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What is your weakest bodypart...and what are you doing about it?

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  • What is your weakest bodypart...and what are you doing about it?

    For me, it's lats. I refer to myself as a "latless wonder". Yet I have back thickness and stupid big traps despite the fact that I never directly train them. I've wondered if perhaps I use poor form or other more dominant muscles take over the lat movements I do.

    I had been severely overweight. To fat to do chins. Chins are only now becoming a possiblity to do and I look forward to seeing how they may work out for me.

    In the meantime, I've been reading and taking in youtube vids on back training. I've always thought the wider movements focused on lats more, but I'm reading that this isn't the case. So last week I added a close grip lat pulldown. I used the handle that typically goes on the seated row.

    The result? Soreness in my lats! Since I don't experience much in the way of doms anymore, it was a pretty good feeling. Anyone else have any suggestions to help my lagging lats?

    So what stubborn bodyparts is everyone else working on?

  • #2
    shoulders, and i decided to start hitting them with chest so i can no longer put it off.


    • #3
      Traps I started using lighter weight and try to pinch at top of rep.

      On lats I do drop sets when I can't get a burn anymore from the weight I had been using
      I throw the hooks on and start at 300lbs at 10reps and drop 20lbs a set till I get to 100lbs as the weight decreases I try to get 5- 10more reps a set.
      I do this for 4 to 5 back days and the up my working weight by 20lbs till next time.
      I like the wide grip it tends to get my whole lat but I also use the close grip it gets right under my arm pit I alternate grips with working weight.
      Senior Member
      Last edited by Epe; 06-11-2013, 04:34 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Epe View Post
        Traps I started using lighter weight and try to pinch at top of rep.

        On lats I do drop sets when I can't get a burn anymore from the weight I had been using
        I throw the hooks on and start at 300lbs at 10reps and drop 20lbs a set till I get to 100lbs as the weight decreases I try to get 5- 10more reps a set.
        I do this for 4 to 5 back days and the up my working weight by 20lbs till next time.
        I like the wide grip it tends to get my whole lat but I also use the close grip it gets right under my arm pit I alternate grips with working weight.

        You bring up a good point. I've always thought I may have a rep or two left on some exercises but my grip tends to give out. I think maybe some straps, hooks, or versa gripps may be in order to get serious with this.


        • #5
          Yea I use hooks on all my heavy sets. My grip kinda sucks in way of stamina. I use these bit expensive but worth it


          • #6
            I got to where I was using straps on nearly everything and lost a lot of grip strenght do to it. So now I only use them in heavy weeks to lift that extra bit of weight
            One decision determines your legacy


            • #7
              My weakest is my form, I just can't get ripped. What I do about? I call my self a power lifter haha. No but really, cardio and diet. Besides that its my underarms
              Size ain't nothin' without strength. Strength ain't nothin' without size


              • #8
                Weakest body part.. Hmmmmmmmmmmm. I'm not in this to pick up cars or to max out my lifts in a competition. So I have pushed and continue to build my body.
                Now when you say weakest part I think of my lower back and the pain I feel most days. Even as I'm sitting here I'm in pain. So my solution is to build my lower back.
                What am I doing about it ? Limited lifts. No squats and lots of ab and lower back exercise. Strength building my core I guess. Its slow but I feel a helll of alot better
                now then I did a year ago. And I look great
                Building my self for a better tomorrow.


                • #9
                  stallion check out the vid's "get cut with Glass" - Charles Glass has great insight on slight changes in form to really hit the correct muscle.

                  If it is a Large muscle or muscle group lagging I hit it 1st in my workout week or sometimes I hit it 2x in a workout cycle.
                  - Currently I feel that my chest (specific upper chest is lagging) so I do Inclines 1st on chest day then I hit upper chest again in my wk.

                  Epe do u do behind the back shrugs? they work good for that Trap thickness. (Lee Haney special).
                  "GYM + JUICE"


                  • #10
                    @ODB no man I never realized how many different variations of shrug there were an old BB that comes in the gym every once in a while introduced me to seated shrugs with bar bell.

                    Time Bandit I could really use some pointers on lower back exercise cause sounds like we're in the same boat.
                    In 08 I had my L4 L5 disc removed and replaced. I can't get in a squated and loaded position ever, and I am really scared of back extension's. Man when you said sitting in pain bro I Absolutely understand.


                    • #11
                      Sad to say my triceps are my weak point and I train them insanely but I can't seem to develop a plump horseshoe any advice? I do close grip bench skull crushers French curls rope pull downs overhead rope extensions dumbbell extensions overhead dumbbell extensions and a plethora of other crap and I just can't get em to grow its like I'm stuck at 18 inches and my tri's are the key to getting to 20.


                      • #12
                        juicemanjoe - the best advice I can give is to try what u have not done? if ur hitting them often, try less often? - high volume? try low volume?
                        Heavy weight? try light weight high reps? - etc

                        Sometimes its just the dumb luck of bad genetics?
                        "GYM + JUICE"


                        • #13
                          Hey juiceman hey if you have tried everything working out ways have you ever injected into them
                          I know there will be others who really are against what im gona say but for 2 years i only injected glutes 1 year ago i added delts. I have never gotten more complimens on my shoulders then i do now Maybe its just me but looks wise i see a difference injecting into them
                          If you havent. maybe give it a try


                          • #14
                            Good looking guys it's like I've ran into a wall!!!


                            • #15
                              my legs are my weakest bodypart. my upper body is gonna sue my legs for lack of support lol. What am i doing about it? starting monday, gonna do some squats,sled,curls,and extensions. Im laid off, so no excuse that i can't do legs cuz i have to work. No more bangin in sick on leg day lol

