if your concern is with liver issues, you should stay away from orals to begin with bro...or dramatically limit their use. ideally, your cycle should be based around test. start with somewhere around 375mg to 500mg ED long acting test for 10-12 wks. you'll see a lot better gains than 4 wks of dbol and your liver will be in much better shape. THEN, if you want to use dbol, add it to your test cycle. using it addition, you'll be able to dramatically reduce the dbol dose and still get a good effect. instead of 40mg, add 20-25mg to your test cycle and you'll be golden.
you can take a product like milk thistle to help your liver. there are also other products out there that would be of benefit. they will help, but they aren't game changers. if you take enough 17aa steroids, with or without liver protection, you'll still have liver issues to contend with

you can take a product like milk thistle to help your liver. there are also other products out there that would be of benefit. they will help, but they aren't game changers. if you take enough 17aa steroids, with or without liver protection, you'll still have liver issues to contend with
Originally posted by Anabolic_III
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