For chemist: for filter AAS do you need a specific emulsions filter or a 0,45-0,22 filter is what you need? A friend of mine get "Millex GP" filter unit 0,22 Millipore Express PES Membrane. On the user guide is writed: "Do not use Millex filter unit to filter emulsion or suspensions because it was not designed for that purpose". Thanks bro!
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emulsion and solution have special filtering methods,0.22micron is good for the oils,wich is one component.Emulsion is at least two or more immiscible liquids,and after the filtering thru 0.22 is remain a part of one of the two,or more main liquids,is not good.
Suspension is a common water based liquid with the api microcristalls,same story,if the christalls not goin thru the filter you make nothing,just a liquid without the main ingredients...thats my opinion,if somebody knows better, no hesitate,just write it
Ps:if it's not a secret,what do you want to filtering?Last edited by player; 12-16-2010, 08:38 PM. Reason: trying to better english,but still need to learn
I could not read from your post why you want to filter? Is it an existing product? If you have micronised powder TNE or stanozolol, you can opt to mix it cold, it has to be highly pure when you want to mix it like this. It will not be filtered and the bacteria are killed with 2% Benzyl Alcohol.
A pharmaceutical compound mostly runs 0,9% but is compounded in a clean room.
An other method is to melt the powder (at high temparatures) in PEG 400 en PS60 en filter it through a metal filter into water mixed with BA, this method is called titration. I have pictures of this filter at home I'll post them later.
Pictured: winny in oil experimentsLast edited by RonnyT; 12-19-2010, 05:57 PM.
Thanks Ronny and to all!! my friend need to filter ready UG TrenA and others ready UG oils to sterilyze them and put the oil in a new sterile vial. Need he just to add BA? Can he filter through the Millipore filter suspensions like Winny? Thanks again bro!!
Time ago Ronny you ask to nandrolone fever, my friend get a little fever, 37,2 max from TigerBlood TrenAce, no complain with others TB products he like a pair of the orals. Now he woul?d like to filter the TrenAce and see the result. Maybe he get 19nor fever like you said in your thread. thanks again bros!!
What I taste here that the oils are sent in a bulk jug. The vials should be sterilised just like the stoppers, best to use Ethanol. Then transfer the the oils into the vials using a syringe filter. Let me know if I'm wrong and you have an other question.
I'm speaking about 10ml vials of variuous Ug labs, so My friend would transfer the TrenA from the original 10ml vial to a new one to re-sterilize it, just to be sure that what he put in his buttis free of bacterias(maybe he need just to add BA to the TrenA, 0,5-1ml?).
What i thought was that the PES Millipore membrane will not able to filter oily solution like AAS, TrenA in this case. Like it's writed in the site you posted PEs membrane is not good to filter oil-based solution, better nylon or PVDF membranes. The main question is: is it possible to filter with PES mebrane AAS? Or the operation will be long, boring and not sure of the final result?
sorry if i'm not able to explane myself in a pair of you see my english is not so good...thanks again Ronny and to all!!!
This will answer your questions 0,75% BA will kill all bacteria and fungus within 7 days, but 1 ml BA in 10 ml will cause much pain... ;-) 0,75 - 1 ml in 100 ml solution
So Ronny I have a question. If your not too busy can you give some advice. Hypothetically I made a batch of fina into tren ace. The whatman filter really is a slow and tedious process. In your links above there are some filtration systems that I am curious if you have used them before. Hypothetically if I was gonna filter a batch of test 400 ie. 200 mg test cyp and 200 mg test en per ml what would be the best and fastest system to filter lets say 100 mls. ?Looking for friends in the bodybuilding arena.... Perfection is not attainable, its just my goal.