
Increase your testosterone level

Testosterone.  Test. The Big T. Whatever you call it, as a bodybuilder, you need more of it in your system. The equation is unfortunately simple — if your body isn’t releasing an adequate amount of T, you flat out won’t grow. Now the good news. By manipulating your training and diet, you can naturally escalate your levels of this anabolic male hormone. Intrigued? If you call yourself a bodybuilder, you’d better be.

UNLEASH THE BEAST - A natural increase in your testosterone levels can have a dramatic impact on your ability to add muscle mass, improving your physique through several different mechanisms: by stimulating protein synthesis, it helps to increase muscle mass; by encouraging fat cells to store less fat and pull more from storage, it promotes fat loss; and by enhancing the firing of motor nerves that supply muscle fibers, it immediately increases muscle strength.

Mesterolone has within our sport many purposes and its use and effect is debated and dicussed in many threads. What lots of bodybuilders don't realise is that the usage of all means is dependant, let me explain.

When you use a gram of testosterone you have a big chance that it will convert to a more aggressive and harsher compound, namely DHT. You most likely use un anti-estrogen like Arimidex.

When on the other hand you use a gram of nandrolone, this will convert into a milder compound (DHN) by the same enzym (5-alpha-reductase). Use of Arimidex etc is useless and you should use Nolvadex and…proviron to prevent the side-effect we call in slang “deca-dick” which is a loss in libido.

Also hotly debated is Provirons use in PCT-HRT-bridging. PCT (post cycle therapy) is meant to avoid a crash after you stop using steroids.

Bridging is the use of certain means some bodybuilders take between 2 cycles.

Its impossible for me to upload pictures (again!!!)..and I fucking HATE it!!  This ll interesting new items can't be uploaded with my account.


Okay, but I can upload here, thus as long as the IT team doesn't fix it I'll post pics here..

The vials on the left are fake or counterfeit. Why??  just read the explanation in the article..

Developed by the pharmaceutical firm Organon, Sustanon 250 is an oil-based testosterone blend. Sustanon 250 is an injectable steroid with four testosterone esters - propionate (30mg) phenylpropionate (60mg), isocaproate (60mg), and decanoate (100mg). Why the four esters?

Esters create a depot (thus some injectable steroids have "depot" on their names) on the site of administration, and from within the muscles the hormone is released in sustained manner. The role of esters is basically to make the synthetic hormones to resist immediate metabolism. Because of esters, the hormones are released steadily to prevent fluctuation in blood levels. The rate at which the hormones are released depends on the weight and length of the esters; some may take days, while some may take weeks. The longer and the heavier the ester attached, the longer the active life of the steroid.

In the case of Sustanon 250 , the propionate and the phenylpropionate esters have relatively shorter active lives. Propionate has only one to two days of active life while phenylpropionate has four to five days. Because of these two esters Sustanon 250 provides you immediate kick, so to speak. Isocaproate and decanoate, meanwhile, are longer-acting esters; these two ensure that the Sustanon 250 continues to exert tissue building active for a long time, oftentimes lasting for a month. Isocaproate and decanoate has active life of two and three weeks, respectively.

Aromasin (and other aromatase inhibitors)

Doctors give anti-estrogens in cancer patients with tumors that grow faster by estradiol.

Chemical athletes use anti-estrogens because they want to prevent their synthetic hormones to convert into estradiol, with all its unpleasant side effects. The side effects that users of anti-estrogens experience, are an increased risk of bone fractures and pain in muscles and joints, are due to the drop in estrogen levels. This increases after years of use. The anti-estrogen on itself are only toxic in idioticly high doses.

The anti-estrogen Exemestane is not suitable to restore the natural production of testosterone after a steroids cycle. According to a molecular study of U.S. cancer researchers (13).

Marijuana and the Bodybuilder!

Nowedays many people use recreational drugs for various reasons. Most bodybuilders also use drugs. Some take them to relieve muscle soreness (DOMS). But there are many other reasons . Some use them to relax or to sleep, to eat, against joint  - tendon and musclepains. And many just to get a high, most bodybuilders and top-athletes don’t use alcohol, but use marijuana, GHB, cocaine or XTC to join the happy drinkers during week-ends or parties.

Don’t be mistaken, its not one drug, Most bodybuilders are polypharmacists, they stack all kinds of steroids, anti-estrogens, diuretics, growthhormones, insuline and mostly use additional drugs for above discribed reasons. Some became addicted to painkillers like Nubain. They started to take them to be able to work-out harder.

But this article is meant to cover marijuna usage amoung us bodybuilders. I merged a few articles and some of my own expiriences.

If you’ve been around bodybuilding for any amount of time, at some point you’ve probably come to the realization that drugs and bodybuilding go hand in hand, like a pair of 50 pound dumbbells. I’m not talking about “growing drugs” (or as bodybuilding champion Flex Wheeler calls them, “Sport technology drugs”), but so-called recreational drugs.

Wendy the whippet  …

So I’ve been thinking a bit lately about individual genetic profiles, determinism, and sporting prowess; the specific genetic hand we’re dealt, and how best to play that hand within the limitations of the real world.  First off, how about a little visual representation of what a mutation to a single gene (actually, the non-presence of the GDF-8 gene) can cause in an otherwise similar breed of dog.  GDF-8, by the way, is responsible for signaling the production of myostatin, which, in turn, is responsible for limiting the amount of muscle production in an animal.  Myostatin works the same way in humans as it does in these whippets.  GDF-8, while being yet another stroke of evolutionary genius (muscle mass past a certain point is an unnecessary metabolic drag, i.e., survival limiting), is an area of obvious interest within the physical culture community.

No PhotoShop here, folks; just a dramatic demonstration of the effects genes can have upon muscling and athletic prowess.  And this is a representation of what affects a single gene mutation can signal.  What I find interesting is that if Wendy were a human, we’d just assume that she was much more dedicated in following her (fill in the blank) workout regimen; being that she’s a dog, though, we’re ok with the fact that she’s come by her appearance the old fashioned way — i.e., via inheritance.  By the way, here’s an interesting video from Wendy, the defacto spokes-pooch of bully whippets.  A normal whippet in every way, except in skeletal musculature.  I find it very sad that appearantly these animals are normally euthanized at birth (I’m assuming because they are not charactoristic of the AKC whippet?).

Beautiful buttock sheep and the legacy of Solid Gold 

Comparing human and sheep genomic sequences reveals six imprinted genes at the callipyge locus 

  The mutation appeared to be a miracle. Sheep breeders in Oklahoma had been selecting for increased muscle in their flock, and in 1983 a lamb was born that developed an overly muscular rump. The breeders named the ram Solid Gold and saved him from slaughter. He went on to sire offspring with the pronounced hindquarters, some of which also passed on the mutation. These sheep became known as callipyge, the name callipyge comes from the Greek for 'beautiful buttocks'. All born since are his descendants.They're Arnold Schwarzenegger-shaped, and their meat's tougher than hell.

Underneath you'll find a scheme that is used by a Dutch bodybuilder. I also provide the dosage time as he sent it to me. Lets be realistic this is not meant for everybody, it was used by an advanced 110 kg plus bodybuilder.


 Homebrewing with beta cyclodextrins

This article shows "real-life" pictures of homebrewing with HPBCD, cause our members liked to see how we do our experiments.

 The best tool available to make nasal and sublingual steroids are derivatives of beta cyclodextrins. The one that is most readily available is hydroxypropyl-beta cyclodextrin (HPBCD). (Note: Plain beta-cyclodextrin is of little use) In case you have not heard of these, cyclodextrins are cyclic oligosaccarides (sugars) that have a hydrophilic outer surface and a hydrophobic inner surface.(3) They can be thought of as a doughnut, with the center capable of having a steroid molecule stuck inside it. The hydrophilic outer surface makes the cyclodextrin soluble in water, and when it is combined with a steroid, it can make the poorly water soluble steroid soluble as well.(3) In addition to making steroids soluble, cyclodextrins have very other important properties that make them ideal for our purpose. Cyclodextrins are known to enhance steroid delivery through biological membranes.(3) The large CDs themselves are very bad at permeating biological membranes, but they deliver the steroid to the membrane, where it partitions into the membrane, leaving the CD on the outside of the membrane.(3) The conventional penetration enhancers like alcohols or polyethylene glycol act by disrupting the lipid layers of membranes.(3) That is a big source of irritation from the old formula, and this irritation can thus be avoided by the use of CD’s. Another advantage is, once administered, the steroid is rapidly absorbed. Nearly 95% of the steroid will be absorbed within 20 minutes. This also causes the need for multiple doses throughout the day.