The Importance of PCT
IF you are thinking of planning a cycle of steroids or PEDS, or perhaps have already started one, then you must learn the importance of a good PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy) protocol. PCT is a protocol hat us usually started after completing a cycle of steroids or PEDs. PCT is usually started a week after finishing your cycle.
While anabolic steroids come with amazing benefits especially including increased muscle growth, they do affect your body’s naturally producing hormones quite severely. Once you start taking anabolic steroids, your body’s natural testosterone production levels begin to become suppressed and shut down due to the supplemented hormones. Essentially, while your testosterone levels may skyrocket while taking steroids, your body sees that it does not need to keep producing, so it shuts down production.

In just a matter of weeks, your PCT regimen will help your body kickstart testosterone production again. PCT also prevents adverse side effects because of the hormone changes from the cycle. The sooner your hormones are regulated and return to normal, you will better be able to maintain the progress and muscle growth that you’ve built on your cycle.
Without PCT, your body would have to recover naturally and independently, a process that could take months or longer, and still, you may never fully recover. During that time, you could experience mood swings, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, gain fat mass, and many more side effects associated with low testosterone. Essentially, you will have lost everything you worked for and be worse off than before.
A PCT protocol usually lasts 4-6 weeks, but varies greatly depending on the type of drug, the dosage, and other factors of the individual. Allow-releasing steroids take longer to leave your body, so for this reason, PCT could be extended several weeks, so it could potentially be weeks after the last injection before the remaining artificial testosterone is cleared from your body.
While there are a few options regarding PCT drugs, the most common are Nolvadex (also called Tamoxifen) and Clomid (Clomiphene). Look for more in-depth coverage about Nolvadex and Clomid in future Juiced Muscle Blogs, but for now we will just run through the basics of what you need to know.
Nolvadex is a very common drug for a PCT cycle for those who are either on their first anabolic steroid cycle or are still beginners. This is because Nolvadex is great to use when just one or two compounds are used for a typical cycle length Nolvadex works best for mild cycles where 1-2 compounds are stacked together. Nolvadex (sometimes referred to as just “Nolva”) is effective yet mild. Nolvadex blocks estrogen from interacting with the pituitary gland and is a treatment to prevent gynecomastia (gyno... aka man tits). Bodybuilders typically use a dose range of 25-75 mg per day for around 4 weeks or longer if necessary.
Clomid is often prescribed to women to aid in ovulation, but in men causes an elevation f follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, resulting in an increase in natural testosterone production. Clomid is also an effective anti-estrogen. Most bodybuilders take a dose of 100-150 mg per day for 4-6 weeks, however some say that a dose of 50mg per day can be effective. We will touch on this in a future Juiced Muscle blog. Clomid can cause mood swings, headaches, and in a small number of users, vision problems.
Even when doing all of your research, even if you have done many cycles in the past, anabolic steroid cycles can at times be unpredictable. This is why it is vital to have your PCT drugs on hand before starting your cycle. Don’t wait until your steroid cycle has started to plan for your PCT. Be prepared, and have your PCT drugs ready before you start your cycle.
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