Protropin (somatrem)

Somatrem is a synthetically manufactured form of human growth hormone. It is actually a variant of endogenous human growth hormone protein, containing the same sequence of 191 amino acids, but with the addition of an extra amino acid, methionine. For this reason somatrem is commonly described as methionyl human growth hormone. As an human growth hormone medication, somatrem supports the growth of bone, skeletal muscle, connective tissues, and internal organs. It also plays a role in protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and mineral metabolism. In a medical setting, somatrem is used to treat childen with growth failure caused by endogenous growth hormone deficiency. When administered as a long term treatment before linear growth is stopped due to closed growth plates, the drug may impart a significant positive effect on linear  growth. Somatrem is considered to be therapeutically equivalent to growth hormone or pituitary origin. As an human growth hormone drug, somatrem is valued by bodybuilders and athletes for its ability to promote fat loss and muscle and connective tissue growth. Somatrem was approved for sale by the FDA in the United States in 1985. It was the first synthetic growth hormone medication available worldwide, produced via a manufacturing process called Inclusion Body Technology. The technology involves inserting the DNA encoding for the human growth hormone protein into Escherichia coli bacteria, which assemble and synthesize the pure protein. Prior to the advent of synthetic growth hormone, HGH was made into a medication only by extracting the natural protein from human cadavers. Biological or cadaver HGH, as it was called, was banned in the U.S in 1985 due to the high prevalence of a rare neurological disease known as CJD in patients. Somatrem was approved for sale that same year, giving the company that produced it a short monopoly on the growth hormone market. Somatrem is most commonly supplied in multi dosed vials containing a while lyophilized powder that requires reconstitution with sterile or bacteriostatic water before use.

Although somatrem is considered equivalent to human growth hormone, it is not a natural protein to the human body. This may increase the chance of developing antibodies to growth hormone during treatment. The antibodies work by binding with the growth hormone to the growth hormone receptor, thus inhibiting its ability to bind  to receptors and exert effects. In one study done, 2/3 of the patients treated with drug developed antibodies after one year. In another study done, only 1 in every 7 patients  given the drug developed antibodies to the substance. It is important to note that in both studies, the antibodies that did develop didn’t show significant reduction  in the effects exerted by the drug. Still, the correct 191 amino acid configuration of seatrain in considered more desirable to use. The most commonly reported adverse reactions to somatrem therapy include carpal tunnel syndrome, increased growth of nevi (moles and birthmarks) gynecomastia, and pancreatitis. The abuse of somatrem may cause diabetes, acromegaly (a visible thickening of the bones, most notably the feet, forehead, hands, jaw, and elbows. Due to the growth promotion effects of human growth hormone, this drug should not be used by individuals with active or recurring cancer.

Somatrem is given by subcutaneous or  intramuscular injection. One milligram of somatrem is equivalent to approximately 3IU. When used for physique or performance enhancing purposes, somatrem is usually administered at a dosage between 1IU and 6IU per day. The drug is  commonly cycled in a similar manner to anabolic/androgenic steroids, with the length of intake generally being between 6 and 24 weeks. The fat loss properties of this drug are usually much more faster  to take place and notice than are its anabolic properties.