June 2015

A Strong Neck Contributes to Overall Power and a Proportional Physique. Every physique that screams raw functional power has one thing in common: a big strong neck.

Baggy shirts can hide arm development on a par with Justin Bieber’s; sweats might camouflage “forgotten” leg days. But a pencil neck, forget it! No running, no hiding, it’s exposed.

Today, the vast majority of athletes does not realize the importance of training the muscles of the neck, and it is not the trapezius muscle, which only partially affects our appearance. We are talking about the real muscles of the neck. Many believe that the basic movements such as squats, dead lift, etc. contribute enough to the development of the neck muscles.

I was talking with a friend about an article I posted about body detransformation (link at the bottom of this blog post). We looked at the picture of Mustafa Mohammed and then he asked me; “What happened to this guy?” To be honest I didn’t know either. But being a curious guy I tried to find out the quick way via the search engine Google.

We all know what happens when you administer exogenous testosterone into your body. Some people are insatiably from there early puberty, these are mostly the people with a (very) high endogenous testosterone level. When these people are famous they are likely to hit front-page articles. Most of us remember one of those celebrities. And one of those guys is Arnold Schwarzenegger.

In 2011 it was all over the news that Mildred Patricia Baena, Arnold Schwarzenegger's mistress, and mother of his child, was his former house keeper. In the same year Gigi Goyette disclosed she was also a mistress from Arnold, starting when she was 16.