The fact that bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to increase the muscle mass is well known and covered by the media. In professional kickboxing and mixed martial arts (MMA) anabolic steroids are used to get more (muscle) mass, to increase strength, endurance, pain tolerance and aggressiveness. Last year some Dutch fighters were caught with steroids and they faced the same problems with PCT as other users do. Except these cases where closely followed by the media and the fans.

Some history. In the Netherlands, the gyms had hours where people learned Judo and a bit later Karate, it turned out to be a success and gyms added a dojo, where the students had the change to train all day. Later followed by other fight sports like Savate, Kyokushinkai (full contact karate), Kickboxing, and Muay Thai, at least this is how it happened in our gym.
Some guys combined days in the dojo with power training and/or bodybuilding. Some of them wanted to add extra weight and power and started to use anabolic steroids. These guys became heavier than the standard Muay Thai fighters, originating from Thailand and fought by small lean guys that fought hard and quick. The new generation of Dutch fighters changed the training and fighting skills. Soon the Dutchies ruled in Muay Thai and specialized in knock-downs and knock-outs.