
A Few Case Reports

A 37 year old professional athlete arrived in my office complaining of low testosterone symptoms of low libido, erectile dysfunction, chronic fatigue, and mood disorder.  He admitted to anabolic steroid abuse in the past, and now sought medical intervention to "restore his testosterone to normal."   A few years ago, he had married and fathered a child, and he now wanted to devote more time to his family, but complained of a lack of energy to do so.  He also wanted to preserve fertility, as he wanted more children.  Previous medical doctor's lab studies showed low testosterone levels, all below 300 ng/dl, and low FSH and LH levels as well

After our usual workup, and the obvious diagnosis of hyopogonadal hypogonadism, treatment was started with HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), an LH analog which stimulates testicular testosterone production.  The patient wished to retain fertility which contra-indicated the use of Testosterone preparations.