Dianabol (commonly known as Dbol) was the first ever oral androgenic anabolic steroid (AAS). Other names you can find it under are, Methandienone, or methandrostenolone, or sometimes simply “methan”. Dbol has been a crazy popular steroid in the bodybuilding world for the past 40 years. Dbol is mostly used in bulking cycles, as it helps users gain significant muscle size and strength.
Interestingly, Dr. John Bosley Ziegler developed dianabol after meeting a Russian physicist who revealed that the Olympic Soviets were taking exogenous testosterone during the 1952 Olympics. The Soviets had dominated and set world records in the weightlifting events. By 1955 dianabol was created. The objective was to create a substance more powerful than testosterone which would help defeat the Russians in the Olympics. By 1958, dianabol was released in the US, and it had more than double the anabolic rating of testosterone (210 vs 100 rating) and less androgenic than testosterone (60 vs 100 rating).
In the 1960s, peak of the Golden Era of Bodybuilding, dbol became more mainstream with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Columbu, Lou Ferrigno, and other bodybuilders were thought to be using dbol. Physiques became huge in size but remaining aesthetically pleasing was equally important. During this era, it was common for bodybuilders to be able to go to their doctors and simply ask for dianabol. Doctors easily granted their requests and handed out dbol and other mass and strength improving steroids liberally. Steroids were easy to get, legal, and adverse effects were not commonly known, so using them was common in the bodybuilding world. In 1990, Dianabol was banned by the FDA and today remains banned in the US and most other countries. However, it is relatively easy to obtain dbol and other steroids especially in online pharmacies or in countries where they are still legal.

People take dianabol to receive any of these benefits:
Dianabol causes a surge in free testosterone levels, protein synthesis and glycogenesis, resulting in massive gains in muscular strength and size. Free testosterone is the testosterone that is unbound and free for the body to synthesize new muscle tissue from. The surge in protein synthesis means that muscle fibers increase in size and repair quicker thanks to enhanced recovery levels, allowing for longer training sessions. Dbol also increases intracellular water retention, a sign of increased lean body mass, thus increasing strength and functional performance. In the first 30 days of use, it is common to gain up to 20 lbs. or more on dianabol, most of which is muscle mass plus some water retention. A typical 6-week cycle can yield more than 30 lbs. in gains.
• Increased strength
• Increased muscle mass
• Improved recovery
• Free testosterone surge
• Increased protein synthesis
• Increased nitrogen retention (keeps the body in a positive nitrogen balance, keeping the body anabolic)
• Higher red blood cell count (allowing more blood flow to muscles, thus improving muscular endurance and can lead to massive pumps during workouts from increased N.O. (nitric oxide) production)
With all of the good, come some heavy side effects. Dianabol is banned because of how dangerous it can be. Some common adverse side effects are:
• High blood pressure
• Increased Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) by up to a 100% increase
• Decrease in HDL (“good”) cholesterol by up to a 90% reduction
• Water retention
• Gynecomastia (enlargement of male breast tissue)
• Liver damage
• Suppressed testosterone
• Thinning or balding of hair
• Acne
• “Roid rage” (some say it is a myth, but research suggest 60% of AAS users experience an increase in aggressive behavior)
• Virilization (development of masculine characteristics) in women

After taking dbol and experiencing the excessively high testosterone levels, the body will shut down the natural testosterone production via the testes. It does so by inhibiting the HPT (hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular) axis. It can take up to 12 months after stopping exogenous testosterone for a body to regulate back to normal. The longer or stronger the cycle, the longer the natural production of testosterone will be suppressed. During this time between stopping and the body’s return to homeostasis, while the testosterone is low, one may experience testicular atrophy due to the reduced sperm production. Dianabol and other AAS may also lead to infertility. Additionally, while testosterone levels are low, you may experience low libido, depression, low energy, or even erectile dysfunction.
You can accelerate the process of returning natural testosterone production levels to normal and restore HPT axis function by implementing some of these:
• TRT (testosterone replacement therapy)
• hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
• AI’s (Aromatase inhibitors)
• SERMS (selective estrogen receptor modulators
The standard dose for an increase in muscular strength and size is 15-30mg per day. When the doses get higher, side effects become worse. A high dose range is 30-50 mg per day, and in the extreme cases of elite bodybuilders (like IFBB pros), some take up to 100mg, considered a mega dose.
Dianabol comes in tablet form and doses per tablet can be 5mg, 10mg, 15mg, or 50mg. Since Dianabol has a short half-life, you may have to cut your pills in halves or smaller so that you can take a dose ever 2-4 hours. This can easily be done by using a pill cutter, available at most pharmacies. For maximum effectiveness, take dianabol on an empty stomach. Dianabol (and other oral steroids) are fat-soluble compounds, thus when you take them with food (especially food with dietary fat), decreased absorption occurs.

An example of a beginner cycle, which minimizes side effects and can yield up to 10 lbs. in weight gain goes like this:
Week 1: 10mg/day
Week 2: 10mg/day
Week 3: 15mg/day
Week 4: 15mg/day
Week 5: 20mg/day
An example of a follow up cycle to the beginner cycle, which yields more muscle gains but can have more potential side effects can go like this:
Week 1: 20mg/day
Week 2: 20mg/day
Week 3: 25mg/day
Week 4: 25mg/day
Week 5: 25mg/day
Week 6: 25mg/day
It is very common to stack a cycle with other compounds. Most commonly combined with dianabol are deca durabolin (nandrolone), anadrol, and testosterone.
Aggressive PCT is crucial after a cycle of dbol. This PCT protocol designed by Dr. Michael Scally (a leading expert in hormone replacement) was shown in 100% of 19 subjects to have recovered their natural testosterone production 45 days after taking steroids:
hCG: 2000 IU administered EOD for 20 days
Tamoxifen (nolvadex) 2 x 20mg for 45 days
Clomiphene (clomid) 2 x 50mg for 30 days
While this is nicely laid out, you should still do your own research and seek the advice of a professional if that is an option for you, so you can get the best results with the least side effects.