Hey sam. I think i wasn't clear... i am going to continue cutting with my second cycle, just as i am doing now. I was just simply saying that if i see any muscular gains, that's great but that's not my primary goal. I was simply checking in to make sure that my second cycle would be cool for that as well. i notcied you said tren wasn't a good choice for the second cycle.. why not? Also, for my first cycle, i am gonna use your advice for the nolvadex pct. Will that also work for the second cycle?
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Originally posted by lthiii View PostHey sam. I think i wasn't clear... i am going to continue cutting with my second cycle, just as i am doing now. I was just simply saying that if i see any muscular gains, that's great but that's not my primary goal. I was simply checking in to make sure that my second cycle would be cool for that as well. i notcied you said tren wasn't a good choice for the second cycle.. why not? Also, for my first cycle, i am gonna use your advice for the nolvadex pct. Will that also work for the second cycle?if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Originally posted by sam1976 View Postnot bad at all. what time do you train? i find best to have a shake right after i train and then eat a solid meal 1 hour later. whey digest faster and will be cleared in an hour. i might try to throw some more protein in at 2:00.whole foods are best. for me, nothing compares to meat! i personally eat a lot more fat than you are, my metabolism is fast and the fats help to slow it down a little , but if this is working, more power to you.
I'm might replace one of the shakes maybe in the morning for some hard boiled eggs...so in your opinion should I be eating this many calories? how does your diet differ when on or off gear..? (<----same question Sam)Last edited by dolce4; 03-11-2011, 08:01 PM.
It depends on what im doing.
For me 5'7" 200lbs, cutting I am around 2200calories and as few carbs as possible. Carbs might be 1 slice toast in the am to get me going and a half peanutbutter sandwich a little before my pm workout. I eat as much eggs fish chicken and vegetables that I can.
When bulking I eat the same way but add in carbs to every meal. Sweet potatoes, oatmeal, wheat pasta. And up calories to 3500ish but when bulking I allow myself to eat stuff I wouldn't eat cutting or maintaining like pizza and ice cream and burgers.
Off gear I eat 2800ish calories. Similar to bulk but much less likely to eat junk and try to stay in a 60/20/20 diet
Originally posted by dolce4 View PostI kept the fat low cause its very hard for me to lean up,
as far as traveling food, i drive to various places every day while working. i have to plan ahead or else i have to buy fast food. when i cook chicken for diner at night, i bake a whole pan of it. i do this every other night. i can usually make about 6 large breasts. thats 1 for that evening, 2 to take to work the next day, 1 for the next evening and 2 to take to work the following day. i also like to grill streaks and cut them into bite size pieces. i can even pop them in my mouth cold, while i'm driving. i also pack cooked rice, a jar of natty peanut butter, rice cakes, a meal replacement, and bananas.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
looks pretty good. you should lower the adex though. .5mg ED is going to shut down all of your estrogen. estrogen is cardio-protective and sensitizes the androgen receptor(keeps you growing) and a lack of it will kill your sex drive, as well as dry your joints out. the dose you'll need will vary from person to person, but .25mg EOD to .5mg E3D is an ok place to start. at the most, .5mg EOD.
these are good products. i've used the GP cyp and dbol a number of times. as far as pct goes, look to post #2 of this thread, where i outlined a cycle and the timing for pct. that should work perfect for you! good luck and let me know if there is any other questions you have.
Originally posted by Nyfinest View PostHey sam was wondering what you think of that cycle to bulk up a little, plus what do you recommend for a PCT?
Weeks 1-4 GP Methan10 40 mg per day
Weeks 1-10 500mg GP Test Cyp per week
Weeks 1-10 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per dayif you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Hey Sam can you please critique this cycle im preparing for the summer?
Goal: Lean Mass/Cutter
Weeks 12
Test prop 100mg EOD 1-12
Primo 300mg /week 1-10
Anavar 60mg ED 6-12
HCG 250iu x2 /week
Aromasin 25mg ED 1-4
Nolvadex 20mg ED 1-6
Vit E 400iu ED 1-6
Could go with test e but i looooooooove test prop..Last edited by zemanval; 03-12-2011, 02:41 PM.
you might want to throw a little bit of an AI in during the cycle. reducing a little estrogen will help you look drier and less estrogen makes iteasier to lose fat. don't wipe it out there. just a little. i've never used aromasin(plan to on next cycle) but if you were using adex, i'd say .25mg EOD to .5mg EOD, depending on how sensitive you are to the aromatase enzyme
the primo looks a little on the low side. primo is one of the few AAS that i have not tried so i can't speak on that personally but you might want to do some more reseaching and more sure thats what you want to do. i have known advanced guys who have run it at 800mg EW, no problem. i've seen more guys who are running it around 600mgLast edited by sam1976; 03-12-2011, 10:31 PM.if you are new to the board, please take a minute to read the rules...CLICK HERE
Thank 4 the reply bro, much appreciated. I ve used aromasin during my previous cycle with great success. It was discounted OTC here so i took a bit of a stashI might throw it in at 12.5mg ED since you suggest an AI. I might also up the primo.....ill check it up further as you said, but it's only my 3rd cycle and wanna go as low (and effective) as i can, milligram wise. (1.79m 80kg 15%fat) Thanks 4 the advice once again bro
Last edited by zemanval; 03-13-2011, 04:40 PM.
Whats up brotha how ya doing ??? Hey quick question i just ordered some TNE and just wondering how i should pin it everyday, Should i do 50mg 2x a day 1 pre-work out and 1 at night or, 1x a day 100mg pre-workout ??? Thanks cuzzo !!!! OOOOOO and how did you like your run on TNE, i remember seeing somewhere that you have taken it....let me know whats up i want DETAILS hahahah lol im mad excited about trying it!!!!!?I dont believe in an eye for an eye, I believe in two eyes for an eye? ? Bas Rutten