

T-3 for fat loss

Listen closely because this article is going to reveal some little-known, almost secret facts about thyroid hormone, a piece of the fat-burning puzzle so overlooked that even many pro bodybuilders have trouble putting it in place at showtime. In fact, coming in “soft” is the number-one fear of every bodybuilder who’s ever carried armor-plated muscle onstage. Being called smooth is like someone talkin’ trash about your mom—you just don’t want to hear it. Thanks to ground-breaking research on a new thyroid-hormone-stimulating compound called T-3, however, the fear of being smooth will vanish. That’s because T-3 takes the fat-burning process to a level well beyond standard thermogenics.

 Before we go into detail on how T-3 was scientifically formulated, though, you need to know more about the thyroid gland so you can understand how thyroid hormones work. It is one of several endocrine glands in the body that function primarily to secrete metabolism-regulating hormones. The word hormone in Greek means “to arouse.” For example, the hormones testosterone and growth hormone arouse muscle growth by rapidly increasing the protein-turnover rate, or protein synthesis. And as every hard-training bodybuilder knows, the more abundant those hormones are (within reasonable limits), the more abundant the increases in muscle size.