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Oh wise one!
Sam, after some much needed advice u gave me in a recent post of mine, i've decided this will be my cycle...
wks 1-12: 250mg test c x 2/wk (sun night & wed morning)
wks 1-12: .5mg adex eod
wks 1-4: 30 mg d bol ed (might go a little higher on the first couple days)
wk 14: 40mg nolva ed
wk 15-17: 20mg nolva ed
wk14-17: natty test booster (either prime or test factor)
just one more thing though. along with the adex while "on", i am planning on using AI's cycle support. with the multiple contradictions out there on the boards, will i be safe in using just that? i am very concerned about my cholest more than anything else really. i will also be using accutane throughout the entire cycle because i had acne at a lower dose/wk last time i used but that shouldn't affect gains/results right? so please tell me what you think of that cycle and ANYTHING that i need to add to protect me and help me recover. remember i'm still a rookie. thanks man!Last edited by xela1988; 12-27-2011, 01:38 AM.
This will be my first cycle. Please help if you see anything that needs changing
wks 1-8 GP Test E 500mg per wk
wks 1-4 GP Methan10 30mg ED
wks 1-8 GP Arimidex .5mg EOD
PCT Nolvadex 40mg for 1st wk then 20mg for sec.
Thanks" Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure "
Originally posted by sam1976 View Posti've seen good reviews on gen shi labs around the net. i havent heard about harcore though. if naps carries them though, i am sure they are good. they wouldnt risk their messing up they rep by carrying poor quality gear.
as far as orals for a transformation...hmmmm, lets see. how about tbol. anything would work though with the right diet.
thanks again sam.
Weeks 1-10 500 mg GP Test Cyp 250
Weeks 1-10 600 mg GP Bold 200
Weeks 3-10 40 mg GP Oxan per day
Weeks 1-10 .5 mg GP Anastrozole per day
weeks 1-10 600 mg GP Tren Enanth 200
week 8-14 clomid
Not wanting to bulk to much but wanna cut. Doing cross fit. 300 spartan work out. p90x some. clean as fuck diet. 1800 cal. 225 protein 135 carbs 60 fat 5'10'' 195 like to say 15 bf but could be 18.
PCT might need more. Other cycles i hae done 1 test prop 2 test prop winny 3 test prop winny tren ace. over past 2 years. I had so prop left so for on2 weeks I did test prop 150 everyday. Saw great results. the others were beginer cut and inter cut. Not sure my body needs more compounds? Thanks Sam
Hello Sam you seem to be the "go to" guy for real advise...lol..Maybe you can help me with a question...?? I have just finished third cycle, in last couple years. This last one consisted of sus. and cyp at 750mg split in two pins a week. Cycle was twelve weeks. Diet was great, gains were as expected. Started PCT of just nolvadex 2.5 weeks after last injection..nolva from naps. took 40 for first few days and could not seem to get out of bed, headache's, eye pain. Went to just 20mg a day to see how that would work...got rid of headaches, etc. but sometimes sink into a deppressive state bad, for day here or there...I also have arimadex on hand. Does this ever happen to you post cycly..?? also considered cruizing this cycle as I am 45. Never have had a basline test done for test levels.. my cycle was for twelve weeks BTW...Thx..test
Originally posted by dolce4 View Posthow would you run the tbol (40 mgs ED for 4 weeks?) how much clomid would you use to prevent shrinking of the testes and what do you think about adding deca...?
thanks again sam.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
this should be plenty of gear. if you were a 200 lb lean bodybuilder, getting on stage, you could probably rip it up and look awrsome at these dosesi wouldnt suggest any more...the only thing that may cause a problem is your test to tren ratio. if you find you're having any sexual issues, you may want to add 100mg of test, or reduce 100mg tren, or add some caber. also to help wth your pct, running a low dose of hcg throughout the cycle would probably help. say 250mcg every 3 days.
keep us posted. be sure to show us some pics. i'd be interested to see the results you get with tese training techniques
Originally posted by sstedje View PostWeeks 1-10 500 mg GP Test Cyp 250
Weeks 1-10 600 mg GP Bold 200
Weeks 3-10 40 mg GP Oxan per day
Weeks 1-10 .5 mg GP Anastrozole per day
weeks 1-10 600 mg GP Tren Enanth 200
week 8-14 clomid
Not wanting to bulk to much but wanna cut. Doing cross fit. 300 spartan work out. p90x some. clean as fuck diet. 1800 cal. 225 protein 135 carbs 60 fat 5'10'' 195 like to say 15 bf but could be 18.
PCT might need more. Other cycles i hae done 1 test prop 2 test prop winny 3 test prop winny tren ace. over past 2 years. I had so prop left so for on2 weeks I did test prop 150 everyday. Saw great results. the others were beginer cut and inter cut. Not sure my body needs more compounds? Thanks Sam
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depression in PCT is common. it sucks but it happens. some guys are worse than others and some cycles are harder to recover from than others.plus the older we get, the harder it can be to recover from our cycles. hang in there! and remember, this is only temperary. your estrogen goes sky high at this time and emotions can be ugly and embarrassing. i once recall crying in front of the TV, watching the 'lifetime channel'. keep in mind that the pct meds also function as estrogens, in a way. clomid and to a lesser extent, nolva make me feel moody and emotional. a little adex wont hurt you. say .5mg EOD. it'll keep the estrogen lower and maybe you'll have an easier time returning to normal. usually, i find that this state lasts through PCT and slowly gets better with time and recovery. there is a balance to life, you know. for every ying, there is a yang.
i would suggest you try to get through this pct and a month after its over, go to an endo and get your labs tested. that way you can find out where you're really at. at your age, you'll qualify for HRT. if you were on HRT< after cycle, you'd just return to your hrt dose and go on with life as normal.
Originally posted by one-more View PostHello Sam you seem to be the "go to" guy for real advise...lol..Maybe you can help me with a question...?? I have just finished third cycle, in last couple years. This last one consisted of sus. and cyp at 750mg split in two pins a week. Cycle was twelve weeks. Diet was great, gains were as expected. Started PCT of just nolvadex 2.5 weeks after last injection..nolva from naps. took 40 for first few days and could not seem to get out of bed, headache's, eye pain. Went to just 20mg a day to see how that would work...got rid of headaches, etc. but sometimes sink into a deppressive state bad, for day here or there...I also have arimadex on hand. Does this ever happen to you post cycly..?? also considered cruizing this cycle as I am 45. Never have had a basline test done for test levels.. my cycle was for twelve weeks BTW...Thx..if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
1st test cycle
hey sam...been reading this thread nonstop the last few days...great info! thanks for knowledge bro! looking to make the step into aas (2 pervious PH cycles) and wanted to run my cycle by you.
24 years old, 6'0" 180 lbs, 10-12% body fat. 2 years ago I was about 150 lbs, so Ive put on about 20-25 lbs of lean muscle with the right diet and training. was looking to do a 12 week test e cycle with a d-bol kickstart.
week 1-12: Test e 250mg 2X a week
week 1-4/6: D-bol 30 mg (havent decided on 4 or 6 weeks...your thoughts?)
week 1-12: adex .25 E3D
week 3-12: hcg (not sure on dose, was hoping for a little guidance from you)
week 15-18: Nolva 40/20/20/10
now a couple questions: do I run the adex all the way through pct or stop when I start the nolva? same with the hcg, run through pct or stop when I start dosing the nolva? thanks in advance bro!
hey bro, glad that you're enjoying my thread. with the adex, now days, i've talked to many guys who are running it all the way through pct to control estrogen. for the hcg, stop that a few days before pct. usually, if i have enough hcg to bump the dose up, i'll take more in my last 2 shots. normally i would suggest 250 to 500mcg every 3 or so days. for the last 2 shots, if i have enough, i'd take more like 500mcg to 1000mcg, for the extra punch
Originally posted by yeabuddy View Posthey sam...been reading this thread nonstop the last few days...great info! thanks for knowledge bro! looking to make the step into aas (2 pervious PH cycles) and wanted to run my cycle by you.
24 years old, 6'0" 180 lbs, 10-12% body fat. 2 years ago I was about 150 lbs, so Ive put on about 20-25 lbs of lean muscle with the right diet and training. was looking to do a 12 week test e cycle with a d-bol kickstart.
week 1-12: Test e 250mg 2X a week
week 1-4/6: D-bol 30 mg (havent decided on 4 or 6 weeks...your thoughts?)
week 1-12: adex .25 E3D
week 3-12: hcg (not sure on dose, was hoping for a little guidance from you)
week 15-18: Nolva 40/20/20/10
now a couple questions: do I run the adex all the way through pct or stop when I start the nolva? same with the hcg, run through pct or stop when I start dosing the nolva? thanks in advance bro!if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Hello Sam, I have found a web based testing place in my area that is reasonable and has over three thousand test centers...problem is "for me" the list of tests are many and seem to be very specific..some are package type testing...I dont want to screw this up and order something not usful or something I don't need...what do you recomend for complete evaluation, or what do you get checked for yourself...?? won't place appointment for "what"..?? three weeks after PCT..?? your thoughts...thx in advance Sam...test
Hey Sam. I am new to the board but I think it is awesome that you spend the time to help people here. I am interested in starting a AAS cycle but I have some concerns. The one thing I want to do beyond everything else is grow at a slower pace. I do not want to get huge in 12 weeks and not look like myself and have everybody know I am juicing. I want to know if there is something that I can do to put on good steady growth above and beyond what I can get naturally but yet do it over a six month period and hope to keep a good percentage of the gains. Maybe small cycles of orals, or maybe a Test E but 300mg a week versus 500 mg. Any help would be greatly appreciated.