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GP Superdrol

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  • #46
    I wasn't experienced with steroids back in the day...I was ALLLLLLL ABOUT pro-hormones. I could tell you about each pro hormones that was made. Nothing ever compared to Superdrol and M1T...nothing....I wish you guys experienced those compounds...especially superdrol. Yall would laugh at Diana...


    • #47
      Ive done SD (PH) cycle as a kicker to some epi and blew up! It was great. I bought a bunch from a couple diff companies cause they were blowing them out the door with sales cause stuff is on a list to be banned.

      I was planning ahead and going to use it as kickers for my test cycles.

      From my exp it took like 2 days to feel something, 3-5 days to notice strength and 3-7 days size was coming on exponentially!

      I havent taken a good look at the GP version yet.


      • #48
        Originally posted by BigWilley19 View Post
        Superdrol is the best best hing you will find, no bloat, pure lean mass and amazing strength...u need to take this stuff again if u think its wet..its not not my freidn and you will get strong as balls and be able to keep most of it because it is dry, and ur not loosing a bunch of extra water weight..however u better bridge into something so the cylce is longer than 4 wks so u can keep it, and better have a solid pct! SD is friggin amazing! and the sides are waaay overblown, only thing ive ever got is a lil bit of lethargy, super strong, and alot of muscle! SD=king...however have never tried M1t or methyl tren
        m1t is more wet then superdrol.. better strength and mass though.. VERY toxic,..if you though sd was toxic.. wait till you try m1t..


        • #49
          This stuff will be on the for sure list to try!
          Click On The Link Below Before You Place Your Order!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Liquid View Post
            This stuff will be on the for sure list to try!
            Stuff is insane.. you have to atleast try it bro .


            • #51
              Uncle was kind enough to let me try a sample for a promo on another site he was running. I'm only using 30mg per day along with gp oxy and I felt it hit after 2 days. I was already feeling insane from the oxy but their Superdroll packs a punch. Take it like dbol 20-30mg per day is more than enough to feel it.


              • #52
                Ok I'm jumping in here for Sams sake.. Valgurity, how old are you? Stats? Lifting and diet history?

                I have ran superdrol 6 times since 2004. By companies like CEL(mdrol), Kilo Sports, MrSupps(beastdrol),GP ect...

                Superdrol is a dry compound at a low dose of 20mgs or so, but I normally ran 40 to sometimes 50mgs of sdrol.. It does arotamize so at higher dosages it is kind of watery.. But if you control your sodium and have a decent diet.. Then bloat will not be a worry.

                BUT... You do not lose the gains that quickly, I'd compare it to dbol in fashion of losing gains.
                Sdrol put 20lbs on me every time I took it, I get horrible leg and calf cramps on it.. And trust me my water intake is plenty.

                I normally keep around 8lbs after a full pct and a few weeks of recovery.. With the right diet, training, and pct regime then this steroid can be very versatile in ones cycle.

                If you have any questions, feel free to pm me.. I'm very experienced with PHs such as sdrol,epi,hdrol, ect.
                Last edited by bishop22; 03-23-2013, 02:18 AM.

