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Steroids and Birth Control

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  • #16
    Originally posted by EthanWS6 View Post
    Sam - Thanks for the advice brother! I'll def let her know. So you think as far as losing some fat goes she would be good to go with Clen? Are there any real side effects with that? Thanks!
    not androgenic side effects...just the same sides we experience. tremor, anxiety, ect.

    just another thought...nolvadex is pretty awesome for felames that are dieting. it hardens them up and dries them out. combats estrogen and makes fat loss easier. for us, nolva seems to do very little, but for females, its a staple for figure competitors and gives a pretty dramatic effect. it isnt without its side effects though. just like AAS, it can throw off or shut down their menstrual cycle and when suppressing estrogen, they take on more of an androgenic body type. when combined with AAS, it makes androgenic sides more likely. by itself though, it's probably safer than anavar. i've seen NO data on how safe it is for women. i'm just speaking from what i've personally seen. starting at 10 mg a day for a few wks and then moving to 20mg would be about as high as anyone would want to go. i'd say no more than 8 wks total
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    • #17
      Nice, it's funny how differently this stuff behaves between men and women lol. Thanks for the info! I think I'm going to have her order some clen, I was talking to her more last night and it seems that she just wants to cut off a little more fat before the starts going to the beach and such and she's struggling to do it with her diet :P


      • #18
        Originally posted by EthanWS6 View Post
        Nice, it's funny how differently this stuff behaves between men and women lol. Thanks for the info! I think I'm going to have her order some clen, I was talking to her more last night and it seems that she just wants to cut off a little more fat before the starts going to the beach and such and she's struggling to do it with her diet :P
        that sounds like a perfect idea then. help her out with her diet and training if she needs it and i'm sure she'll get where she wants to be.
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        • #19
          Thanks for the info bro! Her diet needs a little work, she does all right for the most part but sometimes I catch her cheating haha

