Stop Being a Douchebag at the Gym

There are certain unspoken rules at the gym that some people are unaware of. Most people mind their own and just want to get in and out. However there is some gym etiquette to abide by so that you’re not perceived as a total douchebag. Apparently some people are so self absorbed that this needs to be written as a reminder. 
1. Don’t Smell Like Sh*t
Listen. Nobody wants to smell your swamp ass. We’ve all seen it (or smelled it, rather), some guy walks by and suddenly the air smells like something died. Or someone is doing a shoulder press, and when they raise their arms you get a big whiff of nasty B.O. Don’t let that be you. People will notice. Always wear deodorant (you can even find some deodorant that can be applied to the privates and feet… no more swamp crotch or pits). Clean clothes are essential, just because you can’t smell the shorts you wore yesterday, trust me that once you start moving around the gym, there will be an unpleasant aroma about you. 
Now just because you don’t want to reek of B.O. does not mean to overdo it on the body spray (I’m looking at you, Axe body spray). A quick spray is all that’s necessary, no need to create a gas chamber in the locker room. There is too much of a good thing, so take it easy, buddy.
2. The Locker Room is Not for Social Gatherings
This may apply more to the older generations, so can someone please let the older gentlemen know that we do not want to see their old wrinkly hairy sacks? All too often people gather in the locker rooms after their workouts and showers and just seem to have some “quality bonding time”. Well this is not the place. It makes everyone uncomfortable. In and out. If you want to have a social hour, go to lunch, go to the beach, the bar, anywhere but the locker room.
Another thing to keep in mind is to watch your camera. I get it, the gym seems to have the best lighting to make things pop in the right places, especially if you have a good pump. But having a full on photo shoot in the locker room makes you look like an utter tool. Snap a couple if you must, preferably on the gym floor but sometimes it just works out differently. Always check your surroundings, you don’t want grandpas sack photobombing you, not to mention it makes everyone uncomfortable. 
3. Let People Work in if the Gym is Slammed
Sometimes you might be doing drop sets, or a circuit, etc., but when the gym is busy, don’t hog a whole area of weights, machines, squat racks… you get the point. Sharing is caring. Have courtesy and if you are resting or using a different weight, let someone else work in quickly. They will appreciate it, they just want to get their workout in just like you. There is nothing worse when you have a workout planned and some guy is hogging all the weights and won’t let anyone work in. Don’t be that guy.  
4. Re-rack Your Weights
This one is vital. We are not your mom, it’s not anyone else’s job to clean up after you. Yes, that includes the people who work at the gym. It’s simple and takes minimal effort, when you use a weight, have the decency to put it back in the correct spot. Don’t even try putting a 20lb dumbbell in the 75lb slot. It’s annoying to everyone around you. Trust me, nobody wants to be searching the floor to try and find the weight they want to use.  Karma will get you for this one.
5. Wipe Your Sweat Off the Machines
Luckily most gyms provide some type of towel and cleaning solution to clean off your machines, so use them! Nobody wants to touch your sweat or clean up after you. Bringing your own towel is also a good idea because it minimizes the sweat residue, but you still need to be sure to wipe off the seats, because even that towel you bring has some dried sweat.
6. Give People Some Space
If the gym floor is empty, there is no excuse for taking a spot right next to someone else. Now, if the gym is busy, its fine to use whatever is available even if that means you’re working between two other people. However, if there is other available space, the guy or gal next to you will appreciate having the extra space, and you both won’t be subconsciously competing with each other. 
7. Don’t Ogle the Women
This is the gym, not the club. Yes, you may be surrounded by hot chicks wearing tight clothes, but they aren’t wearing them to impress you. Imagine this: they’re wearing sports bras because they’re comfortable and allow more airflow, and their tight leggings or shorts are just more comfortable and allow for more mobility than a pair of sweats. And if you’re wondering, “why not wear loose clothing if she doesn’t want people to look?” well news flash buddy, women dress for themselves and can wear whatever makes them confident and happy. They don’t want to be stared at, they are just trying to get fit like you and I. 
And I promise you, following her around and trying to make eye contact will not make her want to sleep with you. Most of the time women do not want to be bothered at the gym at all (especially while wearing earbuds – that is a definite no-go zone). If a chick is receptive to your eye contact or flirts, shoot your shot, but just know that things might get weird if she was just being nice (and women being nice does not automatically mean she wants you). Best bet is to just leave her alone. 
8. Don’t Give Unsolicited Advice at the Gym
You might be a pro, have the knowledge, or may be the most experienced lifter in the room. But for the most part, people want to be left alone. Unless someone asks you for tips, don’t go around offering unsolicited advice. It will likely make the other person uncomfortable or even intimidated. 
9. Don’t Make Fun of Noobs
Everyone starts somewhere, and not everyone is in the same point in their fitness journey. The gym should always be a welcoming place, even for people who seem like they have never set foot in one before. Judge if you must, but keep your negative thoughts and reactions to yourself.
10. Keep Grunting to a Minimum
So you’re getting in a tough and powerful workout. When pushing yourself to your body’s limits, its normal to get a little extra with your breathing and even groan out loud. But the thing is, nobody wants to listen to someone grunting excessively or even yelling. Now this may vary based on your individual gym’s culture. Perhaps you go to an old school style gym, this type of grunting or even yelling may be acceptable or even encouraged. But when you are going to a more chain-style gym, or a gym that’s not loaded with beasts like yourself, just try to be mindful and keep it down. This goes along with dropping weights and plates too.
There is some gyms where its normal, so just get a feel for the atmosphere and type of people that are hitting the same gym as you. Not only can it be annoying or distracting to others, in some cases it’s even disrespectful to the gym owners if their equipment is being damaged or their clients are leaving due to discomfort. Do what you got to do, but just be aware of yourself and others.
Ultimately being a douchebag “gym bro” can easily be avoided. Still have passion, still be confident, and still push yourself your hardest, but just be respectful and mindful of other people.