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how much protein carbs and fats are you getting per day? i bet by altering things up a bit, we can get you growing. you might be like me and have to eat a retarded amount of food. it takes work but, for example, in my post training meal, i eat about 120-150 carbs , 60g protein, 30 fat
Originally posted by MrBig View PostSam,
I'm eating 5500- 5600 calories a day and I can't get over 195lbs at 9% bf. My training is on and the diet is what ever i can get in my stomach. Not that active through the day.
Gear Used:
wk: 540mg Sust 270
wk: 400mg Test 400 test e&c
ed: 100mg Androl 50 one in morning and one in evening.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Originally posted by sam1976 View Posthow much protein carbs and fats are you getting per day? i bet by altering things up a bit, we can get you growing. you might be like me and have to eat a retarded amount of food. it takes work but, for example, in my post training meal, i eat about 120-150 carbs , 60g protein, 30 fat
Ca,l Pro, Carbs, Fat
5554, 275, 689, 181Last edited by MrBig; 11-22-2012, 04:22 AM.The Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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Originally posted by MrBig View PostSam heres what I eat in one day:
Ca,l Pro, Carbs, Fat
5554, 275, 689, 181
you have a good amount of muscle on you at 195/9%. you're going to have to get more aggressive with the food. if you have a hard time eating more, i would suggest liquid egg whites.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Sam, I'm looking for some advice!
Here is my layout:
Dbol @ 30mgs ED for 6 weeks.
Test Cyp @ 600mgs weekly
Tren Enanth @ 300mgs weekly
EQ @ 400mgs weekly.
This cycle will last roughly 12-14 weeks. I will be using adex and formastanzol on cycle and have a proper pct in place.
I have questions on how frequently to inject.. Drawing up all 3 compounds in one syringe and only injecting 2 times a week is a lot of oil. I was thinking on doing 3 injections a week even though they are long esters.
Possibly subbing dbol for tbol to lower shbg.. If I did this what would be a moderate dose form a 6-8 week cycle of tbol. Would it be even better to split the 6-8 weeks as like 60mgs for weeks 1-4 and weeks 8-12?
Hit me up Sam!
I am a collegiate offensive lineman trying to get to the next level. i need something to help me get stronger and faster but not really gain too much weight. i had some friends that told me to use winny v but im not too sure about it any suggestions? saw some reviews that it dries out joints. really dont need that side effectLast edited by sam1976; 11-30-2012, 02:14 AM.
Hey Sam,
I don't know if there's anything you can do, but the girls that entered the contest on the Naps site are getting beat up pretty good from the comments left by immature people. Is there anything you can do to stop this, maybe take the comment section off or make it so that know one can post a comment. If this keeps up the beautiful girls that have entered these contests will not what to in the future, I rather be looking at the girls than a contest for a sausage party. jmtc
MrBigThe Rules At Juiced Muscle (everyone please read)
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Originally posted by MrBig View PostHey Sam,
I don't know if there's anything you can do, but the girls that entered the contest on the Naps site are getting beat up pretty good from the comments left by immature people. Is there anything you can do to stop this, maybe take the comment section off or make it so that know one can post a comment. If this keeps up the beautiful girls that have entered these contests will not what to in the future, I rather be looking at the girls than a contest for a sausage party. jmtc
i notified naps as well. we'll let him take it from hereif you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Originally posted by oline pride View PostI am a collegiate offensive lineman trying to get to the next level. i need something to help me get stronger and faster but not really gain too much weight. i had some friends that told me to use winny v but im not too sure about it any suggestions? saw some reviews that it dries out joints. really dont need that side effect
exactly! i dont know why so many athletes want to use winny. it really isnt ideal. repetitive/explosive movements plus dry joints are not my idea of a good time. i've heard of athletes using a low dose of anavar and having good results. athletes can use much lower doses than bodybuilders do. i've heard of rugby players using 20-30mg, where as in BB, 50mg is normal. anavar is also one of the "safer" orals. make sure you follow up any AAS use with a well planned PCT
heres the thing. you may need to experiment with timing to figure out when to use AAS to optimize your gains. in some cases, i've heard of athletes getting slower while using, even on "dry" compounds. i've heard victor conte of balco speak on this. he says the ideal time for a runner to use AAS would be in the preseason. they gain more strength and with this comes more mass. it may slow them down as they are developing more strength. but then when they come off the gear, they can maintain some of the strength they had developed in the preseason. they may not be as strong as they were when they were "on" but they are still much stronger than they were before they took the drug.
so watch yourself. AAS may not work for you the way you'd like. one more thing to consider, if there is a chance you can be tested, you'll need to be very careful with what you take and understand detection times. some drugs can be seen for a long time. deca is like 18 months. orals are faster than many injectables but some injects clear quickly.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Originally posted by bishop22 View PostSam, I'm looking for some advice!
Here is my layout:
Dbol @ 30mgs ED for 6 weeks.
Test Cyp @ 600mgs weekly
Tren Enanth @ 300mgs weekly
EQ @ 400mgs weekly.
This cycle will last roughly 12-14 weeks. I will be using adex and formastanzol on cycle and have a proper pct in place.
I have questions on how frequently to inject.. Drawing up all 3 compounds in one syringe and only injecting 2 times a week is a lot of oil. I was thinking on doing 3 injections a week even though they are long esters.
Possibly subbing dbol for tbol to lower shbg.. If I did this what would be a moderate dose form a 6-8 week cycle of tbol. Would it be even better to split the 6-8 weeks as like 60mgs for weeks 1-4 and weeks 8-12?
Hit me up Sam!as far as splitting injections, i would probably go to EOD. since you're using the EQ, i might go a little longer, since it takes so long to start working. like 16 wks. maybe keep the tren in just the last 12 wks
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Sam, is 100mg var ed overkill? Gonna be using it with test/eq blend and prop"I COUNT HIM BRAVER WHO OVERCOMES HIS OWN DESIRE THAN WHO CONQUERS HIS ENEMIES, FOR THE HARDEST VICTORY IS OVER SELF"
anavar is so pricey...would 100mg work better than 50mg? well yea, but i dont think the results will be 2x what they would've been at 1/2 the dose. you are already running the test and eq...i would rely on them to do more of the "heavy lifting" in this cycle and keep the var around 60mg. if you were considering running a higher dose of any of these compounds, i would first look towards the EQ. i've had a decent amount of experience with aas at this point and i hate to admit it, but for me personally, EQ seems to be one of those compounds that more seems to better and doesnt have additional side effects.Last edited by sam1976; 12-05-2012, 03:47 AM.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Thanks bro. Ill deff up the EQ but i already have the var and enough of it to run at 100. I might just cut it in half and save the other half for a later time. What about the 10 weeks thing? Is that too long u think?"I COUNT HIM BRAVER WHO OVERCOMES HIS OWN DESIRE THAN WHO CONQUERS HIS ENEMIES, FOR THE HARDEST VICTORY IS OVER SELF"
Originally posted by ALEX.18 View PostThanks bro. Ill deff up the EQ but i already have the var and enough of it to run at 100. I might just cut it in half and save the other half for a later time. What about the 10 weeks thing? Is that too long u think?if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE