MGF (Mechano Growth Factor).
Just after the second world war a hopeful world produced a large new generation. Most of them did well. They have worked their whole life and are willing to pay for pharmaceutical aids that will prolong and ease their “golden years”. They want to grow old, but they want to grow old gracefully, maintaining their youthful skills. They don’t want to spent their last years in a wheelchair or in a nursing bed with a bedpan. They want to remain mobile and have a healthy sexlife. The success of Phizers Viagra proves that.
Authorities all over the world are facing huge healthcare costs due to an aging babyboom. The steady loss of bone mass (osteoporosis) and of lean muscle mass (sarcopenia) that accompanies aging puts an increasing strain on our health care systems. It afflicts millions of aging people all over the world. Age-related loss of muscle mass, strength and frailty caused
by declining levels of essential hormones in the body such as sex hormones and growth hormone stops them from carrying out everyday tasks and increases the riskof falling and breaking bones that are brittle because of osteoporosis. This is not only a major socio-economic as well as a major medical and financial problem, it is also important to improve the overall well-being of all these elderly. All this led to increased funds and need for scientific research towards prevention of age related diseases. We already knew that the exogenous administration of rhGH and sex-hormones such as Testosterone (HRT) could improve overall well-being in elderly.