Can Cardarine (GW) Combat the Side Effects of Tren?

Tren is extremely effective in improving strength extremely fast and is associated with improvements in cutting phases as well as building lean mass. In fact, Tren allows users to add lean muscle mass even while in a calorie deficit, allowing you to get bigger while you eat less. It shreds body fat all while sparing muscle because it has anti-catabolic effects. Tren gives a user a lean, dry look.
However, there are many negative side effects, such as Tren cough, terrible insomnia, lethargy (even during basic exercises), increasing high blood pressure, frequency of headaches, and possible fainting spells. Additionally, Tren destroys a user’s lipid profile. Tren increases bad cholesterol (LDL) and decreases good cholesterol (HDL). These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to negative side effects of Tren. In fact, the lengthy list often turns many people away from ever trying the drug.
Perhaps one of the most concerning side effects experienced while using Tren is the horrible consequences to cardiovascular performance. This anabolic steroid negatively affects your cardiovascular output. It can make any form of endurance activity harder than it ideally should be. In fact, many people who use Tren forego cardio altogether due to the exhaustion that occurs. Overall endurance is drastically reduced when using Tren.
Enter Cardarine. Cardarine (GW501516) is often categorized with SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) but is actually a PPARδ agonist (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-delta agonist). But what does that mean? It activates the PPAR delta in the muscle cells to increase your body’s energy expenditure. Essentially, it’s a research chemical formerly available to buy freely on Amazon, which has now been banned by WADA because of its ability to increase performance and endurance. While there are some studies done on Cardarine, we likely will never know its full potential due to Cardarine no longer being studied. The studies done in the past have shown us some of the things it is capable of however. In studies, Cardarine increased exercise performance and capacity, improved lipid profile, enhanced energy and endurance levels, enhanced fat burning effects, and in some cases had a positive impact on blood pressure (decreases blood pressure).
Now I’m sure you now see why incorporating Cardarine into a Tren cycle could be beneficial. By giving a massive lift to endurance levels, athletes and bodybuilders can reap the optimum benefits from both the Tren and the Cardarine. You can go longer, harder, and faster with your cardio and intense workouts with Cardarine, where without it, you wouldn’t stand a chance because of the endurance killing sides of Tren. Endurance is essential to having a quality workout. Since Tren severely reduces your endurance and cardio output, together these compounds together make for a great cycle. Cardarine is taken orally and usually taken at a dose of 10-20mg per day.
Now Cardarine does come with risks. The precise role of PPARδ in human cancer is unclear. However I should give a disclaimer that in studies done in rats who took 40mg/day for 104 weeks (2 years), a few rats developed cancer. Now this may seem huge, but keep in mind that a rats lifespan is only about 3 years to begin with, and Cardarine is meant to be taken for short periods of time. In the clinical studies conducted on humans, the humans used Cardarine for 3 months at 10mg per day and did not report any cancer. There are many other flaws to consider when looking at the animal studies, but in the human studies, no major adverse effects were reported.
That being said, at the end of the day, your risk is up to you. Always do your detailed research about any chemical or compound you take.
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