
Carbs. You love them but the dieting industry tells you to hate them. Especially simple, fast absorbing sugars like candy. But what if I told you that there is a movement now to promote having candy? Especially after a workout. Right now, there is a fad encouraging people to have candy such as gummy bears and Pixi Stix immediately after a workout. But doesn’t sugar make you fat? 
While some methods of training are tried and true, the truth is that not every training method works the same for everyone. Many people seek a certain physique for themselves, but sometimes their body just does not respond to the common types of training. 
Trenbolone is often regarded as one of the strongest, if not the strongest anabolic steroids available. It definitely has its place in the world of bodybuilding and PEDs, and with its powerful anabolic effects come a host of disadvantages.
Tren is extremely effective in improving strength extremely fast and is associated with improvements in cutting phases as well as building lean mass. In fact, Tren allows users to add lean muscle mass even while in a calorie deficit, allowing you to get bigger while you eat less. It shreds body fat all while sparing muscle because it has anti-catabolic effects. Tren gives a user a lean, dry look.
In resistance training or weight training, there are two different ways of building your workouts, and each delivers different results in terms of muscle growth or personal fitness. 
The term volume describes how much work you do, in terms of weight training. This can be the number of repetitions, or “reps” that you perform of an exercise or muscle group. Intensity describes the effort or difficulty of an exercise, usually based on the amount of weight that is lifted. 
Tren cough (sometimes called T-Cough) is very misunderstood because the exact reason why it occurs is unknown. It is more prevalent with the use of acetate ester as opposed to enanthate ester. Some hypothesize that it has to do with bradykinin and its inflammatory effects mediated through prostaglandin. Some also believe that it could be caused by the preservative that’s being used in the Tren, or the acetate itself.
There’s been a myth going around for years and years that eating carbs at night will make you fat. Well today I’m telling you its just that: a myth. Eating at night in general has been associated with weight gain, you hear advice such as “don’t eat after 7:00 pm” all too often. 
Low libido, or low sex drive, is when someone experiences a decreased interest in sex and sexual activity. Low libido affects many men, and it can have devastating effects on one’s love life and self-image. Imagine having your hand on JLO’s ass and still not being interested. That can really be a bummer. There are many causes of low libido, but luckily there is treatment. It is normal to experience periods of low libido over time, but when it is a long-term problem, looking deeper into the cause is recommended. 
Nowadays it seems like everyone involved in fitness on social media is either a personal trainer or is selling some workout plan. It can be hard to figure out who is the best match for you and your goals, or who will actually offer the level of support you need. To help you in your search, we’ve compiled a list of advice that may help you find your perfect match.
If you walk into the gym on a Monday afternoon, chances are that you will see tons of people doing bench press. Monday tends to be universal chest day; the start of the week is usually led by working your favorite body part. 
Maybe you’re still new to the gym (less than one year of going) or maybe you’re just looking for new way to crush your bench press. Either way, you’ll learn some new tips and techniques which will enhance you lifts. 
There are certain unspoken rules at the gym that some people are unaware of. Most people mind their own and just want to get in and out. However there is some gym etiquette to abide by so that you’re not perceived as a total douchebag. Apparently some people are so self absorbed that this needs to be written as a reminder. 
1. Don’t Smell Like Sh*t