Clen: A Fat Burner That Really Works
Spend time at the gym and talking to other gym rats long enough, and you’re bound to hear about Clen. Clen, which is short for Clenbuterol, is a popular drug made to treat asthma and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but is commonly used in the bodybuilding world as a powerful fat burner.
What Clen Does
Clen is not a steroid. Clen is a β2 (beta2) adrenergic receptor agonist (the opposite of a beta-blocker) which means Clen increases the production of epinephrine and noradrenaline. Clen effects the bronchial smooth muscle, producing bronchodilation. From there, the vessels that carry oxygen are widened, and the volume of oxygen in the blood increases. It activates the beta-adrenergic receptors, increasing the body’s ability to reduce body fat and increase skeletal muscle mass. Since Clen is a thermogenic, it aids your body in burning off fat stores. It slightly increases the users’ core body temperature and metabolic rate, so they can burn calories faster.
Dosing and Cycles
Clen is usually used near the end of a cycle but can also be used alone as a cutting cycle. Clen should be taken orally in a two-by-two protocol, usually two weeks on followed by two weeks off, because at around the two-week mark, it becomes significantly less effective. Some have found a 6-week protocol effective, but it can produce some bad side effects. On the 6-week protocol, you start with a low dose and increase after 2-3 weeks until your 6 weeks are up. This method is not widely recommended, because of the harsh side effects. Even experienced users see great success with the two by two protocol. Clen is not a miracle drug for those who are extremely overweight. Clen is most effective in people who have a starting body fat percentage of around 20%. People starting with a 30% body fat percentage may find that Clen produce the results they’re looking for. You must maintain exercise and eating in a calorie deficit while on Clen for it to give you the best results. Most people start with a low dose of 20-40 mcg and can reach a max dosage of 100-140 mcg.

Along with being a powerful thermogenic drug, Clen can have some serious side effects such as:
• Anxiety or nervousness
• Headaches
• Raised body temperature
• Tachycardia
• High blood pressure
• Shaking, jitters, or tremors
• Heart palpitations
• Atrial fibrillation
• Irregular or fast heartbeat
• Insomnia
• Muscle cramps
• Increased sweating
Overall, the effects the Clen has on the heart and muscles greatly depends on the level or dosage and length of using it. The risks increase with dose and duration. Clen is still banned for human consumption in the U.S., (but is legal in some areas of Europe) and is generally used in livestock or veterinary use. IF you decide to take Clen, be sure to stay hydrated, eat in deficit, and continue your exercise program. Do not use Clen if you have a history of heart problems.
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