counterfeited fake and real Sustanon
With this article I'll show the difference between real Sustanon and fake Sustanon
Most people believe that a certain product is counterfeited by an individual or organisation. To show that that is not true I post this picture of Portuguese Sustanon (country number 170). The only real ampoulle is the left one. That shows that very often you can find more then one counterfeit or fake from a popular steroid. Sustanon was distributed in many countries, but each product and country had its own specific number. Sustanon from Portugal beared the number 25332/170. Later in this article I'll show more specific details.
What matters for this article is that on diverse discussionforums, members deny that a certain ampoulle is counterfeit or fake. Sometimes it is so obvious like in this case of Omnadren® from Jelfa. On a famous forum, some members even admitted they where convinced that really was a counterfeited Omnadren, but posted they where also convinced that it contained “real” Sustanon, because they and their friends grew on it . One member posted: ”If they go through all that trouble to make such high quality counterfeited lable, box and ampoules, they surely will put the real deal in the ampoules”. You never know if these people have an interest in posting such stupidities (belonging to the group that sells them), or are just plain stupid. They also always seem to have followers.
The same “keyboard warrior” had also posted something simular in an Aburaihan counterfeit thread on the same discussionboard. Here he claimed that ampoules from developing countries showed differences in ampoules and printing on the ampoules, amoung the different batches. Aburaihan is a big pharmaceutical company that has the same ampoule glass (fiolax, noticeable by weight and thickness) and same print mold for the last 3 years. The last year they had two parallel print style, was 2007. Once I posted the two analytical results, he just didn’t post in that thread anymore and hijacked the Jelfa Omnadren thread.
Then there is only one thing you can do to prove them wrong and that is analyse the product. The problem with Sustanon is that it contains four esters of Testosterone, Propionate, PhenylPropionate, Isocaproate and Decanoate. That means you have to run four analyses with the Pharmaceutical Reference Standard (PRS) most abbriavated to Standard.
A PRS is a small amount of very pure substance with a guarantied dosis, it is used to indentify the product and to calculate the dosis. When you want to analyse the content of Sustanon you pay 4 times the amount you would need to anlyse a product containing a single ester. thats why you seldon find analyses of Sustanon. Here some Sustanon analyses with the courtesy of Naps, who paid for all analyses.
We visited our analytical laboratory in Switserland and took some samples of Sustanon with us. I’ll post and explain some analyses and differences from real ampoulles and counterfeits cq fakes.
A counterfeit is a product that looks like the real item and also contains the same active ingredients in the labeled doses. A fake is a product that looks like that product but contains an other active ingredient or no active ingredient at all. Other counterfeited products contain the same active ingredient but are underdosed or overdosed. The number of counterfeited Human Grade (HG) counterfeits will shock you, see my article here //
Jelfa's Omnadren
This particular fake came with a (goodlooking) box. The colours of the box and logo where much paler and the dots of braille less pronounced as the real one (1). This of course can only be compared if you own a fake and a real sample. Its clearly visible that the lable on one of the ampoules is glued manualy, the label is glued on lop-sided (2), beside that the ampoulle is much longer. The fake Omnadren has lotnumber 910071 and the rea Omnadren has lotnumber 903151. If you search on google you certainly find many threads about lotnumber 910071.
I compared the ampoules after a 500+ scan. The brown ring of the fake one is much lower on the neck, of a darker brown and not so nicly printed but a bit frayed. What I also noticed wher the dark spots in the oil (red circle) (3). Thats why I decided to run a cfu to see if the fake sample was polluted with bacteria. You can also get an infection if your body reacts on one of those body foreign particles.
Here the report of both samples (left). Click to enlarge.
At the bottom right you can enlarge even more and also close the report.
In yellow highlighted, you can see that the cfu (colony forming units) or bacteria are samller then 10m which means not present, thus both samples are clean. On the right you see the graphics of both samples. The real Omnadren shows all the peaks on the right retentiontime and the fake doesn't, but the fake Omnadren shows a peak on the 18st minute which was later indentified as Testosterone enathate.
For those of you who are interested in analytical science I've attached the calculation of
the Testosterone Enanthate dosis. Again click to enlarge
To show you it isn't the first time that we bought fake Omnadren, I've posted this picture on the right. We had thousands and the boxes where sent apart from the ampoules and they are simpel to fill. This is to show that Omnadren is not "too difficault to counterfeit due to the package". Don't be mistaken, everything can be counterfeited even money, passports, driverslicenses etc all that was made to be counterfeitproof. Thus why not such simple things as AAS?
Karachi Sustanon.
For Karachi it is the same as with the Sustanon from Portugal (which by the way is called Sustenon. And to make it even more confusing, in Mexico etc it is called Sustonon). There are many different falsifications made in different countries. I became the analysed sample a few days before we went to the analytical laboratory. And after we found out its content started to make enlarged scans to compare.
On the left you'll see the ampoules on their normal size. They really look nice, and come with a very good looking box. Batch number 630687XV.
On the big picture you can see the fake twice, inserted at the bottem compared with a real one above it (640587XV) and on the right with the three amps compared. I was lucky to find a real amp (on the left) to be able to compare and show you the difference in the printing of thedata. Karachi prints a very specific X in EXP.
What makes this Karchi Sustanon different from the Omnadren fake?
This fake Karachi contains nothing but pure oil. No active ingredient what so ever.
So much for the guys in the forum that claim that so nicely counterfeited steroid ampoules "must" contain the real steriodal ingredients or comparable active ingredients. What struck me was that the guy who gave me this sample, was really surprised when I showed him the results. he had sold thousands of them and never heard any complain. That is because most people stack with other steroids mostly long estrified compounds and orals. In the cycle they mostly increase their training work-load and their food intake. Mostly you'll skip all recreatinal drugs and alcohol and take more rest/sleep.All these improvements and the doses of the real steroids make them to grow. Maybe it shows also that you don't need extreme doses and can grow on small doses or even "natural" Others will include the "mind-factor" . Once you think you grow (because you shoot 5 cc per week) you will grow. The placebo effect.
An other analysis. A pharmaceutical produced item.
ZAFA is a Pakistan based Multinational Pharmaceutical manufacturing concern with its own manufacturing facility based in Khartoum Sudan. Testonon is a generic Sustanon® clone. There are a few different types boxes and ampoules due to the different countries Testonon is sold. On the different discussionboards you’ll find many claims mostly not backed by solid prove. They claim ZAFA to be fake, underdosed, underfilled etc . This analysis shows a product that according to European Pharmacopoeia (EP).
To make it better visible for you guys and gals I've merged 3 different Sustanon HPLC grapics to gether. You can compare a realpharma Sustanon with a fake item and a substituted item. if it still isn't clear just let me know.
click to enlarge
Like I allready mentioned every Organon product had its own countrynumber. Counterfeiters mostly bring their products with different numbers and after many years you'll see products again with the same diviations. As we all know once a counterfeit is known on all discussionboards, most users know where to look for and don't buy those products anymore. Recently I saw an old and familiar Sustanon ampoule again on the black market. On the left, with countrynumber 100 (UK). On the right you see an old counterfeit from Portugal (170). The black spot doesn't belong on Organon products, see the first picture in this article.
On the left an other notorious Sustanon Brand. NILE from Egypt, it was tremendoulsly popular amoung Bodybuilders because it was good - cheap and readily available. Despite that fact it was counterfeited massively, so massively that bodybuilders lost all faith and no longer bought the product. I've seen all kinds of counterfeits from reasonable good to a complete emty product. Nile company stopped production last year. They still manufature an other simular product, but the Nile company has develloped such a bad name amoung bodybuilders and atheletes that they don't want to buy these very good generic clone. Even if it is reliable and *because it is so impopular* not counterfeited or faked. A missed chance.
What is more important is the fact that the sample pictured here is analysed completely in the USA.
It contained: Andros, Testosterone Propionate
The analytical lab also found prednisolone and betamethasone, both cortisone-like steroids used to treat inflammation. Those compound could cause an allergic reaction. But it shows that in these China made products often other pharmaceutical compounds and even toxic products are available. More about this can be found in this article:
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