Blood values theoretical vs practical blood values
Anabolic Update
by William Llewelyn
New Designer Steroid Muscular Development June 2007
This month I thought it would be interesting to introduce readers to a new, underground steroid circulating on the black market. It’s called dimethylnandrolone (DMN) and as its name suggest, it’s a cousin to the popular drug Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate), so highly favoured by athletes for its strong anabolic and mildly androgenic properties. Dimethylnandrolone or DMN for short, is an interesting analogue of nandrolone, displaying high relative potency and favourable estrogenic and androgenic characteristics. Although its emergence on the underground is fairly recent, it’s quickly gaining attention and favourable reviews. With this in mind, I figured a thorough examination was warranted. So, without further fanfare let’s find out what this new “designer” steroid is all about.
MT-DMN is also covered here: //
Dimethylnandrolone is a generic term that could refer to any number of different nandrolone-derived steroids. It really only tells us that this is a nandrolone with two additional methyl groups. In this case, the exact DMN we’re looking at is 7-alpha, 11-beta dimethylnandrolone. Steroidphiles will recognize that this steroid is very close in structure to MENT (7- alpha- methylnortestosterone), an anabolic steroid currently under commercial development by Schering- Plough. MENT (which had been given the conventional name “Trestolone”) is being examined as a new form of male contraception and androgen replacement therapy. The drug effectively supports male libido and suppresses spermatogenesis while simultaneously lacking a stimulatory effect on prostate volume (due to a reduced relative androgenic nature compared to testosterone). Given its similar structure, DMN shares many of the same qualities of MENT, although it’s indeed a unique steroid in its own right. One of its most striking traits, in fact, is its extreme level of activity compared to most other steroids.
Binding studies show that DMN has an affinity for the cellular androgen receptor approximately twice that of DHT the most potent natural androgen in humans. A simple way to look at this is given equal concentration in the blood, you will find twice as much DMN bound to androgen receptors, compared to DHT. More binding usually means more activity. Compared to its (similarly) synthetic cousin MENT, DMN has about a 20 percent greater binding affinity. This is already some solid data, as DHT and MENT are no slackers as far as steroids are concerned. DMN is starting to look like it will be a fairly potent steroid. But it would be entirely misleading if we ended our examination here, as binding affinity is only one small part of the puzzle. Other primary factors effecting steroid potency include drug bioavailability, active half- life and binding affinity for constructive binding proteins. It may bind the androgen receptor well, but how long does it stick around in the body to do its job. Depending on how the compound fairs, pharmacologically speaking, it may be considerable stronger or weaker that relative binding affinity (RBA) alone would suggest (Dianabol and Winstrol are good examples of this).
A more accurate assessment of drug potency is made in vivo, or during experiments where the drug is administered to live animals (usually rats are used for the pre-human trials). Detailed in-vivo studies into DMN were published in 2005 and demonstrated a drug that was exceedingly potent. “During the investigation, animals were injected with DMN subcutaneously for seven days, after which the animals were sacrificed and analysed for muscle gain and androgenic activity according to the long-standard lavator any (LA), seminal vesicles (SV) and ventral prostate (VP) growth assays. Other steroids were also used , including testosterone and MENT. This result were quite remarkable for DMN, which turned out to be by far the most potent steroid of the group. Compared with testosterone, dimethylnandrolone displayed approximately 136 times greater anabolic activity. Yes, that was not a typographical error. It had 136 times, not 136 percent, greater anabolic activity. Its androgenic activity was shown to be 14-37 times greater than that of testosterone, making this not only an exceedingly potent steroid, but also one with a high ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect. Compared to MENT, DMN was five times more anabolic with two to five times more androgenic activity based on SV and VP assays, respectively.
While MENT maintains some moderate level of estrogenic activity, this does not appear to be the case with DMN. Studies with other 11 beta modified steroids like fluoxymesterone have shown that substitutions to this point on the steroid backbone inhibit estrogen conversion, which strongly suggests that DMN is a non-aromatizable nandrolone derivative. Furthermore, studies looking at the relative binding of this agent to the estrogen receptor have shown extremely weak binding affinity. As such, no appreciable intrinsic estrogenic activity appears to be present with this steroid. It seems reasonable to consider it a non-estrogenic drug. Similar to nandrolone and MENT, however, DMN maintains some moderate level of progestational activity. Which could mimic/intensify estrogen action in the body. This, however, is likely not going to be problematic unless high doses are taken, or the drug is administered in higher doses alongside other strongly aromatizable agent (obviously not the target clinical use for such a drug). Overall, it would appear the DMN is not only a strongly anabolic and mildly androgenic agent, but it’s also one not highly prone to causing estrogenic- type side effect such as gynecomastia, increased water retention or fat gain. Anecdotical report seem to support this conclusion as well.
DMN does have one good thing going for it as far as safety is concerned. Unlike most of the recent “designer steroids” being released, it’s not a e-17 alpha alkylated substance. Although human studies are lacking in this regard, it seems reasonable to conclude that this drug displays relatively low hepatotoxity (liver toxicity). That is usually the case with non-17-methylated steroids, although at times even some of these drugs have been shown to cause elevated liver stress if taken into high a dosage or for too long a duration. Trenbolone, nandrolone and methenolone (Primabolan) have all displayed such liver toxicity in clinical reports, albeit isolated ones. Let’s therefore, not confuse “low toxity” with absolutely harmless. In a high enough dosage, you can likely run into trouble. The sheer potency of this drug suggest that daily doses below 1mg are going to be most commonly applied by bodybuilders. Doses well in excess of this are likewise discouraged. 17-methyllated steroids also tend to negatively affect lipids more so that their non-methylated analogs. This is one of the biggest drawbacks when it comes to the health risks of these drugs they legitimately and strongly affect a powerful factor in cardiovascular health. Without e-17 alpha methylation, DMN should have a less dramatic impact on your lipid. It’s still a potent, non estrogenic drug, however, and as such will still cause negative changes to HDL and LDL levels in most users when taken in an athletically sufficient dose. Proper monitoring of serum lipids is highly recommended with use, as would be suggested with nearly all cycles. Still, it should be better that something like winstrol or Dianabol. Overall, DMN seems to be potent and comparably less toxic new addition to the world of the underground designer steroids. One must always remember that this is a very potent drug, however, and while likely fairly safe when used responsibly, can be risky (as any steroid can) it abused.
Dimethylnandrolone is currently available only as an underground steroid. No legitimate pharmaceutical company produces it, and it’s not approved for human use in any country. It’s being exclusively produced by a small number of clandestine labs that operate specifically to bring drugs to the black market for sale. The typical formulation of an underground DMN is that of an injectable solution containing 200mcg/mL (micrograms) of drug, although many variations are likely. Given that there’s no significant estrogenic component and relative androgenicity is reduced compared to the primary male androgen testosterone, one should expect that the drug would work like something along the lines of a strong Primabolan depot, with clean, solid gains, not bulk. It must be injected on a daily or every-other-day basis however, and as such would probably be more reminiscent of a stronger form of Primabolan Acetate.
The photo on the prior page is that of a blender product produced by HardCore labs, an underground lab based in Western Europe. This particular item, labelled MT-DMN, includes a hefty 3mg/mL dose of methyltrienolone , one of the most potent synthetic steroids known to man. While the addition of methyltrienolone present a strong added element of potentional hepatotoxicity, there’s little arguing with the results of such a powerful stack. Still more health-conscious individuals will likely stay far away from methyltrienolone and opt to find one of the handful of pure DMN product in circulation at this time.
Given the feedback on the product as of late, they are expected to greatly increase in popularity in the coming months (the fact that DMN is presently unknown to drug testing officials doesn’t hurt either). This steroid may indeed turn out to be a new, “serious player” among designer steroids.
The effect of 6 weeks MT-DMN on bloodvalues
This is the cycle of a man that has his own vision on using gear. After reading the article of William Llewellyn on MT-DMN he decided to give it a try and to have his bloodvalues checked before and after cycling. The article somewhat scared him off and because he was scared to ruin his body, he decided to inject MT-DMN and DMN on alternating weeks.It’s a shame that he hasn’t done his bloodwork immediately after his cycle, but waited until after his PCT.
I.m.o. he also used to little Testosterone, Sustanon isn’t meant to be shot every day, thus I would have prefered propionate for daily use, but even better a long estrificated Testosterone 700-1000 mg once a week. Beside that I’m convinced that DMN on its own is to weak, so I would prefer the use of just the MT-DMN. Thus first run two weeks of Testosterone enanthate/cypionate or decanoate and then 6 weeks of MT-DMN together with the Testosterone. Followed by 4-5 weeks on Nolvadex and Clomid. Personally I see no use for HCG post-cycle. The time of the post-cycle is because the effect of long-estrificated testosterone slowly declines.
Beside this the given bloodvalues show that a theorical idea often conflicts with the “in vivo” results. Probably because the MT-DMN is meant to be administerd sub-cutanously and therefore is less toxic for the organs and probably stronger in effect. And maybe all toxic effects are just "official" scaremongering.
I cycled 6 weeks with 2 weeks post-cycle.
Alternating each week with MT-DMN or DMN.
Every day:
1 / 10 of an insulin syringe of MT-DMN or DMN and 25 mg Sustanon.
4 iu growth hormone
Post cycle therapy: Pregnyl / GH / Nolvadex.
Before the cycle:
45.9 hematocrit (blood viscosity)
creatinine 0.83 (kidneys)
e-GFR (MDRD) 90 (kidneys)
GOT 25 (liver)
LH 2.6 (hormones)
testosterone 4.68 (hormones)
After the cycle:
hematocrit 53.2 (should not exceed 53)
creatinine 1.30 (should not exceed 1.10)
e-GFR (MDRD) 59 (must be greater than 60)
GOT 39 (must not exceed 37)
LH 11.4 (should be less than 8.8)
Testosterone 11.66 (may not exceed 11)
A few values where very slightly elevated.
Cholesterol, was not checked by the doctor.
LH and testosterone were mildly elevated. (Actually they should be reduced after a treatment.)
The increase is probably due to the 2 weeks post-cycle (usage of growth hormone and Pregnyl 5000iu plus Nolvadex)
The rest of the blood counts were all ok (simular to the values before the cycle)
Underneath the complete bloodvalues.
The text is in the Dutch language because the tests where done in Belgium
> Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 21:20:01 +0200
> H E M A T O L O G I E
> ERYTHROCYTEN 4.59 4.84 4.75 4.2-5.5
> LEUKOCYTEN 6000 * 4170 4610 4300-11000
> LEUKOC. FORMULE St 0.0 0.0 0.0 < 1
> Neutr 55.4 46.9 52.5 50-65
> Eosin 1.9 1.7 1.1 0-6
> Basof 0.4 0.8 0.6 0-2
> Lymfo 34.5 40.3 36.1 25-45
> Monoc 7.8 * 10.3 9.7 3-10
> LYMFOCYTEN (ABSOL.) 2070 1680 1664 1200-3500
> GRANULOCYTEN (ABSOL.) 3324 * 1955 2420 2100-7000
> HEMOGLOBINE 15.1 16.0 15.4 13-17
> HEMATOCRIET 44.8 46.6 46.0 39-50
> M C V 98 96 97 81-99
> M C H 33 33 32 27-34
> M C H C 34 34 33 32-36
> THROMBOCYTEN 1.97 1.83 2.06 1.5-4.0
> IJZER 148 83 55-180
> IJZERBINDING TIBC 370 322 250-400
> FERRITINE 34 66 85 20-360
> VITAMINE B12 978 1059 300-960
> FOLIUMZUUR ERYTHR. 812.0 871.0 > 280
> B I O C H E M I E
> HbA1c (DCCT) 5.4 5.4 4-6 (T<7)
> CREATININE 1.06 0.78 < 1.2
> URINEZUUR 4.2 4.1 3.5-7.6
> CLEARANCE MDRD (eGFR) 74.3 106.2 > 60
> GPT (ALT) 26 20 < 39
> Y GT 10 10 10-49
> TRIGLYCERIDEN 50 79 < 150
> CHOLESTEROL * 194 * 238 < 190
> HDL-CHOLESTEROL 75 67 > 40
> LDL-CHOLESTEROL 109 * 155 < 115
> RISICOFACT. CHOL/HDL 2.6 3.6 < 5
> LDL-1 Cholesterol * 70.4 < 57
> LDL-2 Cholesterol * 30.7 < 30
> LDL-3 Cholesterol 3.1 < 5
> LDL-4 Cholesterol 0.0 < 1
> LDL-5 Cholesterol 0.0 < 1
> LDL-6 Cholesterol 0.0 < 1
> LDL-7 Cholesterol 0.0 < 1
> IDL-A 22.8 < 26.1
> IDL-B 11.9 < 17.1
> IDL-C 23.6 < 24.1
> LDL MEAN PART. SIZE 271.4 > 268.0
> OMEGA-3-INDEX 6.8 4-7 T > 7
> Lp(a) * 93 * 79 < 30
> MAGNESIUM BLOED 2.90 2.77 2.40-3.7
> 25(OH) VIT D 73.0 62.9 50-120
> VITAMINE E 15.4 14.1 6.9-19.3
> GAMMA-TOCOFEROL 0.41 0.44 0.4-1.6
> HOMOCYSTEINE 10.1 10.5 < 16
> ZINK BLOED 715.0 475-770
> SELENIUM BLOED 113 145 80-234
> UBIQUINONE Coenzym Q10 * 2.1 * 2.0 0.6 - 1.8
> GLUTATHION (GSH) 829 600-1600
> PSA 2.30 2.03 < 4
> VRIJ PSA 0.47
> VRIJ PSA RATIO 23.2 > 16
> CRP < 0.1 0.1 < 0.8
> FIBRINOGEEN 299.0 200-440
> T H Y R O I D
> TSH 1.12 1.44 0.2 - 4.0
> H O R M O N E N
> TOTAAL TESTOSTERON 771 529 634 250-1100
> VRIJ TESTOSTERON 22.2 10.3 11.6 6 - 25
> DHEA SULFAAT 231 258 100-440
> S H B G 31.9 12-60
> T O X I C O L O G I E
> LOOD IN BLOED 3.3 2.4 < 15 MPV 30
> UITZICHT SERUM Licht hemolytisch,Licht troebel
> Normaal Normaal
> OMEGA 3 . .
> 18:3 alfa-linoleenzuur 0.12 * 0.09 0.1-0.16
> 20:5 eicosapentaeenzuur * 1.66 1.18 0.53-1.43
> 22:5 docosapentaeenzuur 2.42 2.42 2.09-2.66
> 22:6 docosahexaeenzuur * 5.09 4.49 3.17-4.83
> OMEGA 6 . .
> 18:2 linolzuur * 8.90 * 9.40 6.98-8.64
> 18:3 gammalinoleenzuur * 0.01 * 0.01 0.03-0.06
> 20:3 dihomogammalinoleenz 1.27 1.24 1.03-1.51
> 20:4 arachidonzuur * 10.33 * 9.36 10.6-12.9
> OMEGA 9 . .
> 18:1 oleinezuur 9.69 * 10.92 9.5-10.7
> 20:1 eicoseenzuur * 0.29 * 0.24 0.18-0.23
> 14:0 myristinezuur * 0.43 * 0.45 0.20-0.28
> 16:0 palmitinezuur * 17.00 * 17.01 17.3-18.7
> 16:1 palmitoleinezuur * 0.12 * 0.13 0.14-0.30
> 18:0 stearinezuur 13.85 14.05 13.4-14.5
> 20:0 arachidinezuur 0.34 0.36 0.34-0.43
> 22:0 docosaanzuur 1.57 1.80 1.56-1.82
> 24:0 tetracosaanzuur 4.71 * 5.37 4.36-5.00
> LA/DGLA * 7.01 * 7.58 < 7.00
> DGLA/AA 0.12 0.13 > 0.10
> OMEGA-6/OMEGA-3 2.21 2.45 2.18-3.71
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