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first cycle review...

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  • first cycle review...

    What's up everyone.. just want to make sure i got everything in check just looking for some advice and feedback. Stats r 6,0 about 183 summer 190 in fall/winter.. around 12-15% bf give or take. Clean diet consisting of

    Meal 1 70g whey with 1 cup oatmeal, tbsp vanilla Greek yogurt, tbsp natty pub, black coffee
    Meal 2 1 chicken breast sweet potato sometimes with 1cup broc
    Meal 3 70g whey, Greek yogurt, apple
    Meal 4 1 chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice/swt potato,
    Gym 70g whey/ banana
    Meal 5 chicken breast, swt potato

    Cycle looks like this
    WK 1-2 250ml test e Mon/Thurs
    WK 3-8 500ml test e Mon/Thurs
    WK 9-10 250ml mon/Thurs
    WK 11-12 125ml Mon/Thurs
    WK 3-12/14 50mg anavar end
    Week 14-15 hch blast (not sure about dose age prob base it on when the boys decide to come out of hiding
    Wk 16-20 Nova 20/20/20/20
    Run aromas in 12.5mg ed

  • #2
    mate when you use and injectable dont play with it keep it stable like:
    1-12 500mg test mond-thurs
    anavar until 14 then testo goes off and anavar too for pct
    aromasin 1-14 12.5mg ED or adex 0.5mg EOD
    and hcg at weeks 13-14 about 6000-8000 iu spited into the 2 weeks(i was shooting hcg 1500iu mond/wensd/friday for 2 weeks (13-14)
    pct not nolva and aroma together use clomid 150/100/50/50+12.5mg aromasin ED or clomid+nolva 40/20/20/20....


    • #3
      OK thanks.. Ive read a few places to taper down.. and run anavar to the beginning of pct?? Def wasn't sure on the hcg


      • #4
        Should I run the anavar through the pct.. everything I looked up says stop anavar the day u start ur pct..


        • #5
          If this is your first cycle, I wouldn't run anavar at all. Please tell us what your goals are with this cycle? If your are at 12-15% bodyfat and this is your first cycle, consider running a bulker instead of a cutting cycle. Save the anavar for use later. This also looks like a cutting diet. I like what you are eating, but it doesnt look to be enough, and if you are running a bulker, it doesn't have to be so clean.


          • #6
            Yea this is to get cut.. If all goes well with this cycle then come winter time I was gonna run something to bulk up.. I was 191lbs in Jan.. why do you so it doesn't look like a cutting diet, not enough food?? I was kinda thinking that myself.. What would you add to bulk dbol?


            • #7
              I wouldnt waste your first aas cycle on cutting. Consider using clen or ephedra in addition to diet and exercise to look get lean. Then do your first cycle this winter to bulk.


              • #8
                I'll have to check out clen.. its 2wks on 2wks off right??


                • #9
                  Steroids aren't fat shredders. Get your diet checked.
                  Ain't no use in lookin' down
                  Ain't no discharge on the ground
                  Ain't no use in lookin' back
                  'Cause Jody's got your Cadillac
                  Ain't no use in feelin' blue
                  'Cause Jody's got your lady too


                  • #10
                    I know they r not fat shedders.. they do help with fat loss though.. just looking to gain lean size.. that's it..what's wrong with the diet??

