Hi I am new here and this is my first thread. I just wanted to post my new training routine that I made combining a few Strength/Bodybuilding programs I have used and ask you guys to review it cause this is the first time I have made my own routine. I am about 175 pounds and aim to compete next year so I am trying to put on some solid mass.
I train 4 days per week and every muscle group once per week( my body doesn't seem to handle much more when not on a cycle). I do about 9-12 sets per body part. I always start with a low rep power excrisise where I aim for going heavier every week and then move on to more isolation work for higher reps and slower negatives where I try to get the best pump possible. I don't record my rest period on the power movements but I rest about 1 minute between sets on the other sets.
All criticism is well appreciated! especially from you guys with a lot of bodybuilding experience
So here it is:
Monday - Chest/Delts
Barbell bench press 3x5 reps
Dumbbell pullover 12-10-8
Peck Deck 12-10-8
Standing barbell Millitarypress 2x5
Sitting dumbbell shoulder press 12-10
Bent over lateral raise 12-10-8
Cable lateral raise 12-10-8
Tuesday - Legs/calves
Squat 3x5
Leg press 12-10-8
Leg extension 12-10-8
superseted with
Leg curl 12-10-8
smith machine calf raise 20-15-12-10
sitting calf machine 12-10-8-6
Wednsday - REST
Thursday - Back/forearms
Deadlift 3x5
T-bar row(close grip) 12-10-8
Pulldown (wide nautral grip) 12-10-8
Cable row(close grip) 12-10-8
Barbell forearm curl 20-15-10
supersetted with
Barbell forearm reverse curl 10-12-8
Friday - Biceps/Triceps
Dips 3x5
Cable pressdown 12-10-8
one arm DB extend(behind head) 12-10-8
Ez-bar curl 3x5
Incline Db curl 12-10-8
Consentration curl 12-10-8
I train 4 days per week and every muscle group once per week( my body doesn't seem to handle much more when not on a cycle). I do about 9-12 sets per body part. I always start with a low rep power excrisise where I aim for going heavier every week and then move on to more isolation work for higher reps and slower negatives where I try to get the best pump possible. I don't record my rest period on the power movements but I rest about 1 minute between sets on the other sets.
All criticism is well appreciated! especially from you guys with a lot of bodybuilding experience
So here it is:
Monday - Chest/Delts
Barbell bench press 3x5 reps
Dumbbell pullover 12-10-8
Peck Deck 12-10-8
Standing barbell Millitarypress 2x5
Sitting dumbbell shoulder press 12-10
Bent over lateral raise 12-10-8
Cable lateral raise 12-10-8
Tuesday - Legs/calves
Squat 3x5
Leg press 12-10-8
Leg extension 12-10-8
superseted with
Leg curl 12-10-8
smith machine calf raise 20-15-12-10
sitting calf machine 12-10-8-6
Wednsday - REST
Thursday - Back/forearms
Deadlift 3x5
T-bar row(close grip) 12-10-8
Pulldown (wide nautral grip) 12-10-8
Cable row(close grip) 12-10-8
Barbell forearm curl 20-15-10
supersetted with
Barbell forearm reverse curl 10-12-8
Friday - Biceps/Triceps
Dips 3x5
Cable pressdown 12-10-8
one arm DB extend(behind head) 12-10-8
Ez-bar curl 3x5
Incline Db curl 12-10-8
Consentration curl 12-10-8