Recently another new scientific study resulted in a lot of new articles on the world wide web. I wrote about muscle memory before (Muscle memory fact or fiction // ). The way we look is due to a many different reasons. First of all being our genetic body type.
If you read the diverse articles (including mine // ) about it you know that some body types can more easily gain muscle than others. Still everyone can become a bodybuilder.

Microscopy images showing cross sections of muscle fibers with (right) and whiteout (lest) anabolic steroids.
You are born as a certain body type, mostly not as one of the main three but mostly a combination of all the body types. It is very important for the fact how you will look later in life, how young you started to train. Or how much fat mass you gained when you were young. And how much physical work you did when you were young. The human body adapts to the environmental situation. It is obvious that someone who grew up at a farm and helped working hard and heavy develops an other body then a simular type of person that grew up in the big city never to lift a finger.