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GP Superdrol

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  • GP Superdrol

    right on. looks like a new addition to the line up of products Geneza is making. i've never run the stuff personally, but i hear it packs quite a punch.
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  • #2
    I used Superdrol back in the day...superdrol back in the day was better than the actual dbol I had last year, I swear! If it's the same compound that was banned, OMG...This was in 2004 btw...Superdrol was the best damn thing ever!!! This was from personal experience...i went from a twig to a tree...hehe...I was only on it for three weeks..I couldn't go all the way to the 4th week...I tried, but I couldn't. And as soon as I stopped taking it, I went back to that twig size...but damn it sure did work while you were on on it!!!! I was so mad that Bush banned prohormones because I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEDDDDD Superdrol!!!!!!! You will gain instantly....and you will lose instantly...THERE IS NO PCT that will help you keep your gains...YOU WILL NOT!!! LMAO... Superdrol was def. a magic pill...I dont care what anybody say...If you are skinny, IT IS A MAGICAL pill...I wouldn't advise thick people to take Superdol. Superdrol, I believe, was meant for skinny people...because you didn't get STRENGTH with this ProHormone, just have a lot of WATERY weight i said, I went from a twig to a tree in three doesn't matter how you diet or train...just pop some superdrol and you will get bigger in a day...I's magic.... Sam says he heard it packs a punch...more like A KNOCKOUT BLOW...yall think I'm advertising, but damn...I'm not...I'm just so excited seeing it...but I'm not going to order's not for me anymore...If I was like SKINNY, then hell yea! I'm for it!!! But it's very depressing to see all that watery Mass DISSAPPEAR AS SOON AS YOU's like you were deflated and everyone at the gym will be like, "MAN, sick?" What happened"? You will GET GYNO from SUPERDROL! I dont care if you're not prone to will still get a lump under your nipple...back then there was a natural test booster called Nolvadex (SERIOUSLY)... you order it with Superdrol and Liver Support, which they called it "PErfect Cycle" i thinkl...I's been years ago, but if you didn't take that natural test booster after you finish your superdrol cycle, YOU WILL 100 PERCENT have a lump under atleast one of your nipples...I shit you not...
    Senior Member
    Last edited by Vulgarity; 04-08-2012, 01:09 AM.


    • #3
      Can I get a witness???


      • #4
        You don't lose it all, I kept most my size on Anadrol!!


        • #5
          I'm talking about superdrol..not anadrol, axxium


          • #6
            oh Methasterone


            • #7
              vulgarity, so let me get this like superdrol?
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              • #8
                Lol, you're being facetious???


                • #9
                  i'm considering using it during a larger cycle. i think it would make a great kick start to a faster acting cycle. imagine if you did something like...

                  wk 1-8
                  prop and npp

                  wk 1-3

                  for me, it takes a good 10 days to 2 wks to really feel the full effect of prop, so if i could bang in something like sdrol for 3 wks, throw on a bunch of size, by the time i'd come off the oral, the injects would allow me to hold a good deal of size and strength.
                  Senior Member
                  Last edited by sam1976; 04-08-2012, 01:16 AM.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vulgarity View Post
                    Lol, you're being facetious???
                    haha, of course! you got me all excited to try the stuff. so what were the reasons you couldnt make it through 4 wks? i hear the sides can be harsh
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                    • #11
                      There is no doubt in my mind (If it's the same product) you will gain. MAtter of fact, Superdrol would be PERFECT if you didn't lose it as SOON as you stop. You think I'm kidding, but try I wasnt on any other gear...I never used steroids back then (Prohormones were my cup of tea), but I still believe, it doesn't matter...It will vanish once you stop.. EVEN though you are taking Prop and other gear with it...You have to realize, you will start feeling the superdrol INSTANTLY...THE PUMPS ARE AMAZZZZZZZZING...The best pumps EVER!!!! It feels like you did 10000 reps during your workout...when you are done, that's how your chest will look...that's how your arms will look... I could never keep the gains from's impossible...It's to the point where...I started not to cycle superdrol anymore....I got to the point where if I was going to go out on Saturday night, I would start taking Superdrol on Wednesday and be REAL BIG by that Saturday's like that joke. You will feel like garbage on SD I COULD NOT COULD NOT COULD NOT go for 4 weeks on it...I had the worst pressure dealing with my balls...I had discomfort in my abdominal region..I felt like I had MONO...Matter of fact, EVERY SYMPTOM you get with Mono, you can EXPECT WITH SUPERDROL....NO ENERGY WHAT SO EVER OUTSIDE THE the gym...GREAT!...Outside the GYM...LETHARGY!!! But that's what a very POWERFUL prohormone like Superdrol would do...

                      Sam, do it...just do it...because I never incorporate steroids with superdrol....if you manage to keep the mass you gain, I SWEAR I'll save this ANadrol for a friend and order some superdrol for my BULK cycle in October. Please make a blog of your Superdrol, Test, NPP Cycle...You guys have no idea, if he's able to keep his "WET AS HELL" gains from Superdrol, I will NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER cycle again w/o SUperdrol!!!!


                      • #12
                        go for it sam! I just used it to kickstart my test cycle. ran it at 20mg ED for 4 weeks. gained 20lbs in 4 weeks and ive kept it all so far (im 8 weeks been off SD for 4 weeks now. obviously the test is helping so thats why SD+test is money. youll love it...huge strength gains as well.


                        • #13
                          and vulgarity...SD is a very dry compound...not wet at all.


                          • #14
                            A lot of steroid side effects are visual...Superdrol side effects are not visual. The only visual side effect would be GYNO (IN my experience) and GETTING HELLA BIG...HOWEVER!!! The side effects ARE internal....It' sjust like Mono..that's the perfect analogy....


                            • #15
                              I swEAR TO GOD IT'S NO WHERE CLOSE TO DRY....I SWEAR IT'S THE WETTEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE...That's the reason why you dont keep anything!!!! And it's instant.... IT's INSTANT!!! Like crack high is instant...this shit is instant

