March 2022

For most typical lifters, 3-4 weight training workouts per week is the benchmark when it comes to increasing muscle size and strength.
This is the "sweet spot" that I recommend to most trainees since it's a high enough frequency to optimize the overall effort for each muscle group without going overboard.
To get the most out of your session, work out any tension. Work Smarter, not harder. 
Being too painful and stiff is possibly the only guilt-free justification for skipping gym sessions. However, if you're consistently skipping workouts due to painful muscles, it's time to think about doing some direct work to fix the problem.
Getting enough protein is by far one of the most difficult challenges for most people seeking to live a healthy lifestyle. It's also one of the healthiest things you can do, whether you're trying to lose weight, increase muscle, or simply improve your general health. Because no matter what your goal is, there's a high chance a meal replacement bar or powder could help you achieve it. As an example...
There are two options for skinny guys:
Accept their fate and spend the rest of their lives looking skinny and feeble.
Take action to correct the situation. Consume extra calories. Work hard in the gym. Gain weight and turn their body into a suit of armor.
Whether you’re a hobby bodybuilder, a pro, or are using steroids primarily for strength and performance instead of aesthetics, you know that anabolic steroids come with some risks. Here’s what users need to do to maintain their health. 
It's all about taking it slow with this smart leg day workout. If you slow down the tempo on your heavy lifts, you'll see quick gains.
"Can you increase your type II muscle fibers by following a strength or hypertrophy program?" posed an intriguing question to one of my coworkers, prompting me to write this blog. In a nutshell, the answer is YES. You are likely to raise your percentage of type II muscle fibers if you follow either of these training programs.
Stress isn't always recognized as a bad thing. Learn how to use positive stress to propel your training to the next level.
We all experience varied amounts of stress at some point in our life, whether it's a minor "speed bump" or ongoing, chronic stress.
If you've ever been to a group exercise class where everyone's heart rates and projected calorie burning are displayed on a screen, you know how different these numbers can be. You've probably also observed that guys burn more calories than women on average. Have you ever wondered why, even during the same workout, different people burn calories at such varied rates?

"You are what you eat," as we've all heard before.

But what exactly does that imply?
It indicates that what we eat has a significant impact on our health, and our bodies' well-being is dependent on what we eat. That includes the foods we consume before to working out.