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  • #31
    Little disappointed on the inactivity of this thread, but no worries I'll keep posting my progress and asking my questions and hoping for some responses, lol. So I've been warming up my gear before injections and that's helped a lot with the soreness. The calf still can be sore, but some stretching and a few sets of raises eliminates the issue. I can also tell that depending on where I inject on my glutes, quads, etc will also determine amount of soreness. I'm still sweating like a pig at night from the tren but I'll take that every night over having any other sides. Knock on wood, I still haven't seen anything else which is good. I am still curious with anyone else on when they started to experience sides from tren and what kind/ what they did about it. I read somewhere about tren users experience with dreams, and low and behold that night and every night since I've had some vivid ass dreams. No screaming nightmares or anything like that, but just long detailed dreams. It could be in my head. I'm like that, if you tell me that eating brown sugar will turn you into a unicorn, i swear to christ my body, against common sense, will grow a horn in the middle of my forehead. hahaha. I did my 5th set of pins. I went back to my left quad and left shoulder, everything was G2G. I can see more definition in my shoulders and upper chest and with every day, my abs and legs are starting to lose fat. Slowly but surely....and thats fine with me. Ive always believed that patience is the most important tool in your gym bag.
    With every post I like asking a question so here is one for this week. Im going to order some more gear (clomid and probably another vial of tren if I decide to stretch it to 12 weeks instead of 10) but I figure I can also order my next cycle and hold on to it till Im ready for it. I love how this one is going, but its still to early to tell how Im going to feel about it at the end. With my past cycles, the breaks in between always depended on my $$$ situation. So I would do a cyle for 8 to 16 weeks, do the PCT, save some loot then go for another one. Financially I am in an amazing situation, I didnt hit the lotto or anything but my money is good. My question to JM (aimed towards some of the senior guys) is typically how long do you take in between cycles, what do you do during those breaks, what would you recommend for someone like me. I've known guys to take a low dose of test for lengths at a time in between cycles. Ive never done this. Is it necessarily a good idea, how would I set my bridge, etc. Anyways just curious to hear some feedback....also, everyone's favorite question...what would you recommend for my next it something you've done and how were your results/sides?


    • #32
      Hey CB,
      I can tell you some of the sides I had from the tren e, night sweats really bad, weird fucked up dream, not night mares just fucked up, stomach issues so bad that I would have to throw up every morning just so I could go to work and only one time right after my pin I got the tren cough, it was pretty bad and lasted for about 5 minutes. Because of the stomach issues I had to stop I could handle it anymore.
      Between cycles I do my HRT and no PCT, I'm 49yo so I just go back to that.
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      • #33
        Thanks for the feedback MrBig. I havent really had crazy stomach pains. Im eating constantly and pouring water down my throat, so I dont know if the slight discomfort I feel is from the gear of the fact that Im eating that much food. I dont feel any nausea until the end of the day. Ill slam a couple tabs of TUMS and Im all set. Excuse my ignorance, lol, but Im still trying to get down all the acronyms. HRT? please explain. Tonight was my 6th set of pins. I still haven't seen any signs of the dreaded tren couch. I also haven't seen any serious signs of sides, other than the sweats and weird dreams. I can say with confidence that I am starting to feel the effects of the test/tren combo. In the last few days, ive seen increase in strength and size. I've had some great pumps in the gym, but I have noticed a slight shortness of breath, both in and out of the gym, but nothing to really worry about. I do want to point out to anyone new to AAS that progress is gradual and there is no miracle pill that will get you huge and ripped over night. However, I can say that I'm seeing some great results and a little more all around definition every day. Till next time.


        • #34
          HRT is hormone replacement therapy, instead of a PCT I us Test that my doctor prescribes.
          The shortness of breath is a side, you should be fine though. If it gets to bad then go see your doctor.
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          • #35
            Im in love everybody.....and her name is tren, hahaha. Sorry just in a good mood. So I did my 7th set of pins, and everything went just fine. Still haven't seen a hint of sides, and I can definitely feel the effects of this stuff. Strength and size is progressing upwards. Ive got no complaints and im only about three full weeks in and I'm excited about the next nine weeks. I think im gonna put in my next order this week. I need to pick up a few extra things, not sure if im ready to decide on my next cycle yet ( i would love to hear other peoples opinions on what they like), but for now im loving this one. Hope everyone is doing great........before i forget, Ive never really gotten my body fat % done, any good ideas on how i can get an accurate reading at home.


            • #36
              What are you looking to do with your next cycle?

    , they have the calippers for $14.46 don't get the smaller ones. The ones for $14.46 are the same once most of the gyms use, heres the link:
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              • #37
                Lift heavy things and look good naked, haha. Honestly, I would like to get my bf% down to 8% and keep that look all year round. I don't have any desire to compete on stage or anything like that. I know that diet is going to be huge in getting to my goal. I've been eating clean, and getting my balls busted for carrying food everywhere. Gear wise, Im not sure which direction to go. As of right now this stack is incredible. I havent even gotten into the winstrol yet. Thats kinda why I want to wait to the end of this cycle to order my next one. I do have some clen, and like tren and winnie, clen is something ive never used before. Im kinda curious into adding it, but im not sure if its necessary yet.


                • #38
                  Ive thought very hard about using tren with sust 270 for my 2nd cycle but everyone's against it. Im glad to see its going good for you


                  • #39
                    why was everyone against it, what were there concerns, or suggestions. That's kinda what im leaning towards for the next cycle. Ive used sust in the past and had great results. This is my first time with Tren and i couldnt be happier.


                    • #40
                      scott, ive been thinking about your post, and honestly i missed the part about your 2nd cycle. I dont know why but i was thinking you said next cycle....i should learn to read more carefully. If this is going to be your second cycle, i would probably have to agree with everyone else and say you dont really need to jump into something like tren. Ive done a sust only cycle and had great results. Again, its your body your choice, lol. But if youre getting good results without the tren then why add it...just my two cents.


                      • #41
                        No worries man. After doing some more research im to new to the game for tren. I learned the hard way to be sure to order your pct at the same time as your other gear. After two month of being off the sust im finally feeling back to my old self. But damn did i loose my strength. I ran into money problems being the middle of winter and work being slow.


                        • #42
                          I hear you. The pct is as important as the cycle, just my opinion.

                          So i did another set of pins today. Starting to lose count. This time i shot 2.5cc in my left glute. I just couldnt take the calf anymore. Shit was too sore, but i gave it the good old college try. So no more calf shots for me. Needless to say i had no issues again with the pins and im thinking my ass cheek can handle the gear, lol. So im starting to see some sides, i think. It happened almost over night. Ive always had issues with acne as a teenager. And occaiosionally throughout my adult life, it would act up. Id have a break out or two on my 4head and upper shoulders. Well, my entire back top to bottom broke out. It looks more like a heat rash then anything else. Its wierd it doesnt really look like pimples, or atleast im hoping. I did get my chest and back waxed last week, and that was the first time ive ever done it. So i dont know if that could be a cause. Ive also started tanning again, but ill be honest, the little bit of acne ive had on my shoulders disappeared when i started tanning. Right now im taking 12.5 mg a day of exemestane, and i dont know if i should up that a little, i do have some letrozole, but i dont think that would really do anything for the acne. No other sides then that. I just hope this is more of a heat rash than anything else. SO IF YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE ON WHAT I SHOULD DO, IM OPEN TO ALL SUGGESTIONS. Im gonna set an appt up with my doctor, ive never used accutane before, but ive heard the shit works. Hopefully this shit clears up. Other than that, the gains im making on this cycle are solid and theyre headed in the right direction.


                          • #43
                            CB your doin fine, a littler paranoid maybe, but relax your good. If your not comfortable with the little acne you have, ask the doc for a antibiotic, trust me you don't need accutane that shit is real strong and in most cases they only give it to patience that have really bad acne.
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                            • #44
                              yep, had a little freak out, doing better now, thanks mr. big, hahaha. I havent had a breakout like this in a while, but i know the other times i did have it, it cleared up once i was completely done with my cycle. I just have to keep an eye on it.


                              • #45
                                question of the day- how long do you normally wait after your last day of PCT to start your next cycle/whats recommended/whats the soonest you should even consider?

