Intro to Testosterone Propionate

Test Prop is a synthetic androstane steroid derivative of testosterone in the form of 17β propionate ester of testosterone (meaning it is a synthetic androstane steroid, and a derivative of testosterone). Test Prop is slow releasing and has a short half-life and is even the shortest half-life of all testosterone esters (4-5 days). This means users can run short cycles with frequent administration of Test Prop for 8-10 weeks, administering by intramuscular injection every 2-3 days, with optimal peak blood plasma levels at 2-4 weeks (meaning 2-4 weeks is when you will really feel it “kick in”). The average does is around 300-500mg per week for 10 weeks for beginners and intermediate users, and 500-750mg per week for 8 weeks for advanced and experienced users. It is common to run a Test Prop solo cycle (granted, you should still consider cycle support along with prioritizing diet, sleep, and water intake). Test prop is usually suspended in an oil solution for intramuscular injection, though rarely is available in an aqueous suspension, or an emulsion.
Originally developed by Watson labs, Test Prop was approved by the FDA in 1974, but currently is not intended or use in humans, but is still vet approved. Despite this, it is very common in the bodybuilding world.
While the use of test prop can start the production of proteins associated with male sexual development, testosterone itself presents an estrogenic activity, therefore continuous use can cause elevation of plasma estrogen.
Masculinization side effects of Test Prop include acne, increased hair growth, voice changes, virilization, and increased libido. It is suitable for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT, also called androgen replacement therapy, ART).
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