Side effects on pinning HGH fragment 177-191 injections
A woman asked our help in the forum:
"I need your help....has anyone ever experienced the following reaction or know anyone that has??
Three months ago I pinned HGH frag #177-191 all around my bellybutton and within a week, the fat/tissue was swollen and almost hard to the touch. I never experienced a fever, redness, burning or itching so the doc said "no infection". Recently someone suggested that I try a therapeutic ultrasound machine along with the graston technique. I am seeing a chiropractor and he is treating me with these techniques every other hopes to break up the tissue so my body will naturally absorb it.
I have seen the following doctors - general surgeon, doctor, plastic surgeon, chiropractor and dermatologist so far without any true answers. I have tried Keflex, and am about to start my 2nd round of Prednisone. The Prednisone has softned the hard tissue but the dougnut shape is still there. If anyone knows what this is and how it can be treated please let me know. I really am desperate to get this issue fixed ASAP w/out plastic surgery."
This thread covered many aspects of topical treatment thats why I thought I could help you guys and gals by posting it on the blog where it stays better available then in in the discussionforum.
I have never seen this side-effect on peptide usage or 177-191 fragment injections. It is always difficault to know what the growth or fragments really contain.
It can be a bodily reaction on the API you injected and that your body isolated them. I had some expiriences with Helios, where some people reported hard parts on the place where they injected. This was due to the Yohimbine HCL.
One of those ladies got rid of it with warm water and massage. . First of all you need to massage! The massage causes an increase in circulation promoting a ‘good sweat’ and helps drain the skin of excess water and waste products.
This results in loss of inches, the skin is more hydrated (and ‘active’ from all the vigorous massage!) and looks now a lot tighter and smooth (no direct fat loss has been proven!)
I'll present two topical agents one original brand that is very expensive I've seen it on the net for 129 USD and the generic version at your local pharmacy for about 12 euro. One is Thiomucase the other Hirudoid. Bodybuilders use it for spot fatloss, painfull injectionspots, stretch marks and bruises. The API is mucopolysaccharide polysulfate. If you google it you find also female use for birth strechmarks cellulite to correct butts and boobs, loss of elasticity of the skin (also in the face) etc ..its like snake-oil
Thiomucase Cream (100mg)
This drug is not a steroid. It is a chemical that was originally used as a dispersing agent. When administered to an injection site, Thiomucase got the drug into the system faster. This speeds up the effectiveness of the drug. Bodybuilders have been using the drug for spot reduction of problem fatty areas. It is available in a liquid form which is injected in small amounts right into the problem area with a small needle.One form of this drug is a cream made to be applied to the skin over the area. Some mix the liquid with DMSO and apply it to the fatty area and report better results. Oral tablets are another form that Thiomucase is available in. These are taken several times a day for about two weeks before a contest. Most feel that the orals are not effective. Finally there is a suppository form of this medication. They are inserted two times daily for about a week before a contest. Often all of these methods are used at the same time.
Most bodybuilders who used these items reported some degree of effectiveness. Occasionally, the drugs worked remarkably well. Thiomucase has been found to work best in those who are holding extra water in fat cells due to estrogen. The drug allows as much as 20% more water to be freed from the fat cell. This can make the fatty area look much less dense. Several years ago this drug could be obtained very easily on the market, however nowadays it is very hard to find.
Hirudoid is used in thrombophlebitis (vein inflammation), sprains and bruises, twists.
Well suitable for various sports injuries.
Always read the leaflet in the packaging first.
Hirudoid shows anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the resolution of superficial microthrombi and goes against its occurrence.
It promotes the resorption of swelling, pain and softens quickly, the tension in the affected area decrease.
It promotes the restoration of the connective tissue.
Hirudoid reduces the duration of the condition and is available in tubes of 40g and 100g creamIts best to be used together with a hot shower (in your case let it "massage" your belly with the showerhead) after that give the infected spot a good massage and later apply the cream (optional enriched with DMSO) //
There are many cremes that abuse the name Thiomucase but are meant to con people. The REAL Thiomucase should contain the active ingredient Mucopolisacaridasa (Spanish), in English :MPS (mucopolysaccharide). Its expensive.. Hirodoid contains the same active ingredient, but is much cheaper.
// H
I'll reveil a little secret, some bb-ers use preparation H I know from our own worldchamp over45 that he used it also..
Of all the drugs young people can use at clubs, the latest trend in New York may be the least hip among all circles: Preparation H.
New York bouncer, blogger and author Rob Fitzgerald has noticed a trend among many of the macho young men waiting outside his clubs. He says the guys are slathering up their torsos with the hemorrhoid cream Preparation H to make themselves look "ripped" for the ladies.
Fitzgerald asked one of these guys to describe the practice for his blog, Clublife, "The way you use it is to take your shirt off and rub it all over yourself before you go to the club," a man who gave the alias, Peter Minichiello, says. "If you want to get [lucky], you have to know how to dance, and if you want girls to dance with you, you have to look ripped."
The idea is a bad imitation of a flab spot-treatment secret used by bodybuilders before a competition. But the clubbers who lube up may not like to hear what the medicine in Preparation H actually does to their frame or the real health risks it can pose.
Bodybuilders and Posers
"The bodybuilders I know use it on their obliques -- their love handles -- to take away any lingering water weight before shows," Fitzgerald told ABC News. "The guys in the clubs heard about this, and the use of it spread virally like some kind of Internet meme."Preparation H contains a medication called phenylephrine HCL that -- when used for the drug's intended purpose -- will shrink the swollen tissues of hemorrhoids. It works by constricting the nearby blood vessels that feed blood and fluid to the area.
But the ingredient doesn't discriminate what kind of tissue it will shrink, hence the underground beauty tips of applying Preparation H under the eyes, on love handles or other places. None of which Wyeth, the makers of Preparation H, support.
"Applying it to one's chest is an off-label use of Preparation H," said Milicent Brooks, a representative of Wyeth Consumer Healthcare. "We don't approve or endorse any off-label uses."
For bodybuilders, amateur contests are a challenge to both build muscle and to showcase it. On a strength contest alone, hefty 300-pound football offensive linemen could enter. But to show muscles, bodybuilders must also thin anything that stands in the way between their brawn and the audience, including fat, skin and fluid. "Some individuals have naturally thicker skin due to their genetics, and even if they become lean and have low body fat, they still don't look shredded," said Steve Downs, vice president of International Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation."Others have naturally thin skin and require less dieting to get into contest shape, and can look much more ripped and defined," said Downs, who adds he has only heard of a few bodybuilders using Preparation H during his career.
Even if Preparation H actually thins skin over the muscles of bodybuilders, it won't turn the clubber with an average build into Popeye.
The Real Effect
"If anything, it would make your chest smaller," said Dr. Darrell S. Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Medical Center in New York City. "Medically, there's nothing in there to make you bigger. If you put cayenne pepper on you, now that would do something -- that would be the opposite of Preparation H”.
Rigel says the inflammatory chemicals in cayenne pepper would make the skin swell over the muscles, giving the illusion of larger muscles. Yet with the cooling ingredients in Preparation H, and the obvious burning effect of cayenne pepper, men in clubs might choose to look small and sinewy rather than strong and swollen.
But Dr. Leslie Baumann, director of the Institute of Cosmetic Medicine and Research at the University of Miami, warns that Preparation H also can have uncomfortable side effects.
"It can work, but you can also get an allergy to it," said Baumann, who knew a friend who applied Preparation H under her eyes the day of her wedding only to break out with a rash on her face.
Rigel said Preparation H can have more serious side effects inside the body. Since the active ingredient works by constricting blood vessels, Preparation H has the potential to raise blood pressure.
"Probably if you put enough of it on, it would raise your blood pressure," Rigel said. "It's not designed to cover the whole area of your chest. It's designed to cover a small part of your rear end."//
“I've used Prep H for several years underneath my eyes when they are puffy....I think it works well!! A lot of my friends use it while prepping for a contest to tighten up loose skin. Normally they use it before baking in the tanning bed. “
If you’re really interested in this information take the time to read the thread that will reveal more useful information and links.
To please our female readers:
The other day while I was on a shoot, I got to work with some very fabulous women who dished out to me their beauty secrets. Some were shocking! One of my favorites was the beauty advantages of using Preparation H (Yes! The hemorrhoid cream). I had heard before that the cream had magical powers to cure puffiness, but I really didn’t understand the effect until I sat down with these gorgeous women, who all looked at least 12 years younger than their age, seriously! Preparation H is not only incredible at fighting puffy eyes, but it also helps reduce wrinkle volume, which is a great way to knock years off your age. The secret ingredient? The phenylephrine found in Preparation H has been said to reduce dark circles, puffiness and wrinkles by dermatologists.
Before you get ready, put a little Preparation H around your eye area, make sure to avoid getting any of the cream if your eye. Let sit for 5-10 minutes then wash off and get ready as usual. Please keep in mind, this is great to use before a special occasion. Continuous use could cause irritation or skin complications (from continuous unnatural shrinking of the wrinkles).
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