Art glutathione TAD

Gluthatione TAD 600

I was in Greece for a few days and spoke with a trainer, he told me TAD was used by many pro's to protect their liver and kidneys, improve the immune system and improve skin texture (androgenic compounds are very harsh on the skin as most will know) It also helps 

protect the hair (androgenic compounds and hair loss same story). It was a nice discussion. Most bodybuilders want to discuss topics about muscle grow, training, steroids and anti-estrogens, but taking injectable vitamin B12, Silymarin, Ketotifen, TAD, Selegiline etc is a bit unusual.

But how much we hate it, we will get older... a Muay Thai fighter once told me in the sauna, it doesn't matter if you smoke a package of cigarettes and drink a crate of beer every day when your 18, you'll have to pay your dues after your 40st year, when you are getting older. The same is true for many things that can wreck your body. Your body is your temple, and you never can get a new one. Regrets are a useless emotion. You should protect your body now!!

Most people are accustomed to thinking of antioxidants as vitamins, superfoods and minerals. But there are many other natural substances that function in this way. Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant enzyme produced in our bodies, is one such substance. N-acetylcysteine (NAC), an amino acid required by our bodies to produce glutathione, appears to possess particular antioxidant properties, as well. As antioxidants, these two related substances are intimately involved in the detoxification process, and are important members of our defenses against environmental toxins and carcinogens. They also protect our cells from oxidative stress-damage that may occur from a variety of reasons.

Supplementing with glutathione combats free radicals and boosts muscle

As a bodybuilder, you must take all the necessary steps to ensure muscle growth: You have to train hard, eat the proper diet and take essential supplements, including whey protein, glutamine, creatine and, of course, antioxidants, the supplements that help reduce free radicals. If you aren't currently taking antioxidants, this article should convince you that these supplements are crucial to protect your muscles.

Believe it or not, training is a double-edged sword. Always keep in mind that you don't get big because you train; you get big because you recover effectively from your training. When you train, free radicals are produced in large quantities, and these harmful chemical compounds can bring your muscle gains to a halt. Obviously, the answer is not to quit working out. The answer is to help your body effectively protect itself.

The good news is that your body can produce its own antioxidants, such as glutathione, to help combat muscle-eating free radicals. Your body never produces enough antioxidants, though, to stop all of the free radicals. Those that escape this natural defense system can continue their attack on your muscle cells and the genetic material that will produce the extra muscle protein needed for growth. They also initiate a release of chemicals that inhibit the anabolic effects of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1. All of these effects spell trouble for bodybuilders because they cause muscle to actually shrink (catabolic). So what's a growing bodybuilder to do? It's simple -- take supplements that boost your body's production of glutathione to stop free radicals dead in their tracks and keep your muscle gains on track.

Glutathione is a natural antioxidant that's critical for preventing free radicals from damaging tissues throughout your body, including your muscles. It also helps protect your liver from poisons and certain drugs. Supplementing with glutathione itself is not a very effective strategy, because your gut digests most of it and prevents it from reaching the bloodstream intact. That's why it's seldom sold in supplement stores. Therefore, the best way to raise glutathione levels is to get enough of its most important nutritional building blocks, which include the mineral selenium and the amino acid cysteine.

Many celebrities use Glutathione

For instance many Filipino celebrities use this anti-oxidant for its skin health properties including skin whitening. Brad Pitt is known to take a cocktail of vitamins, minerals and amino acid via IV, Glutathione is one of them. Magic Johnson also gets injectable glutathione.

Probably most well known for her use of Glutathione is Suzanne Somers is a 66 year old actress that has claimed that through the use of hormone replacement and glutathione that she was successfully able to beat breast cancer instead of traditional methods. In addition to this statement she has claimed that she looks better, feels better and is still very active even well into her 6th decade of life. Why are celebrities willing to dish out a few thousand dollars each and every month to raise their glutathione levels?

It is quite obvious that those celebs would like to maintain their youthful looks and youthful skills, compounds like hGH and Gluthatione offer that chance.

Glutathione levels are typically lower in people with chronic conditions as the body is using its stored glutathione to fight the illness. This creates a vicious circle because low levels of glutathione can lead to feeling or becoming ill and becoming ill saps your body’s glutathione level.

Luckily there are supplements that can help you raise your levels but be warned that oral supplements are only marginally effective at replacing this vital anti-oxidant. Hospitals and medical doctors often use IV’s to treat patients, including those undergoing chemotherapy, but a more practical solution might be glutathione injections.

You will get a full dose, done only twice per week and it is readily available in the bloodstream via IM shot.

Makes your skin flawless. Improves pigmentation of the skin such as melasma, scars, acne scars and post chicken pox. It helps the skin look smoother and achieve even color. It also helps prevent diseases of the eye such as disorder of eyeball tissues, cornea, cataract, and optic nerve. The most desired side-effect of Gluthatione is… Skin whitening.

Glutathione Injection is for those who want faster skin whitening effects compared to oral glutathione. You can see effects in just 3 weeks compared to oral intake of l-glutathione. The normal procedure in this case is to start with 2 injections twice a week for 5 weeks, and then shift to oral intake of NAC for maintenance dose. On the net you can find many before and after pictures, but beauty is not the purpose of this article. The reason why I mention this is because, bodybuilders do like the healing effect on the skin, because as I mentioned before steroids are bad for the skin especially the more androgenic (DHT based) ones.


More effective: pills or IV injections?

According to the European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, a single dose of 3g of dietary glutathione taken orally has no significant clinical benefits in increasing the circulation of glutathione in the body since it can easily be digested in the stomach and is not very well absorbed in the intestines. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that taking intravenous (IV) injections may provide an effective and direct route to increase glutathione concentration in the body, the same is true for intra muscular (IM) injection.

Take glutathione with caution

IV injections, however, can easily cause glutathione overdose due to sudden increase of glutathione in the body causing side effects like stomach ache, diarrhea, kidney failure, blood poisoning, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). Because of this, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an advisory disapproving its use as skin whitener.

Taking capsule forms, though approved by FDA, also poses its own danger. Among its side effects experienced by the users were skin rashes, diarrhea, headaches, itchiness, chills and acne breakouts, which take time to manifest and less severe compared to injection.

Glutathione substitutes

Instead of popping pills, taking IM injections or IV lines, taking glutathione precursors are found to be a better solution. Healthy individuals taking 500mg of vitamin C daily were found to have a 50% increase of blood glutathione levels in their body. Alpha-lipoic acid, glutamine, methionine, and un-denatured whey protein also boost glutathione in our body. It can also come from food sources like asparagus, broccoli, spinach, garlic, raw tomatoes and avocadoes.


A bodybuilder's quantitative need for selenium is not entirely clear. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for adults is set at 55 micrograms (mcg), so make sure you get at least this much from foods and/or supplements. Because the RDA is based on typical Americans, who tend to be less muscular and active than bodybuilders, getting more than the RDA is probably a good strategy to help protect your muscle mass. The upper limit that is regarded as safe for adults is 280 mcg. Shoot for a supplement that delivers about 50 mcg (which may appear as 0.05 milligrams [mg] on labels) of selenium and eat a diet that includes selenium-rich foods.

Particularly good sources of selenium include cereals and other grains, Brazil nuts, seafood, poultry, mushrooms and asparagus. Acceptable forms of selenium supplements include amino acid chelates (e.g., selenomethionine), selenium yeast and sodium selenate. Another acceptable form of selenium is called selenocysteine. Because it forms an active part of many enzymes, selenocysteine is considered by some scientists to be the 21st amino acid.

The key is not to overdo it, as too much selenium can cause muscle loss. More common than other mineral toxicities, too much selenium blunts the appetite, disrupts thyroid and gut function, damages the liver and causes hair loss and fingernail abnormalities. Daily intake of more than 800 mcg is typically required for serious toxicity. On a regional note, people who live in South Dakota, Wyoming and Venezuela--where selenium, which occurs naturally in soil, is present in higher concentrations--tend to get more significant dosages of selenium from their food supply. As a result, bodybuilders in these areas should avoid taking selenium supplements, although a multivitamin (containing a small amount of the mineral) is likely to be safe.

Whey Protein

Interestingly, one of the most efficient ways to bolster your glutathione levels may be to take whey protein. Scientists compared the effects of 20 grams (g) of whey to a placebo and to 20 g of casein on the glutathione levels of 20 healthy subjects. Unlike the placebo or casein treatment, whey caused a 20% rise in blood glutathione levels, suggesting that it improves antioxidant status.

One explanation for its effect is whey's content of the sulfur-containing amino acid cysteine. Supplementation with a form of cysteine called N-acetyl cysteine increases glutathione levels in humans.

Unfortunately, N-acetyl cysteine may also cause adverse effects if higher-than-normal amounts are taken for prolonged periods, so its effects are too mixed for us to recommend it as a way to enhance glutathione. One study found that N-acetyl cysteine actually increased free radicals when given as a supplement in combination with vitamin C after intense resistance exercise, while also measurably increasing the amount of muscle damage. As a result, whey protein is preferred over N-acetyl cysteine to improve glutathione levels and supply your body with the amino acids it needs to build muscle tissue and support your training. We recommend 50 g daily.

In addition to these methods for boosting glutathione levels, another good strategy is to take supplements that supply other antioxidants, such as vitamins E and C, which have been shown to reduce muscle damage after intense exercise. We recommend about 400 international units (IU) of vitamin E, 500 mg of vitamin C and at least eight servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Although many of these supplements can have additional benefits, it's important for bodybuilders to consider the muscle-sparing effects of selenium, whey protein and vitamins C and E. Fighting off the detrimental effects of free radicals is one more weapon in your muscle-building arsenal.

Other suggested liver-protecting nutrients include gamma linoleic acid, as found in evening primrose oil or borage oil supplements. Anything that increases glutathione, the primary liver antioxidant, would also help protect the liver. Supplements that raise liver glutathione include silymarin, N-acetyl cysteine and lipoic acid—plus whey protein because of its rich cysteine content. Glutathione is composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine, with cysteine the most vital to glutathione synthesis.

To summarize:

Most of you know that I’m opposed to nutritional supplements per se. Natural (bio) foods are much better. But most of us still have to go to work etc, busy - busy. Then it is very comfortable to be able to have all the needed nutrients in an easy to prepare meal. Like a wheyprotein shake. Would I opt for the precursor version or the natural source like broccoli? To be honest I would opt for the real deal, just as with roids. And if you opt the hard-core version, then a hardcore protection would be in place. But be careful and first find out if you tolerate TAD, on the net you can find terrible pictures of what it can do to your skin. 99.9 % of us won’t get it, but like I said start carefully…

I won’t bore you with a pic of someone with a terrible skin rash. I bet you like this pic better…

Bodybuilding at its best….