compound exercise

Full Body Compound Work-out

Numerous studies have indicated that weight training exercises that recruit large muscle masses (i.e. the compound exercises) result in the largest anabolic hormonal response by the body. The proportions of anabolic hormones (mainly growth hormone and testosterone) secreted are thought to be functions of factors such as total muscle mass recuited, exercise intensity, rep count and rest between sets - with lower rep sets and longer breaks between them favoring testosterone release and higher rep sets and shorter breaks between them favoring growth hormone (hGH). The more total muscle mass involved, the higher the hormone levels rise. For this reason, Squats will cause a greater hormonal response than Bench Presses.

These are exercises that involve more than one major muscle and involve the movement of move than one joint. Examples would be Squats, Bent-Over Rows, Bench Presses, Military Presses, and so on. The collective experience of generations of weight trainers teaches that these are the most effective movements for producing gains in strength and muscle size.

These are exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, chins, dips and rows. They cause a release of a lot more anabolic hormones than isolation exercises like concentration curls, cable crossovers, leg extensions, etc. Consequently, they cause a lot more muscular growth.

Compound exercises are recommended on and off cycles. They are strength building exercises. when off the anabolic steroids they can increase your output of testosterone and growth hormones naturally. That’s why Old School Bodybuilders used this trainings regimen.

The  dead lift for example hits just about every muscle in your body. So it strengthens all the muscles it hits. The importance of it while on a cycle is because the steroids will increase the strength of a muscle. While on the anabolic steroids the strength increases so fast tendons and ligaments find it hard to catch up because there are virtually no blood vessels in them. To do a compound exercise it hits also the stabilizing muscles around the major muscles and it turn helps take stress off the tendons and ligaments. It practacly strengthen the exercised muscles and all surrounding muscles used to stabilise the body when by example standing up when dead-lifting.