The lies about gaining muscle

You will read countless muscle magazines, books,  internet articles, and online message boards searching for the secret to gaining impressive muscle size. They will say things like:

“protein powder 6 times a day”,

“load up on creatine for 6 days”,

“take this amazing N.O. pre-workout supplement”,

“be sure and eat within 45 minutes of your workout”,

“never workout longer than 45 minutes”,

“eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight”.

The supplement advertisements will come with pictures of muscled-up monsters so you know what they say is the truth. Other articles purporting to give you the secret to gaining muscles will say “The secret is that their is no secret – it takes hard work, determination, and sacrifice“. Or “The secret is taking this combination of supplements every three hours“. What they will never tell you is the truth. The truth is that there is a secret to gaining muscle mass, an open secret, and every single person in the fitness industry, bodybuilding industry, modeling industry, film industry, advertising industry, sports industry knows it and they will never, ever tell you what it is.

Well, friends, I know the secret and I will share with you what it is. In the back of your mind you already know what the secret is, you just don’t want to believe it. The secret to gaining impressive, dense, eye-popping muscles is this:








Yes, friends, every single bodybuilder, fitness model, muscled up movie star, athlete, weightlifter are all on a cocktail of these drugs. Every. Single. One. Having a muscled-up physique that turns heads and drops tongues has very little to do with genetics, diet and exercise and it has absolutely nothing to do with over-the-counter supplements like whey protein, creatine, and other garbage sold to you by people who know the real secret. Building rock solid muscles has everything to do with muscle enhancing drugs. These people will never tell you the secret to their success for 3 reasons:

1) They will stop making money. They make an easy buck selling you worthless pipe dreams in the form of supplements like whey protein. Many of these athletes are sponsored by supplement companies (which allows them to buy their drug cocktails) and they will lose their sponsorship if they ever uttered the truth and they cannot openly make money by selling you steroids.  They would also be blackballed from their industry for revealing the secrets of their success.

2) If others know the secret then they have a lot more competition. When they mislead the gullible people they can be worshiped for “having great genetics and a strong work ethic” and not have to worry about competition. If steroids were sold in supplement shops just like whey protein OVERNIGHT 8 out of 10 guys you see would look like a professional athlete, fitness model, or bodybuilder. The United States would turn into Invasion of the Meat-Heads!

3) In the public eye they will forever be known as cheaters. They will be known as people who “took the shortcut to the top, they didn’t work for what they got“. The real story is that they aren’t cheaters, they cannot possibly be cheaters because all of them use drugs. They cannot be cheaters because 99.9% of their peers do the exact same thing. It isn’t cheating when it is the norm. In fact, any type of muscle industries cannot exist without the help of drugs for one simple reason: natural physiques look like absolute shit in comparison to drug physiques.

There you have it, friends. Now you know how the pros get their insane physiques. If they didn’t take drugs they would look like you or I, the average Joe’s, who train hard and eat hard and don’t take drugs. It is possible to attain a good physique naturally, but not a great physique, and you had better train like a maniac in your first two years because it becomes much harder after that to make any gains. The plight of the natural is that he can have size and be a little fat or he can be lean and a little skinny. You cannot be ripped and have size as a natural. That is the law of nature. The human body can only handle so much muscle without drug assistance.

We all, naively, want to believe that people work hard and reap the benefits of their hard work and sacrifice. We want to believe that drugs are the shortcut and only cheaters take them. We want to believe that anything is possible with just a little dedication. The unfortunate reality is that some things actually are impossible. The human body just isn’t capable of handling extra muscle mass above what was intended for us without help from drugs. Every bodybuilder you have seen, every athlete you have seen (since the 80′s at least), every fitness star you have seen, every muscled action star you have seen has used muscle enhancing drugs to get that way. Muscle enhancing drugs have been around for a very long time, since at least the 1930′s. They are not new on the scene. They have been utilized for their muscle building effects for decades. Bodybuilding, in particular and in all it’s shapes, sizes and eras, does not exist without drugs. From the first (John Grimek) to the last (whatever Mass Monster is popular when you read this), all use(d) muscle enhancing drugs. In fact they go beyond use into abuse. They take insane amounts because insane amounts are required to achieve that kind of size.

Someone will inevitably say “well what about Eugene Sandow? He was around before steroids were invented! If he can do it I can do it“. Let me point out three things:

1) Eugene Sandow was the absolute best of the best in regards to “natural” muscle building. He had everything perfect for his illusion: the right height, the right bone structure, the right metabolism, and the right strength.

2) Eugene Sandow had no size to speak of. He was incredibly lean. Which proves that naturals can have size or leanness, but not both.

3) Eugene Sandow took a fat burning drug called Cocaine, which was perfectly legal at the time.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I must shed light to the poor souls who spend money on muscle mags and protein powders and pre-workout supplements. You can skip all that bullshit and use food and intense training and build a good physique. You can take it a step further and build a panty-dropping physique if you take drugs. Just remember, in some countries Muscle Enhancing Drugs are illegal without a prescription and could land you in trouble. I’m certainly not advising you take them, I am simply bringing the truth to you.

There is no muscle industry without drugs (steroids).

There is no such thing as getting into phenomenal shape with over-the-counter supplements like creatine and whey protein or with diet and training alone. The naturally lean and muscular body is a skinny one. The human body CANNOT produce excessive muscular size while maintaining low body-fat. A natural trainer has two options: be lean and muscular but look skinny in clothing or be big and look somewhat muscular in clothing but also be relatively fat.

Muscle stars do not tell you the truth because:

1.They make money off our gullibility when they sell us worthless supplements.

2.They don’t want anyone to look like them, they want to be special and they don’t want competition.

3.If they told the truth about their drug use they would be thought of as “cheaters” and their livelihood would be instantly gone.

Every person who has attained great shape has used a cocktail of anabolic steroids, human growth hormone, insulin, diuretics, and narcotics. Every muscular person knows this and most of them will not tell you the truth. Steroids are not just used by a small number of meat-head bodybuilders. Steroids are used by a huge amount of people where strength, size, endurance, or appearance are of importance. Steroids are used for this reason:

On Steroids you go from Zero to Hero in a matter of weeks.

The list of people who ALWAYS use steroids are as follows: Bodybuilders, athletes (even skinny athletes who do not look like the average roid-head), fitness models, and weightlifters. There is no exception to this list. These people take drugs because they MUST take drugs to earn money or to win.

The list of people who commonly use steroids are: Police officers, firefighters, prison guards, movie and music stars, gym-rats, “natural” bodybuilders, men in the Armed Forces especially those serving in Special Units, divorced and single women over the age of 30 or 40 who want to look good, men over the age of 30-40 who want to look good, prisoners, people in the club scene, bouncers etc.. This list is endless.

With so many people using they must know something that natural trainers don’t know. In this article we will look at the effects and side effects of these drugs.


Anabolic Androgen Steroids, commonly referred to as “AAS”. “Anabolic” is short for “Anabolism” which means cell growth (muscle growth) and “Androgen” is short for “Androgenic” which means virilising or affecting the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics. Anabolic steroids are the most commonly used drugs to develop a muscular physique.

AAS includes drugs which promote muscle and size gain and drugs that promote fat loss while maintaining muscle size. The most common anabolic steroids are:

* Synthetic Testosterone – First synthesized in the 1930′s and used to great advantage on Russian Weighlifters. Testosterone is an injectable steroid. Testosterone comes in several different forms including: Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, & Testosterone Propionate. Testosterone is the base for ALL steroid cycles (a length of time that a user uses steroids).

* Dianabol – First developed in the 1950′s and spawning the entire bodybuilding industry. Dianabol (DBOL) is the most common and popular steroid of all time. Dianabol is an oral steroid meaning it is swallowed in pill form. Side effects include looking like Larry Scott.

* Deca Durabolin – Deca is an injectable steroid used to put on a lot of muscular size in a short time. Deca is also noted for it’s ability to eliminate joint pain by “lubing” the joints. Deca is a hugely popular steroid. Side effects include getting jacked.

* Equipoise – Equipoise (EQ) is an injectable steroid originally used on horses. EQ is commonly used as a fat cutting drug and a stamina increasing drug (good for athletes).

* Sustanon – Sustanon is a combination of four different types of testosterone and is used to gain muscular size.

* Anavar – Anavar is an oral steroid typically used to cut fat while maintaining muscular size.

* Winstrol – Winstrol is a steroid used to cut body fat.

* Trenbolone – Trenbolone is an injectable steroid used to cut bodyfat while gaining muscular size.

Side effects include making panties wet.

The most common reported side effects of responsible Anabolic steroid use are: Getting jacked, getting strong, gaining muscle size, increased stamina, ravenous appetite, ravenous sexual appetite, gaining confidence, and turning into He-Man.

Other, less fun, side effects include: Possible testicular atrophy, acne, possible premature hair loss if genetically pre-disposed, hair growth, possible gynocomastia, stunted growth (for the youngsters), possible kidney and liver problems and more.

Yes, Steroids have side effects. Every drug has side effects – as every TV commercial for any drug so comically points out. The truth is that Steroids cannot kill you. Steroids rarely cause impotence – in many countries steroids are used as sexual aides. Years of steroid ABUSE can cause hormonal problems and the inability to produce testosterone without the use of drugs.

Steroids are not the killer the lying media reports them to be.

The portayal of Steroids in the popular media is one lie after another. Testosterone is the base of steroids, Testosterone is THE male hormone and everything that has anything to with masculinity is wrong. In the emasculated media’s eyes it’s better to act like a weakling than to be a strong male. Estrogen is THE female hormone and it causes reduced muscle mass, increased fat gain, fluid retention, increased risk of breast cancer, and more undesirable affects. I’ll bet you have seen commercials for estrogen pills and their great benefits and I’ll guarantee you have never seen testosterone portrayed in anything other than a negative light. The truth is that steroids are downright helpful when used properly and not abused. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is a Godsend for many men past the age of 30 because it helps the users feel young, healthy, and VITAL. Every man past his natural peak should probably supplement with Testosterone, even if not for cosmetic reasons.


Human Growth Hormone – Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is responsible for the gigantic size bodybuilders and athletes have been able to achieve. Anabolic steroids help to put on massive size and strength but only up to a point. Human Growth Hormone is the secret to walking around and looking like a Greek Statue with a huge amount of muscle and a low bodyfat percentage. HGH is how female fitness competitors get into shape. HGH is the entire reason Men and Women over the age of 30 can look like Gods and Goddesses.

Insulin – Insulin is used by bodybuilders and athletes to take their size to the ultimate max. Insulin is responsible for the disgusting pregnant bellies of bodybuilders. Side effects include: achieving super-human size and looking disgusting. Insulin is a very dangerous drugs and can kill you if used improperly.

Diuretics – Diuretics are used by bodybuilders and models to remove excess water from underneath the skin to achieve an abnormally lean and dry look. Frequent use and abuse of diuretics is very unhealthy and can do serious damage.

Narcotics – Narcotics and steroids go hand-in-hand. The type of people who are attracted to using steroids are the type of people who are attracted to using other drugs. After developing a Statue-esque physique a lot of guys want to go out and party and pick up chicks. They see it as a bright side that drugs like Cocaine and Meth-amphetamine also have a fat burning effect. Many, many, many people who start steroids are already drug users in the party scene. After using narcotics on a regular basis, injecting steroids is no big deal. And vice versa – after injecting steroids for a long time sniffing a little cocaine or taking ghb or ecstacy or injecting nubaine is no big deal. Painkillers are also very common for athletes to use and this is what leads to the real health problems – the combination of narcotics (or alcohol) and hormones is a real killer. If you decide to use steroids you should never, ever drink alcohol or use narcotics. Steroids by themselves will not, cannot, harm or kill you – it is only the combination of steroids and narcotics or alcohol that proves lethal. This is why so many wrestlers, athletes, & bodybuilders die prematurely.

The Myth of Genetics

You will hear bodybuilders and fitness freaks say: “I just have great genetics for putting on muscle. I can eat whatever I want and my metabolism just burns it off. I just thank my mom and dad for this body.”

Friends, today we bring you good news: Absolutely anybody can be a bodybuilder. Absolutely anyone can look like a bodybuilder. Absolutely anyone can have 6 pack abs and big biceps.

The good news is that no one has good “genetics” because having good genetics is a lie that has become mythical. You’ll see someone training in the gym who is on steroids or human growth hormone or a mix and then you will hear someone say “I wish I could look like that. I wish my genetics were as good as his.”

Good news: ALL bodybuilders started as skinny weaklings. That’s what drove them to steroids in the first place. They were tired of being skinny.

If you don’t believe that then go here and view Pictures of Bodybuilders Before and After Steroids and take a look at how skinny they all were before they mega-dosed steroids.

None of them were big, or had good “genetics” to start with. No one can look like a muscled up, cut up monster naturally because the human body is incapable of that amount of size and lean tissue mass without chemical assistance. The human body simply cannot naturally tolerate obscene amounts of muscle and obscenely low bodyfat.

You can put on size as a natural trainer. You can get cut up and be very lean as a natural. Having both isn’t going to happen.

The plight of the natural trainer is this: You can be big but carry some fat. You can be lean but look skinny. When you’re a big natural you look big in clothes but when the clothes come off you are smooth. When you are a lean natural you look skinny in clothes but when the clothes come off you look cut up.

The first thing that happens when a natural “bulks up” (eats more food to put on size) is that they put on some fat. The first thing that happens when a natural trainer “goes on a cut” (eats less food to burn bodyfat) is that they lose muscle mass in the process.

The exception is in the first year of training, especially if the trainer is skinny to begin with, they will be able to put on a lot of muscular size and not too much, if any, bodyfat.

How Genetics Really Matter

The only thing “genetics” matter for is muscle shape and muscle symmetry. To look great your body has to be symmetrical. To look freaky your body has to have some outrageous muscle bellies and muscle shapes. Putting on size is the easy part: they take lots of drugs.

Skinny little Timmy down the street could become a bodybuilder if he had the money for the drugs and the willingness to take MEGA doses of steroids. He would look like a bodybuilder but he would pay the price too. Bodybuilders are on so many drugs they walk around like zombies. Next time you’re in the gym watch a bodybuilder, those guys aren’t all their in the head.

Heck, anyone can have a 6 pack abs, big chest, wide shoulders, huge biceps, wide lats and super tight waste if you’re on the right drugs and right amount of drugs. Genetics has nothing to do with putting on muscular size or burning bodyfat.

Next time you see someone who is naturally big take a good look, you will notice one thing: They have big bones. They have wide bones. They have naturally wide clavicles and shoulders. That’s what separates a naturally skinny person from a naturally big (but not fat) person. Take a look at their wrist size, it will be a whole lot bigger than a skinny persons wrist. Naturally big people can be just as skinny (that is, not have much muscle) but because they have bigger bones they’re never going to look skinny.

Naturally big people don’t have superhuman ability to put on muscle or maintain large amounts of muscle and low bodyfat, they just have big bones. Big bones, and the strong tendons and ligaments that come with having big bones, will make a person naturally strong. These guys don’t become bodybuilders, they become athletes or strength athletes like powerlifters or olympic lifters. Guys with big bones don’t look symmetrical or aesthetic on a bodybuilding stage. Only skinny guys who put on lots of muscle step onto a bodybuilding stage and look good.

(This article is for fun and information purposes only. This article is not suggesting anyone should ever use illegal substances, if illegal in your country, unless medically necessary and with a Doctors supervision and guidance.)