shape for the chest by either rounding the implant or more commonly creating fullness at the nipple level, with a thick but flat mid-muscle and greater fullness in the upper reaches near the collarbone.

The procedures and material to perform cosmetic surgery improves rapidly. It therefore logically that more and more people use this new and exiting possibillities.

A fit, healthy and muscular body is seen as a goal for many people. Mostly because most people in the film-, fashion and music industry, who act as a role modell for many young people strive to look that way. Not to long ago some bodybuilders used silicones and oils to create artificial muscles.

Lets take Sylvester Stallone as an example of the new modern aging man. He uses cosmetic surgery, HRT and Growth hormone therapy to stay young and fit.genetical limitations to develop

Most precullair is the fact that the usage of steroids, Synthol and implants, liposuction is a secret. Almost no one openly speaks about it, they deny it. I guess they’re somewhat ashamed maybe because they think it’s a kind of cheating.

Stallone was on location in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil filming “The expendables” in april 2009.


While the terms “LipoSculpture” and “Liposuction” are often used interchangeably, substantial differences exist between the two in cosmetic plastic surgery. Basically, LipoSculpture is a more refined version of Liposuction.

Common to both Liposuction and LipoSculpture is the basic principle that neither is a means of weight control. Instead, both are intended to rid the body of stubborn fat deposits that will not respond to diet and exercise. The most common LipoSculpture for men are the “love handle” bulges, while women frequently opt to have “saddlebags” on the hips removed, along with slimming of the thighs, the undersides of upper arms, and tummies. Both procedures use the tumescent method. Read more.

Less bulky LipoSculpture instruments remove small but noticeable pockets of fat on the neck, face, chin, knees and, in a few cases, ankles.

Both Liposuction and LipoSculpture use a cannula -- a long, thin, hollow surgical tube -- inserted through equally small surgical openings in the skin. The cannula is connected to an aspirator, a suction device that removes the fat.

Essentially, the surgeon uses the cannula to create long, narrow tunnels through the fatty areas. After the procedure, the patient wears a compression garment for at least a month to collapse the tunnels, creating an overall slimmer profile.

Any ordinary Liposuction can be said to be LipoSculpture because the process reduces bulging areas to make you look more trim and sleek, especially while you are wearing clothes.

The result may be a little different, however, when you are in beachwear because common side effects of ordinary Liposuction include grooves, lumpiness, and dents in the skin, along with some hanging, loose skin. Those are often caused when the patient is over-liposuctioned.

LipoSculpture patients often notice numbness in the treatment area for several months. That happens because the suction force removes not only fat but minor nerves, blood vessels, connecting tissues and other smaller bodily material. Of course, nerves, blood vessels and other tissues grow back by the time the LipoSculpture is showing its final appearance on the patient.



Everyone is Brazil gets plastic surgery. It's a coming of age thing. LOL muscle implants though

strong lol, dont forget the shoulder and trap impz as well
