Hello juicedmuscle,
Im 24 6'5" 245 former D-1 Tight End.. I've been Olympic lifting since 2005 (disgustingly natty). Always was two steps ahead of with nutrition. After college i took Winstrol for maybe a month and it blew my mind. I've always been heavy on supplements a-z GNC type stuff, but im getting ready to dive in something serious. Any quick direction on a good cycle to begin with. Definitely would like to include a heavy dose of Winstrol and maybe stay away from injections if possible, if not.. It is what it is.
Im 24 6'5" 245 former D-1 Tight End.. I've been Olympic lifting since 2005 (disgustingly natty). Always was two steps ahead of with nutrition. After college i took Winstrol for maybe a month and it blew my mind. I've always been heavy on supplements a-z GNC type stuff, but im getting ready to dive in something serious. Any quick direction on a good cycle to begin with. Definitely would like to include a heavy dose of Winstrol and maybe stay away from injections if possible, if not.. It is what it is.