Ok Sam I have 3 bottles of Cut Stack from Quality Labs.. Also picked up some GP Clen and GP T3 as well as Novaldex for a PCT.. I was thinking of doing a 6 week cycle.. My thoughts were doing 2cc on Mon. 1cc Wed 2cc Fri for 6 weeks.. What's your thoughts in that? Also how would you run the clen/T3? I'm 38 I have a few cycles under my belt.. 6ft 1 227 about 20% bf.. Just looking to lean up and drop some fat... Thanks
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I know you are asking Sam Mclovin, but I feel compelled to jump in. I have lots of experience with Cut Stack... I would recommend 1 ml to 1.5 ml EOD. The short acting Esters are going to hit pretty damn hard at 2 ml per... If you have any desire to sleep at all, I would really think about this...Somebody out there is working harder. Somebody wants it more.
Originally posted by Mclovin13 View PostOk Sam I have 3 bottles of Cut Stack from Quality Labs.. Also picked up some GP Clen and GP T3 as well as Novaldex for a PCT.. I was thinking of doing a 6 week cycle.. My thoughts were doing 2cc on Mon. 1cc Wed 2cc Fri for 6 weeks.. What's your thoughts in that? Also how would you run the clen/T3? I'm 38 I have a few cycles under my belt.. 6ft 1 227 about 20% bf.. Just looking to lean up and drop some fat... Thanksif you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
No Krazy I welcome any feedback and thank you. Ik so at 1ML EOD would that get good results or should I go 1.5?? I've never tried this cycle before and just figured that I need higher MGs like i said im not looking to get bug just lose some fight and add sime lean muscle..Sam I gotta be honest I'm not big on ED lol.. EOD is gonna be hard enough lol.. What's your thoughts on the T3/clen combo? I never ran T3 before but have clen..
Thanks for the heads up Sam I ordered that stack but will hold off now after hearing your opinion on it! I'm not scared of an EOD injection, always been good with shots! But I'm going to try to put together the stack you recommended! Cant thank you enough for the awesome advice you provide!!!!
Well I think I put together one based off your info let me know what you think!?
Weeks 1-10 500mg test E (1ml twice a week)
Weeks 5-10 50mg oxan per day
weeks 1-13 .5mg adex per day
Maybe even throw in a lil primo? !? What's your thoughts?
Also I'm still learning all the acronyms here so if you could keep it simple would help me outLast edited by HOOCH256; 07-10-2012, 07:46 AM.
Read pretty much every comment in this thread and feel I finally have the answers I need! Just took lots and lots of reading!
Week 1-12 test cyp 250 500mg
Adex .5mg EOD or E3D during cycle
Week 14-17 nolva 40/20/20/10
One question I do have is I hear you talking about testing your blood, do you go to the doc? If so what do you ask them to test for ?? If not how do you do it?Last edited by HOOCH256; 07-11-2012, 10:26 AM.
hey bro, good stuff. and YES, all the answers are probably already in the threads. its just a matter of reading. good for you. if you'd like, you can throw in an oral for the first 6 wks, as a kick start. depending on your goals. maybe a low dose of dbol, or as you suggested, var.
as far as blood work, i get my organs checked. liver, kidney, RBC are the three big once. ideally, if you get your test levels tested before the cycle, you can get them drawn again several wks after PCT to see if you have recovered
in the general chat section, there is a sticky at the top which is a whole collection of common bodybuilding/message board terms and what they mean
Originally posted by HOOCH256 View PostRead pretty much every comment in this thread and feel I finally have the answers I need! Just took lots and lots of reading!
Week 1-12 test cyp 250 500mg
Adex .5mg EOD or E3D during cycle
Week 14-17 nolva 40/20/20/10
One question I do have is I hear you talking about testing your blood, do you go to the doc? If so what do you ask them to test for ?? If not how do you do it?if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
i've been a fan of somewhere between 2x a wk to E5D, about 250iu. then as pct approaches, about a wk before, take a larger bolus a couple times around 1000iu. i found this to work well for me. on a side note, be careful because hcg can cause gyno if you arent using an AI or SERM.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Hey Sam,
I wrote you about this cycle a while back.. I'm getting closer to feeling like everything is in line to start it so I wanted to run it by you again. Need help on PCT I think.
Week 1-12 400 mg sust (since it has fast esters is 2x a week good enough)
Week 1-10 300 mg deca (2x a week @ 150 mg with the sust)
Week 10-12 50mg ED winny (is this long enough?)
Start clen day after last pin at 40 mcg a day for next 3 or 4 weeks
Week 13-15 PCT - Clomid ( was thinking of 50mg ed for weeks 13 and 14, then 25mg week 15)
AI on cycle is aromasin at 12.5 mg every few days starting around week 3 or 4 (only as needed)
Do I need to add nolvadex into the mix? I forgot to order itso was wondering if it was a must
hey kitex, no, you do NOT want to run nolvadex while on deca. stick with the aromasin. i prefer adex, but arom is good, you may find that you need more than 12.5 every few days.
next, you should be fine injecting your sust 2x a wk. it isnt ideal when it comes to keeping your hormone levels stable but it will most likely make little difference when it comes to gains. if you find that you are experiencing side effects like acne, you may want to consider breaking the dose of test down further to EOD.
as far as the winny goes, 3 wks is a very short time. i'd prefer to see 4 wks. honestly though, i see little reason for the winny in this cycle. if you want to run it, it isnt gonna kill ya, but i dont think it'll improve your gains much either.
for your PCT, i would take 100mg the first day, then 50mg ED for about 3 wks.
let me know if you have any other questionsif you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Hey thanks a lot for the response Sam,
If you don't think the winny would be of any benefit for this cycle.. would you just up the sust to 600 mg a week and just go for an all out bulk rather than a lean bulk or just use the remaining with the winny in a later cycle?
Thanks in advance,
lean bulk vs all out bulk is going to come down to food intake. you can get fat as hell on a ton of winny lol! i always try to stay lean while adding new size, regardless of the compounds i choose to use to help my goals. if you're pretty new to gear still, this cycle minis the winny would look fine as is. the fast acting test in the sust is going to get you going fast and as the deca kicks in, you'll continue to do well throughout. i personally only add winny at the very end of a cutting cycle, when i'm already super lean and ready to get on stage. then it adds to my vascularity and hardness. otherwise, i dont think its worth my effort, money or health.
Originally posted by kjtex View PostHey thanks a lot for the response Sam,
If you don't think the winny would be of any benefit for this cycle.. would you just up the sust to 600 mg a week and just go for an all out bulk rather than a lean bulk or just use the remaining with the winny in a later cycle?
Thanks in advance,
kjtexif you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
lol i know thats right.. Ill save the win for a later time.. I've ran cycles throughout the past years but sust is new to me.. I've always ran test e at 500mg/week and deca at around 250-300mg/week.. I think this is why you say the aromasin may need to be ran more often with sust being a little more ? With test e I don't tend to have any noticeable sides so I just take them every few days at 12.5mg.. What would you suggest for AI with sust cycle? Sorry for all of the questions lol
Thanks for your input Sam
Originally posted by kjtex View Postlol i know thats right.. Ill save the win for a later time.. I've ran cycles throughout the past years but sust is new to me.. I've always ran test e at 500mg/week and deca at around 250-300mg/week.. I think this is why you say the aromasin may need to be ran more often with sust being a little more ? With test e I don't tend to have any noticeable sides so I just take them every few days at 12.5mg.. What would you suggest for AI with sust cycle? Sorry for all of the questions lol
Thanks for your input Sam
so you do have some experience with cycling, and it sounds this cycle will be similar to what you've run in the past. you may find that the sust kicks in faster than the test e, but overall, your experience will probably be pretty similar. if you wanted to do something new in the cycle, you might want to consider something like tbol or dbol for the first 6 wks. i prefer dbol and since i run it at a lower dose, i dont experience alot of the sides people complain about. 25mg is plenty, IMO.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE