April 2015

Selegiline (chemical name: L-Deprenyl, Brandnames: Eldepryl , Jumex, Zelapar, or veterinairy Anipryl

I believe nootropics like by example Selegiline Cabergoline and Bromocriptine are very underrated bodybuilding drugs.

The enzyme monoamine oxidase has two main forms, type A and type B. They are coded by separate genes. MAO may be inhibited with agents that act reversibly or irreversibly; and selectively or unselectively. These categories are not absolute.

MAO type-A preferentially deaminates serotonin and noradrenaline, and also non-selectively dopamine. Type B metabolises dopamine, phenylethylamine (the chocolate amphetamine) and various trace amines.

Scientists and writers for health websites now have hundreds of common and exotic foods proclaimed 'superfood', but let's for a moment at the seven above. They make clear why we have difficulty with the superfood hype. Positively to the superfood trend or superfood hype, is that they make people aware again of the value of everyday, raw and unprocessed foods. That, and not all kinds of industrial products or supplements, are the foundation of a healthy diet that you as an athlete can make progress on.

What I want you to see is that no matter of all the information in books, magazines, the discussion boards and the internet, almost all newbie bodybuilders and lifters become victims of the supplement industry. Companies like the Weiders scam millions of people and make billions of dollars a year by making innocent people in believing that their heavily advertised products can produce quality muscle and make unwanted fat disappear.

Companies like Weider, Bodybuilding.com etc selling supplements, that in fact will make no difference to your appearance at all. I’m not talking about tainted food supplements or the pro-hormones. Just watch the documentary “BIGGER STRONGER FASTER”

Clenbuterol has been used for years for its ability to shed body fat and preserve lean muscle mass. Although this is highly debated, clenbuterol has been thought to have mild anabolic properties, which is believed to be the reason for the preservation of muscle mass when dieting. Bodybuilders have used clenbuterol as a diet drug for over three decades, and until the last 10 years or so, most of the clenbuterol came from Mexico and Europe.