How an experienced bodybuilder contaminated his own vials

For our book UNDERGROUND ANABOLICS we wanted a sample from a new UG line from the UK, ProChem Laboratories. I was able to get a vial from a bodybuilder that he had used twice. I thought 6 ml would be sufficient I sent the used ampoule with the rest of the samples to the laboratory for analysis. The lab ran all tests and the used vial showed an estimated colony forming unit (CFU) from 60.000. Since it was the only used vial I tried my best to find a new vial and I was able to buy a few in the UK, via a board-member. We sent this new vial in for a CFU test and this sample was not contaminated (see reports).
Why do I write down this story? I want you to realize that even an experienced bodybuilder (now competing the masters class) did contaminate one of his vials. Thus be careful, keep your vial in a dark, cool place. When you want to use them clean the stopper with alcohol, wait some time to allow sterilization. Use a new needle to fill the syringe, when the syringe is filled, take a new needle for the actual injection.