muscle implants

We live in a society that hinges on appearances. Even as small children, people are taught that appearance is everything. For many of them, if their appearance doesn't meet the standards of others, their whole world crumbles. They become depressed and tend to go within and hide away. Sound a little extreme? It may very well be in some respects but the majority of society today have a tendency to measure their worth by how they look and what they have. What's even worse is the media's views and the weight these views seem to carry among the younger generation, continuously feeding this thought process. Therefore, it's very hard not to believe that looks are everything.

Bodybuilders deal with these same issues on a much larger scale. In fact, it may be even harder for bodybuilders since they are already critiqued just for their muscularity. But even with all of their mighty muscles, some bodybuilders feel that they are lacking in various areas and quickly develop the need to fix them.

Pro-bodybuilders do anything for the winning edge, they take AAS, growth hormone, thyroid hormone, diuretics, insulin, DNP,  Synthol, uppers –downers, interleukines etc etc, then why not implants and all the surgery. Many competitive bodybuilders go to excess in order to compete citing that ‘extreme sports require extreme measures,’ using a plethora of various forms for different effects