muscle gain

You will read countless muscle magazines, books,  internet articles, and online message boards searching for the secret to gaining impressive muscle size. They will say things like:

“protein powder 6 times a day”,

“load up on creatine for 6 days”,

“take this amazing N.O. pre-workout supplement”,

“be sure and eat within 45 minutes of your workout”,

“never workout longer than 45 minutes”,

“eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight”.

The supplement advertisements will come with pictures of muscled-up monsters so you know what they say is the truth. Other articles purporting to give you the secret to gaining muscles will say “The secret is that their is no secret – it takes hard work, determination, and sacrifice“. Or “The secret is taking this combination of supplements every three hours“. What they will never tell you is the truth. The truth is that there is a secret to gaining muscle mass, an open secret, and every single person in the fitness industry, bodybuilding industry, modeling industry, film industry, advertising industry, sports industry knows it and they will never, ever tell you what it is.

Well, friends, I know the secret and I will share with you what it is. In the back of your mind you already know what the secret is, you just don’t want to believe it. The secret to gaining impressive, dense, eye-popping muscles is this: