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1st Injection Ever.

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  • 1st Injection Ever.

    I just did my first injection ever on tuesday. I did the shot in my thigh. I felt like Dr.HunterSato tell you that much, I wasn't even nervous at all. There was a ton of research done before the administration of the medicine. Youtube, forums etc... All in it was really easy. My leg was a little sore that day felt like a mild charlie horse. Don't think I'll do a leg workout on the same day as injection lol.

  • #2
    Pimp shit bro try warming the vial to lessen the charlie horse effect. I can't say I wasn't nervous my first time I use to hate needles and now I look forward to my next dose every time.


    • #3
      Same here man.. It took me roughly a week before i worked up the balls to do my first pin.. Then after that i just looked forward to it also.


      • #4
        Hunter....that virgin muscle may be sore for a few days so just fight through it. get u some ibuprofen for the rough nights. Soon, you'll be like the rest of us.....taking our shots at 12:01 am on our pinning day. Keep it going bro.
        "Stop Crying and Lift!!!!!"


        • #5
          I think the but is the least uncomfortable. However I remember my first bicep shot was pretty sore the next few days. I think its best to only inj .5mL into a new virgin muscle to avoid pain.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mighty49er View Post
            Hunter....that virgin muscle may be sore for a few days so just fight through it. get u some ibuprofen for the rough nights. Soon, you'll be like the rest of us.....taking our shots at 12:01 am on our pinning day. Keep it going bro.
            LMAO! I thought I was the only one...LOL! Hi my name is Time Bandit and have a problem...LOL!
            Building my self for a better tomorrow.


            • #7
              Welcome to the Darkside.
              "GYM + JUICE"


              • #8
                Oh you boys, take it like a women and look forward to the first pinning and hoping there won't be a last..... LMAO
                I use to catch honey bees and wait for them to sting me before I let them go, time to women up...
                "it is nice to be important, but more important to be nice".


                • #9
                  That's just mean Mrs. Big remember
                  "it is nice to be important, but more important to be nice"

