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My third Cycle, by an ectomorph..

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  • My third Cycle, by an ectomorph..

    Dear friends,
    I need some advices about my new cycle of Geneza, and how many kilograms can I gain with that. Thanks in advance!

    1 - 10: test enantate 500mg/week
    1 - 10: equipoise 500mg/week
    1 - 4: dianabol 30mg ED
    1 - 13: arimidex 0,5mg E2D or E3D, depends on feeling..
    5 - 11: trembolone acetate 50mg ED
    12: EMPTY
    13: 500ui hcg/ED
    13 - 16: clembuterol. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4...
    14: HCG 500ui JUST MON,TUES & WED
    14 - 17: tamoxifen 40mg ED
    17 - 19: tamoxifen 20mg ED
    14 - 19: turinabol 12,5mg ED

    My training is around 12am, what is the best moment to take dianabol and trem ace?(because these are fast steroids) What is the best dosage of anastrozole if my goal is lean muscle and cut the final weeks but without risk about gyno?? What is the best dosage of turinabol to help to my body to maintain the muscle?

    I can up the equipoise dosage to 600mg for week, but maybe is not necessary, what so you think?

    Thanks in advance friends!

  • #2
    mate i dont see any cycle there colect more infos about AAS and their stack/timing etc and then come back ready to set a cycle..even the pct is a mess there...


    • #3
      Sorry men, I am amateur in this area. I am trying to write it more clear...thank you!

      My current stats are,
      Age: 26
      Height: 1,92m /6'3"
      Weight: 85 kg

      Testosterone enantathe 500mg/week (weeks 1-10)
      Boldenone equipoise 500mg/week (weeks 1-10)
      Dianabol 30mg/ED (weeks 1-4)
      Trembolone acetate 50mg/ED (weeks 5-11)
      Arimidex 0,5mg 2 times for week or maybe 3 times, depends in feeling (weeks 1-13)

      HCG 500ui ED (week 13)
      HCG 500ui Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday (week 14)
      Nolva: 40/40/40/20/20 (Weeks 14-19)
      Clembuterol in pyramid ED, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,3,4,5... (Weeks 12-15)
      Turinabol 12,5mg/ED (weeks 13-16)

      Thanks in advance men


      • #4
        ok mate what i think...turinabol have no place into the pct...go with nolva 40/40/20/20 ( i avoid use nolva when i use tren to keep possible sides away i use aromasin) and you need clomid 150/100/50/50 for the AAS part test e 10 weeks at 500mg is ok...dianabol for kickstart at 30mg is ok too...i would put the tren on 6-12 and for the equipoise drop it off less than 14 weeks and less than 600mg is waste of gear....for HCG now i would do 3 shots 1500iu on week 11 (mon/wen/fri) and 1500iu on week 12 3 shots again (mon/wen/fri)as for the clen start the pyramid when you start clomid+nolva...also keep in mind that maybe you will need a low dose t3 too...also the adex go 1-12 week 0.5mg mon/wen/fri...also put some caber or keep it in hand in case that tren start messing up you...
        Senior Member
        Last edited by tsek0s; 11-07-2013, 08:50 PM.


        • #5
          Heres a more important question, what were youre two previous cycles? Whats your goals? Whats your diet....and dont say clean. I mean exactly what are you eating and when are you doing it. You need to be this precise in your planning to achieve your goals. Dont just take a bunch of gear and think it will get you there.


          • #6
            Originally posted by CharlieBron View Post
            Heres a more important question, what were youre two previous cycles? Whats your goals? Whats your diet....and dont say clean. I mean exactly what are you eating and when are you doing it. You need to be this precise in your planning to achieve your goals. Dont just take a bunch of gear and think it will get you there.

            My previous cycles were a total disaster caused by uninformed

            My first cycle, 4 years ago (original brand by pharmacy)
            Sustanon 250mg/week (weeks 1-8)
            Winstrol depot 50mg in pyramid, 1 shoot first week, 2 shoots for week was the max..(weeks 1-8)

            Just clomid x3 weeks 100/50/50

            My second cycle ,2 years ago (omega labs)
            Sustanon 250mg/week (weeks 1-10)
            Boldenone equipoise 200mg/week (weeks 1-8)
            Winstrol 150mg/week (weeks 5-9)
            Nolvadex 1 comp/day (weeks 1-9)
            Proviron 1 comp/day (weeks 1-9)

            HCG 2500iu/week (weeks 11-12)

            Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
            Clomid 150/50/50/50

            My diet plan wil be..

            9 am
            Protein shake 45g (40g pure of protein)
            Oats 80g
            1 fruit
            1 multivitamin

            11 am
            250g cheese quark 0% fat
            150g brown rice (cooked)

            12 am TRAINING

            Around 13 am
            Postworkout meal
            80 gr pure waxy maize
            45 gr protein shake
            1 multivitamin

            15 pm
            400 g roast potato
            2 scrambled eggs
            Salad or tomato
            40g protein shake
            1 multivitamin

            150g brown rice
            200/250g chicken breast
            100g spinach or salad

            200g tilapia or some fish
            Salad or tomato
            100g spinach with garlic and a full tablespoon olive oil

            45 g casein shake
            100g spinach
            1 tablespoon olive oil

            Friend my intention is to build pure muscle and keep it then with a good pct

            What do you think about that?? Thanks in advance friend


            • #7
              Originally posted by tsek0s View Post
              ok mate what i think...turinabol have no place into the pct...go with nolva 40/40/20/20 ( i avoid use nolva when i use tren to keep possible sides away i use aromasin) and you need clomid 150/100/50/50 for the AAS part test e 10 weeks at 500mg is ok...dianabol for kickstart at 30mg is ok too...i would put the tren on 6-12 and for the equipoise drop it off less than 14 weeks and less than 600mg is waste of gear....for HCG now i would do 3 shots 1500iu on week 11 (mon/wen/fri) and 1500iu on week 12 3 shots again (mon/wen/fri)as for the clen start the pyramid when you start clomid+nolva...also keep in mind that maybe you will need a low dose t3 too...also the adex go 1-12 week 0.5mg mon/wen/fri...also put some caber or keep it in hand in case that tren start messing up you...
              If I have understood you, this is the better option..

              Testosterone enantathe 500mg/week (weeks 1-14)
              Boldenone equipoise 600mg/week (weeks 1-14)
              Dianabol 30mg/ED (weeks 1-4)
              Trembolone acetate 50mg/ED (weeks 9-15)
              Arimidex 0,5mg E3D, Monday,Wednesday and Friday (weeks 1-17)

              HCG 2500ui/week Monday, Wednesday and Friday (weeks 16-17)

              Nolva: 40/40/20/20/ (Weeks 18-22)
              Clomid: 150/100/50/50 (weeks 18-22)
              Clembuterol in pyramid ED, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,3,4,5... (Weeks 18-22)
              Ketotifen 2-3 pills 30 minutes before sleep ED (weeks 18-22)

              Feel free to correct me and advice me! Thank you very much!!


              • #8
                Im not the most experienced guy on this forum, so i hope others feel free to chime in as well. Diet looks good and clean. Well done. The only issue I have, and again this is just my opinion, is why use so many different things if its only your third cycle. The cycle doesnt look bad. Ofcourse everyone is gonna have the way theyd like to do it but its not bad. I havent tried EQ yet so I cant tell you much other than ive heard that 16 weeks minimum is a better option. I dont really get the doses youre running Clen. But pyramiding is the way to do it. Ive ran it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and ive also ran it 10 weeks straight. A general guidline is start off at 40 mcg and increase by 20 every week until you hit YOUR dose. Ive gone up to as high as 120 but honestly 80 was more than enough and i didnt experience the shakes at that level. Either way dont go over 120 a day. I used benadryl instead of keto, but i ran the benadryl every third week i was on clen. If you run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off then you wont need keto or benadryl. Also, and this i could be mistaken in, but when running tren, ive heard and read that you shouldnt run nolva at all even in PCT. So theres my two cents, i hope this helps.


                • #9
                  Testosterone enantathe 500mg/week (weeks 1-14)
                  Boldenone equipoise 600mg/week (weeks 1-14)
                  Dianabol 30mg/ED (weeks 1-4)
                  Trembolone acetate 50mg/ED (weeks 10-16)
                  Arimidex 0,5mg E3D, Monday,Wednesday and Friday (weeks 1-16)

                  HCG 3500ui/week 1500iu Monday,1500iu Wednesday and 1500iu Friday for each week (weeks 15-16) so total 7000iu hcg

                  Nolva: 40/40/20/20/ (Weeks 17-20) here i prefer to use 12.5mg aromasin ED (17-20) insteal of nolvadex due to tren...please avoin use nolva while or after tren...
                  Clomid: 150/100/50/50 (weeks 17-20)
                  Clembuterol in pyramid ED, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,3,4,5... (Weeks 17-20)
                  Ketotifen 2-3 pills 30 minutes before sleep ED (weeks 17-20)

                  btw all your previous cycles was crap mate sorry for that but its the truth....


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tsek0s View Post
                    Testosterone enantathe 500mg/week (weeks 1-14)
                    Boldenone equipoise 600mg/week (weeks 1-14)
                    Dianabol 30mg/ED (weeks 1-4)
                    Trembolone acetate 50mg/ED (weeks 10-16)
                    Arimidex 0,5mg E3D, Monday,Wednesday and Friday (weeks 1-16)

                    HCG 3500ui/week 1500iu Monday,1500iu Wednesday and 1500iu Friday for each week (weeks 15-16) so total 7000iu hcg

                    Nolva: 40/40/20/20/ (Weeks 17-20) here i prefer to use 12.5mg aromasin ED (17-20) insteal of nolvadex due to tren...please avoin use nolva while or after tren...
                    Clomid: 150/100/50/50 (weeks 17-20)
                    Clembuterol in pyramid ED, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6,5,4,3,2,3,4,5... (Weeks 17-20)
                    Ketotifen 2-3 pills 30 minutes before sleep ED (weeks 17-20)

                    btw all your previous cycles was crap mate sorry for that but its the truth....
                    Thank you so much friend!!! It sounds great! You can see my previous much kilograms of solid muscle do you think that I can build with that cycle and that diet plan?

                    Thanks to all for your advices and informations to learn more each day!! Really...thanks!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by CharlieBron View Post
                      Im not the most experienced guy on this forum, so i hope others feel free to chime in as well. Diet looks good and clean. Well done. The only issue I have, and again this is just my opinion, is why use so many different things if its only your third cycle. The cycle doesnt look bad. Ofcourse everyone is gonna have the way theyd like to do it but its not bad. I havent tried EQ yet so I cant tell you much other than ive heard that 16 weeks minimum is a better option. I dont really get the doses youre running Clen. But pyramiding is the way to do it. Ive ran it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and ive also ran it 10 weeks straight. A general guidline is start off at 40 mcg and increase by 20 every week until you hit YOUR dose. Ive gone up to as high as 120 but honestly 80 was more than enough and i didnt experience the shakes at that level. Either way dont go over 120 a day. I used benadryl instead of keto, but i ran the benadryl every third week i was on clen. If you run it 2 weeks on 2 weeks off then you wont need keto or benadryl. Also, and this i could be mistaken in, but when running tren, ive heard and read that you shouldnt run nolva at all even in PCT. So theres my two cents, i hope this helps.

                      Thank you men! Your contribution sounds really interesting...I need read more about Benadryl, maybe I will try it..


                      • #12
                        i cant tell you how much mass you can gain mate...everybodys responds different to the diet and we have different metabolisms if you want gains see the mirror while you work and increase or decrease some macros as your need are done...


                        • #13
                          tell me ,why do you consider your first two cycles a disaster


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tsek0s View Post
                            i cant tell you how much mass you can gain mate...everybodys responds different to the diet and we have different metabolisms if you want gains see the mirror while you work and increase or decrease some macros as your need are done...
                            Ok! Do you know what is the best time to shoot the trembolone acetate? And dbol is 10mg, how can I divide the pills to day? I am training every day around 12am...thanks


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by bag1980 View Post
                              tell me ,why do you consider your first two cycles a disaster
                              If you read the cycles well you can see that the cycles are very bad programmed, low dosages of boldenone for low weeks..this is only an example, you can read it newly..somebody with sufficient information about steroids would not use that cycles..

